December 21st, 2012

:roll: not going to happen. it's no different than those who said the world would come to an end in 2000 or 6/6/2006 (the latter being a reference to 666 in the book of revelation).
No humans know when the end of world will happen. I don't worry about it.
people have been speculating when the end of the world will occur for centuries. it's nothing new.
some people are so confuse as they think it would be on 12-12-12.
to those who believe it - well get off AD and do what you wanna do in your life before your time's up! you have 3 years left! :cool2:
Now if that dreadful day does arrive (yeah right), what will come afterwards?
Now if that dreadful day does arrive (yeah right), what will come afterwards?

just your alarm clock screaming at you to get to work and your boss telling you to stay in work longer :mad2:


**It's a pix of boss from movie called Office Space. The boss's holding a cup of coffee, talking to worker in obnoxious tone to "ask" you to stay in work longer or to come into work on Saturday to do some extra work.
Now if that dreadful day does arrive (yeah right), what will come afterwards?
That day will come; we just don't know when.

Some people will enjoy the beautiful new world that results; some will not be able to enjoy it.
"There is no death, only a change of worlds."
Duwamish (Native American)
:roll: No sciencific proves.

Still forwarded to watch the 2012 movie, just enjoy to watch anyway lol.
Yes, it could happen ANY day, ANY time in the near future. We won't know WHEN it will happen. But.....

there's always a HOPE out there for everyone. Hope is STILL there. :)