Deodorant Brand?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
What kind of deodorant do you use, how often do you use it, and how long does it usually last (the product, not the lack of sweating)?

I've had different friends tell me that their kind of deodorant works best. One guy has the spray-on kind, but he tends to overdo it and goes through a whole can per week. Another friend uses the gel kind and says it works well on him.

So, just wondering...
I use Dove solid too, once per day. :)
Let me guess... you shave your armpits? ;)

Yeah, I do! It's just that I've never sweated very much, even at the gym. My forehead and neck do get sweaty at times in the humidity, or the gym, but never had an odor under my armpits....
One thing I do have, is oily hair! (Roots) I guess that's where the sweat is going.
Dove solid. Smells pretty, works great, but probably not manly enough for you Vampy.
Scented/Sport Old Spice most of times.

Sometime I use Calvin Klein deodorant.

I don't sweat that easy, so I just do it once a day daily.
I use Old Spice long lasting version. It's because I do lot of physical activity at work.
I use Dove original clean invisible solid and apply one time in the morning.
I dont remember what brand i have because i only buy whatever they were on sale. ;) sometimes they don't work after several hours later. :shrug:
Seems the young guys are still using Old Spice! It's been around for ages, and I've always loved the smell, especially the after shave lotion.....

My boys use Axe and Degree.
Never a fan of Axe and I kept getting reactions to Old Spice (even though I think it smells great and it always did the trick)