Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 15.0%

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Dec 23, 2004
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Poll; for Other means if you have three kids b ut you did breastfed to two of them and not one.


Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed.

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed?

Did/do you breastfed in public?

Was you breastfed by your mom?

My answer for above- Was I breastfed by my mom?

No, because I was allergic to milk. I drank dry milk with water in the bottle.
Answers in pink

Did/Do you breastfed your baby? Yes I did

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed. Yep it hurt for few weeks then got use to it

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)almost 14 months

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? Yes

Did/do you breastfed in public? with blanket

Was you breastfed by your mom? Nope

Did/Do you breastfed your baby? Yes, I breastfed both my daughters when they were babies.

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed. At first when my baby was learning how to latch on, it did hurt a bit but after a while it doesn't hurt anymore.

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to) 12 months with my first child and 18 months with my second child.

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? Yes

Did/do you breastfed in public? Yes but with a blankie over for privacy.

Was you breastfed by your mom? Yes
My answers are the same as the 2 above. I did breastfeed, it hurt at first, but was worth sticking it out, and I used a blanket in public. No, I wasn't breastfed, because back then, formula was all the rage.
Poll; for Other means if you have three kids b ut you did breastfed to two of them and not one.


Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed.

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed?

Did/do you breastfed in public?

Was you breastfed by your mom?

My answer for above- Was I breastfed by my mom?

No, because I was allergic to milk. I drank dry milk with water in the bottle.

To answer all your question, here my answer.

1. Yes, breast feed about four months and then forumla.
2. Yes it hurts for a while. But you get use to it. Beside, Breast milk is best for babies.
3. I breast feed for about 4 months.
4. Yes I do feel comfortable most of the time.
5. I hardly breast feed in public because I am always at home lot. But if I have company I breast feed with a blanet covered.
6. My mother didn t breast me back then I had so many formula I was allgeric to most of them.
I breast fed 8 babies. One of nine I didn't. He is the only child I don't have a really close bond with.

I dealt with a few of the normal problems. but they were all easily handled and I found it was well worth any discomfort I encountered.

All of my children have been extremely healthy. Other than injuries, we didn't have many extra doctor visits. 2 had ther appendix removed when they were older.

they all have great teeth. I never did.

They are all good parents and believe in close family connection. (all but the three who aren't parents yet)

I attribute much of this good fortune to breast feeding.
I asked my gf to suck my nipple to see what's like when baby sucks it.

I do feel so good. *shurg*
Sorry if I brought it up. :)
Did/Do you breastfed your baby? Yes, I did breastfed my son

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed? It did hurt at first when Tristan is trying to latch on...but it didn't hurt afterwards.

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to) 6 weeks....I wanted to breast feed Tristan longer but my milk stopped coming in.

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? Yes I did feel Comfortable to breastfeed my son...it's natural thing to do.

Did/do you breastfed in public? Yes, with a blanket

Was you breastfed by your mom? No, I was adopted
Poll; for Other means if you have three kids b ut you did breastfed to two of them and not one.


Did/Do you breastfed your baby? (Yes, both of my children)

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed. (At first, then later it was fine)

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)(Daughter for 9 months, Son for 8 months)

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? (yes)

Did/do you breastfed in public? (yes, with blanket for privacy)

Was you breastfed by your mom? (no)

Breast feeding sometimes hurt. You have to learn, and the baby has to learn how the baby should be latched on. If they baby latches on incorrectly then it hurts. But I had a lactation nurse help guide me to learn the best ways of breastfeeding.

It is always best to breastfeed.
Did/Do you breastfed your baby? Yes, I am currently breastfeeding Avery; but I did not breastfeed my other two children. I will definately breastfeed any other children that we have.

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed.The first 3 weeks it DID hurt. But after that, I don't even notice it. It's something that you -as well as the baby- have to learn, and get used to..and make sure the latch is correct. She is 10 weeks old now, and I have enjoyed it for almost the entire time.

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)Right now we are going on 11 weeks of exclusively breastfeeding. I plan to continue as long as we are both happy breastfeeding, I would love to make it to 1yr.

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? Yes. I use the lying down position at night, and so when she wakes up to nurse, I just latch her on, and we both go back to sleep! It is awesome.

Did/do you breastfed in public? Yes. I have breastfed in public since the DAY we came home from the hospital-litterally. I have never had any problems doing it, I am just feeding my baby so there is no issue for me doing so.

Was you breastfed by your mom? Yes I was, though I am not sure for how long.
Poll; for Other means if you have three kids b ut you did breastfed to two of them and not one.


Did/Do you breastfed your baby? No, I couldn't with my 3 children as I had no milk

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed. Yes, it DID with my 1st one in hospital until the nurses realized I had no milk

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to) About 10 days to no avail

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? I did at the beginning

Did/do you breastfed in public? N/A

Was you breastfed by your mom? Yes


Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

With my first son, I didn't breastfeed him but however, I did breastfeed my 2nd son.

Did it hurt?

It only hurts when the breast was full of milk. Other than that, it wasn't too bad.

How long breastfed?

Until he was 1 year old

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed?

At first, It felt weird and awkward but after a while, I got used to it. It takes time to get the hang of it.

Did/do you breastfed in public?

Yes, Of course I used a baby blanket for privacy.

Was you breastfed by your mom?

No, I wasn't.
Poll; for Other means if you have three kids b ut you did breastfed to two of them and not one.


Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

With my first, tried but failed cuz she refused to latch on for 2 weeks.

With my 2nd, yes

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed.

With my 2nd, yes it hurted but I stuck it out and it got better.
How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to)
With my 2nd, for 6 months..I had to stop cuz my heart condition acted up and had to go back to strong meds for my heart.

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed?

Did/do you breastfed in public?
Yes, with blanket

Was you breastfed by your mom?

My answer for above- Was I breastfed by my mom?

No, because I was allergic to milk. I drank dry milk with water in the bottle.

As for breat-fed babies being less sick than formula-fed babies, I am unsure about it cuz my daughter who was formula-fed hasnt had a cold in like 3 years while my son who was breast-fed has problems with asthma, allergies, and colds constantly. However, I do agree that it is better for the baby's sake to breastfeed.
My sister breastfed 5 children with no problems at all but as they grew up, they all had colds/flu and was ill a lot of the time. Whereas I couldn't breastfeed mine and they had very few sicknesses while growing up. Go figure. :dunno:
My sister breastfed 5 children with no problems at all but as they grew up, they all had colds/flu and was ill a lot of the time. Whereas I couldn't breastfeed mine and they had very few sicknesses while growing up. Go figure. :dunno:

Interesting...My brother and I werent breastfed..I got sick a lot, he didnt. Go figure, too! LOL!

Sorry for offtopic!!!
The natural antibodies in the breast milk is passed on to the baby. and YES it helps prevent colds. Makes the baby stronger to fight against illnesses.

Less allergies due to the baby is not being exposed to COW milk, Lactose at a such young age.
Did/Do you breastfed your baby? I breastfed both of my girls - but I had to supplement with formula because I didn't have enough milk. It took several doctors and laction specialists to finally realize that some women, although it is RARE, do have low milk production. The most important thing that I wanted to give them was the colossum during the first few days after birth.

Did it hurt? Since, I heard from some women saying that it's pretty hurt a bit when breastfed. If you do it right (meaning the baby is latching on properly) it should not hurt you. If you hurt, try readjusting the position and help the baby latch on properly. If your milk is full, your breasts will felel full and it will be uncomfortable. (use cold cabbage leaves on it - it helped me!)

How long breastfed?(For women who used to breastfed to) 6 weeks - I wanted to go longer but it was too hard for me with going back to work and trying to find a time to pump, etc. Looking back, I wished I tried to go for at least 4 months.

Did/do you feel comfortable to breastfed? Loved it... I miss nursing more than anything.

Did/do you breastfed in public? Yes - the kid's gotta eat

Was you breastfed by your mom? No. It was considered "dirty"
i was never breastfed from my mom cuz i was allgery to her milk and other ALOT of milk ^^;;
I was breastfed yes but my sister hardly was since my mom was too busy with her job and etc and my brother not very often so I was told that i was breastfed the most could explain why I love milk so much. <.< so I just heard that breastfeeding can help bring better nutrion (sp) system into the baby than with regular or forumal milk can. But its usually only an option on all mothers when it comes to feeding the child anyway.
I didn't breastfeed my babies, I wish I did because I was told that breastfed babies did not have ear infections as much as the ones who didn't and breastfeeding also cuts down on risk of breast cancer. :dunno: