Deaf view on a CI kid... its a bummer..

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Yeah, SO ?????????????????????????

I said "How are hearing parents going to communicate with their CI children when they're not wearing their implants" if their hearing parents are NOT REQUIRED to learn sign language?

How is that related to my general opinion of ASL for the deaf children of the hearing parents ? and how is that excluding the full immersion in ASL and deaf culture if parent himself doesn't sign?

Take sign language classes, or look it up, it not so hard to do..

Did you bother to read this:

Yes but it still does not answer my question....
And it ISN'T so ????

is there a LAW that says it's ONLY ASL that is allowed to use with deaf child? when did we miss such proclamation?

And why is the parent who decides NOT to sign JUST HiMSELF is excluding his child from participating in deaf culture in OTHER WAYS?


I'm just thriller that none of these hearing parents here are like you, it seem you would put yourself first before your deaf child, how sad....
And it ISN'T so ????

is there a LAW that says it's ONLY ASL that is allowed to use with deaf child? when did we miss such proclamation?

And why is the parent who decides NOT to sign JUST HiMSELF is excluding his child from participating in deaf culture in OTHER WAYS?


I never applied that sign language is the universal, but sign language can be added for the most useful tool to communicate and receive information. And Parents should introduce deaf children to language as early as possible which meaning both signs and speech, not sign only, not speech only but both. It helps the child's development of language skills.
Oh yeah??? Exactly, WHAT am I recommending according to YOU, pray tell?
Exactly WHAT? I am so curious what did I do this time...

Would you please explain to me what do you mean "sign not required or even needed"?

because I disctintly remember saying that hearing PARENT is not required to know ASL in order to specifically to communicate with his deaf child. That's all.

BUT that does not mean the hearing parent also excludes the possibility od providing the deaf enviroment for the very same child.
A hearing parent may chose not to sign himself, but he can very well chose to surround his deaf child with deaf peers, with sign courses, take the child to the deaf clubs and organizations. And won't that be enough for the child to be fluent in sign language and have connection with deaf culture?

EXACTLY. that's my point the whole time.
so, basically you confirm that deaf parents do not have to work as hard for their hearing kids as the hearing parenst have to for their deaf children. Period.

no, you only said MOST,
and in addition, you tried to make it look like once again the deaf people - this time - deaf parents, are being abused. never mind that this was almost exact copy of your text.

You didn't spoke the truth. You accused MOST hearing parents of being lazy. Do you have proof that MOST parents are lazy? do you have studies, statistics to back up your statement?

My point is, if you have audacity to insult MOST hearing parents as lazy, you better be a shining example as an extra hard working DEAF parent YOURSELF, or you have nothing.

I am not denying that out there are SOME hearing parents that do not do what they should for their deaf children.
THE SAME WAY as out there are DEAF parents who do nothing to meet needs of their hearing children.
The same as any hearing parent may neglect its hearing children, and the same as any deaf parent may neglect its deaf children - everywhere.

I am seeying your opinion for what's it WORTH.

And yeah, the sheep-like followers jumped to your defence immediately, giving the pats to a suddenly "attacked" "good mother".

I never
said you were bad mother, or imply such - for the record.
I simply asked what did you do that would qualify as going out of your way to assist your hearing children. You did NOTHING. things developed naturally, by themselves. That's the point. and yet you pointed fingers at hearing parents as bad.

You were WRONG about your feeling many times before. and yet you still rely on it, instead on true hard FACTS.

No, it was worse, somebody said MOST hearing parents.

How come when I mocked the post and put "deaf" in place of "hearing", suddenly everybody was in uproar, protesting? Didn't like it? didn't consider it to be true? Then how come it is OK to call hearing parents that, but not the deaf ones? all I did was switch words.

Did you relocated, went from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, therapy to therapy, hearing group to hearing group, and so on, in order to find the best accommodations for your children? did you got speech therapy in order to speak your best to your children? did you spend hours and hours trying to teach them sign langauge and lipreading WITHOUT knowing it yourself? and the list could go on...

Go back and re-read some my earlier posts. All I did in them was talking about my hearing parents.
even with some possibly removed, even those to which you replied.
btw that shows how much you care about anything but your POV.

oh okay I'll do that for you

will that suffice?

jesus. it was right next to NOT ONLY I witnessed it in real life, I stood up in defence - it's called sarcasm.

yes, my parents were insulted by generalization "most hearing parents are lazy". If they weren't, why are you accusing me of this:

I said EXACTLY the same thing as someone did. in fact, ALL I did was to switch from "hearing" to "deaf" in appropriate places. It wasn't even my sentence. This is the exact SAME TEXT as somebody's who wrote it IN THE FIRST PLACE.
So how come "nobody" is insulting hearing parents, but I AM insulting the deaf ones?
That's having double morals.

I see. nobody is going to apologize to me for expecting me to read minds and know that she made a grammar mistake, but I am required to accept the apology.

I did, btw. but that is not the point.


You know, I wouldn't shrug if I was you, because it is YOU who constantly mixes two, three topics at once and confuses everything. That is why asked you to chose what you want to discuss.

NOT everything.

and your point is?

I am responding the same way YOU frequently respond to MY many questions directed at other people. I was aware your question wasn't for me.

And what does that have to do with earlier question about CI suddenly failing in an older ALIVE and WELL child?

First of all, my question wasn't how parents help to develope children's brain. My question was, what exactly was SO SPECIAL somebody did to make her children hear?? the ansqwer is NOTHING special.

the kids were born hearing, and their hearing developed naturally. she didn't bent backwards to help develop the sense of hearing in them - that's my point. she wasn't one of those extra - hard working parents.

Besides I think it was you who told me that some hearing children of deaf parents are delayed in their oral langauge development, and don't speak until they start preschool or kindergarten. or special help comes home and help these children. something like that.

yes I know. what does that has to do with anything?

I think I was asking Cheri. But I still don't see her reply.


And just for the record, when I use bold letters and underlying it because I want to accentuate the importance of these.

Be careful, fuzzy. One of these days you are just going to explode.
Good points, Bear. From my experience, I know of 3 cases where the CI itself stopped working. That's 3 in about 20 CI users I have worked with in the last 5 years. The others do have working CIs but about half of them don't fully benefit from their CIs for whatever reasons while the other half do. Those numbers may not be 100% accurate but that's in the ballpark figure from my experience alone. Like Dreama said, what worked in controlled settings may not always work in non-controlled settings.

Whatever it is worth, I am just glad those children can communicate in ASL. I wonder what happens if the child doesn't know sign language and that child's CI malfunctions? I know of one story that was posted here on AD last year about a boy's CI getting stolen. That's a perfect example of how critical of knowing ASL is.

I second that post!
I notice there are hardly any hearing parents posting on here anymore, even the ones who chose to sign along with using the CI. I wonder if they find that this isn't a very positive place where constructive advice is given?

If I was going to be more positive and constructive and this is how I'd go about doing it.

"Hi parent. I know you love and care about your child very much. I understand that your decision to go ahead with the CI was probably not a choice that was made easily, or without careful thought. I understand that you wish to increase choices for your child in life and for him or her to be a part of your mainly hearing family. That is great and I think that a loving parent for any deaf child is a blessing. While I have personal feelings about CIs on children, I accept that as a parent, you have made this decision on behalf of your child.

There are some things you should know about what it feels like to be deaf. Sometimes a deaf child may feel like they are the only ones like them in their mainstream educational setting and may feel lonely and isolated .......(continue about benefits of being with other deaf children like them either in an after school social setting or educational if that is desirable and possible. Also adult role models could be discussed.)

The CI has been shown to work well in most cases, but in a significant minority of cases it has not benefited the child. For this reason, I think it would be good to have a communication plan that includes this possibility. There are advantages to beginning with sign language prior to the CI for all deaf children. Some studies have shown that in young children, if sign is commenced early on, there is no disadvantage to oral language acquired after the CI and in fact, there are convenient benefits in continuing with the sign language since the child is completely deaf without the CI, such as at bedtime, at the pool and when the child is having down time. The child may later on also appreciate that you have taken the time and effort to learn sign for them and feel special and loved....."

Continue along the same vein. Maybe someone could create a positive constructive thread for parents that could be made a sticky?

I just think that by making statements with the word "lazy" "selfish" etc just turns people off. I know as a deaf person, I would switch off immediately if someone made such statements about deaf people, even if it was made clear that it didn't include me personally. I remember when growing up people used to say "black people....blah blah" and I would say, "me?" and they'd say "no, not you, you're not like them." And somehow I'd leave not feeling very convinced.

At the moment, I just look at the existing threads and shake my head. It's just negative and in practice it probably might hurt the deaf child of those parents who may be lurking because they develop the idea that the community hates them for the choice they made on behalf of their child and as such they will avoid contact with it even if they are open to using sign.

I think people need to appear to be less black and white (even if they feel that way) and more pragmatic and realistic.

Why would a parent considering an implant for their child want to post here and subject themselves to the verbal bashing that virtually every parent of a ci child has been subjected to by certain members of this forum?

Why have some fine and decent parents either stopped posting or very rarely post?

Do you think it has something to do with the fact that every aspect of their decision to do what they believe is best for their child is picked apart, analyzed and critiqued?

Do you think it has something to do that no matter how many times they explain their position, it is ignored at best and at worst completely taken out of context.

No, the parents are not identifying themselves here but they are going to the various blogs some of our current and former members have started and they are meeting with ci adults and ci families.

But most of all they are continuing to have their children implanted and there is nothing the negative forces on those forum can do to prevent and/or change that.
Why would a parent considering an implant for their child want to post here and subject themselves to the verbal bashing that virtually every parent of a ci child has been subjected to by certain members of this forum?

Why have some fine and decent parents either stopped posting or very rarely post?

Do you think it has something to do with the fact that every aspect of their decision to do what they believe is best for their child is picked apart, analyzed and critiqued?

Do you think it has something to do that no matter how many times they explain their position, it is ignored at best and at worst completely taken out of context.

No, the parents are not identifying themselves here but they are going to the various blogs some of our current and former members have started and they are meeting with ci adults and ci families.

But most of all they are continuing to have their children implanted and there is nothing the negative forces on those forum can do to prevent and/or change that.

Ever think about following them?
I think ALL hearin' parent/s should LEARN sign language for the sake of a deaf child. It also will help a deaf child to KNOW that she/or he is NOT alone who is deaf. ASL is somethin' that it will represent to this deaf child that there's many DEAF people out there where she/or he will meet someday. That's HOW the ASL is introduced. Without ASL, it will NEVER be introduced for the deaf child to meet new DEAF people when the deaf child grows up.

I believe that a deaf child has that rights to get to know what's the " other " side of the world really is.

My reason for thinking the parents should make an effort to learn sign is different. I am much more concerned with the language deprivation issues if the children werent able to pick up on spoken language and end up language delayed. That's my primary reason...for immersing the Deaf culture, I know it is not realistic for every child cuz some live in places where there are no other deaf children for hundreds of miles out. It would be a nice bonus.

I know it is hard for parents to learn and become fluent in it right away which is why I advocate for BiBi programs at the educational setting and be the role model for ASL or signing rather than put the burden on the parents. However, I have seen the differences in children's language development when their parents do learn sign. It should be about the child's needs first and language development is very very critical for future success with literacy.
There was many numeric of times, I've brought up an important advice to those hearing parents of deaf children on this board to have access to natural sign language, I've read by those parents that they have use the natural sign language, but then stopped using it because it was no needed for it anymore because of that the child reply on speech. If they're turned off on how we are so much against cochlear implant on children, it's the same way with some of us who are turned off on how they don't want to use signs anymore because it's no longer in needed.

It's great that implant children can reply on speech, but what ever happened to compromise? Parents should keep using signs because their child language will development to a higher level. Parents should never choosing one mode of communication and rejecting others, It won't work.

There are many and many parents out there who made inappropriate decisions on doing what's right for their child, and thinks this is the best decision. But, it's not always the truth. Sometimes it's worth listening to others . I know parents have tried their best; but that doesn't mean their best always successful, sometimes it'll go downhill. That's why there are many options of communication that is offer to them. They have to try as many communication as possible to determined which is best. One mode of communication is not always better.

Those children who are implant are not going to be able to communicate on the same relaxed, free level as hearing peers no matter how hard you try. No one can predict the future, but those parents have a chance to use all communication skills with their child, the early they do it, the more successful of their child's language will development for the better.

ASL is as important to many of us just as spoken language is important to hearing people. One is not better than the other and if has shown that deaf kids benefit from using both, why resist ASL?
Why would a parent considering an implant for their child want to post here and subject themselves to the verbal bashing that virtually every parent of a ci child has been subjected to by certain members of this forum?

They were not the only ones that had been verbal bashed, we were also been verbal bashed by hearing parents for stating our opinion. Please look at both sides instead of one side Rick.

Why have some fine and decent parents either stopped posting or very rarely post?

Maybe they couldn't handle the heat, If you can't handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen that's one of my favorite quote. :mrgreen:

Do you think it has something to do with the fact that every aspect of their decision to do what they believe is best for their child is picked apart, analyzed and critiqued?

It takes time for deaf people to get the understanding the reason beyond it all. the real reason why the children were being implanted, not because the deaf community is against cochlear implants itself, Just mostly children with cochlear implant. It doesn't take overnight for the deaf to accept cochlear implant in children. If parents made a choice to implanted their deaf child in order to hear only, in my opinion that's wrong. Nobody must live in the world in order to hear. Language development is the most important than having hearing.

Do you think it has something to do that no matter how many times they explain their position, it is ignored at best and at worst completely taken out of context.

You, parents have ignored us too, when we tried to give you ideas, feedbacks, opinions and suggestions.
My reason for thinking the parents should make an effort to learn sign is different. I am much more concerned with the language deprivation issues if the children werent able to pick up on spoken language and end up language delayed. That's my primary reason...for immersing the Deaf culture, I know it is not realistic for every child cuz some live in places where there are no other deaf children for hundreds of miles out. It would be a nice bonus.

I know it is hard for parents to learn and become fluent in it right away which is why I advocate for BiBi programs at the educational setting and be the role model for ASL or signing rather than put the burden on the parents. However, I have seen the differences in children's language development when their parents do learn sign. It should be about the child's needs first and language development is very very critical for future success with literacy.

I concur.....and not just success with literacy, but with the soicalization and psychological development of children as well.
I do not advocate CI's in children at this point for many reasons

Bear, since you yourself said you understand the value of hearing, and you can't imagine not having hearing if there is a way, I am most curious about this:

I do not advocate CI's in children at this point for many reasons

Could you please explain what are these reasons?

Be careful, fuzzy. One of these days you are just going to explode.

Many times you complained of me being unable to comprehend. But how many times do I have to ask you to keep your personal demeaning "advices" to yourself? and you call yourself psychologist.
If you don't have anything constructive to add that's relevant to the topic, say nothing.

Come on neecy. Have you caught fuzzitis? Don't start making innacurate accusations. No one here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL..

Neecy can think for herself, psychologist. She is not making innacurate accusations - it's already happening. Just read how some people are put off because a CI child has stopped using sign - and on its own, at that-, which is most likely temporarily anyway.
And no one here is recommending complete immersion in hearing and oral only enviroment either.
This is just an unfortunate misinterpretation that hatched in some unfortunate brains, even those with degrees and while doing more degrees.
As for the rest of your post, read THIS again:

I have, ever since coming to this forum, advocated BOTH sign and speech education for CI-implanted children. BOTH. NOT JUST SIGN... NOT JUST SPEECH.... BUT BOTH!!!!!

So before you start telling ME that I'm misrepresenting things and spreading in accuracies, PLEASE know who you are talking to.

And as to saying that nobody here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL - just read some of the threads Sweetmind has started on this very topic.

again. and again.. and again... and again... and again... and again...

I never applied that sign language is the universal, but sign language can be added for the most useful tool to communicate and receive information. And Parents should introduce deaf children to language as early as possible which meaning both signs and speech, not sign only, not speech only but both. It helps the child's development of language skills.

yes, but who says it's REQUIRED of parents to sign? that was my question.
and since when a deaf child is unable to obtain sign language and participate in deaf culture if the parents does not sign?

There was many numeric of times, I've brought up an important advice to those hearing parents of deaf children on this board to have access to natural sign language, I've read by those parents that they have use the natural sign language, but then stopped using it because it was no needed for it anymore because of that the child reply on speech. If they're turned off on how we are so much against cochlear implant on children, it's the same way with some of us who are turned off on how they don't want to use signs anymore because it's no longer in needed.

I understand where are you coming from, but if the child does not want to sign, it wants to speak, how is forcing it to use a sign language being productive?
It's only a child, who can return to SL at any later point in life. Most likely - sooner than later.

I'm just thriller that none of these hearing parents here are like you, it seem you would put yourself first before your deaf child, how sad....

And what kind of parent am I?
I am suprised you got to know me so well considering you never met me, and you seem to be missing many of my posts (since 2005).
You have no slightest clue what would I do as a parent of a deaf child.

"How are hearing parents going to communicate with their CI children when they're not wearing their implants" if their hearing parents are NOT REQUIRED to learn sign language?

They can use gestures invented by and comprehensible for both the child and the parent. They can draw pictures, they can write if the child is old enough to read, they can speak directly into their ear if possible, they can speak with careful lip movement. That's for starters.

How in the world did all of you deaf who'se hearing parents never signed communicated with them, then? judging by your opinions, it wasn't even possible.
One can only wonder how did you got raised up into successful adults?

Did you bother to read this:

Yes but it still does not answer my question....

One moment, please. care to read it again:

Originally Posted by neecy
And as to saying that nobody here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL -

Are you 100% sure? hmm maybe you should re-read Fuzzy's post again...

not only it doesn't make any sense - because why would I recommend complete immersion in ASL and deaf culture,
where does it says it is in relation to CI children? first you screwed up with Neecy, now you want to do that to me?
would you please refrain for twisting and manipulating sentences so you can look good?

Anyway - now you got it. my reply.

I think ALL hearin' parent/s should LEARN sign language for the sake of a deaf child. It also will help a deaf child to KNOW that she/or he is NOT alone who is deaf. ASL is somethin' that it will represent to this deaf child that there's many DEAF people out there where she/or he will meet someday. That's HOW the ASL is introduced. Without ASL, it will NEVER be introduced for the deaf child to meet new DEAF people when the deaf child grows up.

I believe that a deaf child has that rights to get to know what's the " other " side of the world really is.

yes, but the parent is not the only person who can teach a child sign langauge. a parent can, for example pay for signing lessons and take the child to deaf playgrounds etc, without needing to learn SL himself.
That it would be more reasonable for the parent to learn it also, IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY.

yes, but the parent is not the only person who can teach a child sign langauge. a parent can, for example pay for signing lessons and take the child to deaf playgrounds etc, without needing to learn SL himself.
That it would be more reasonable for the parent to learn it also, IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY.


That's why I believe in putting the child in a BiBi environment for language development because it is impossible for the parents to learn ASL overnight. Could it be that the parents be the spoken model and the school be the ASL model IF, only IF the child can understand speech? If the child doesnt, then I believe it is critical for the parents to learn sign. If they cant, then the child's language development will progress slower than those whose parents sign.
You did? :eek3:

As I remember when I got in a debate with you way back, You said something along a line about how it was the parents choice to choose which communication method that they prefer to use with their child Do you remember even saying that?

Yes its a parent's choice. I'm not a parent. If I were, I would CHOSE sign and speech. I prefer that, but I can't force MY beliefs on somebody else, can I? There's a difference between supporting something, and saying that everybody has to agree with me.
Bear, since you yourself said you understand the value of hearing, and you can't imagine not having hearing if there is a way, I am most curious about this:

Could you please explain what are these reasons?


I understand the value of my own hearing, however, I do not understand the value others place in theirs or their own children.

I am a different case than MOST of the CIers here. I grew up hearing and wasw hearing for 14 years. SO I cannot compare my reasons for a CI against theirs. Same way I cannot compare my reasons for wanting a CI against someone who doesnt. That is not a fair comparison.

As for my reasons of not implanting children, Im learning the hard way to stay out of that debate. Look what happens here when ANYONE posts an opinion?

But, being as you asked I will state ONE small reason I have for not implanting.

1. When implanted so young, how do they really know these children are truly deaf? When my children were babies up till they were about 2-3 they failed every hearing test given them. Today they are both hearing kids. In babies in MY opinion and its MY opinion ONLY, they are simply too young to accurately test.

My children were tested many different ways as babies and they failed each one given them. Then they got up to 2-3 years old cant remember exactly when they were more able to let someone know they heard the sound.

I would rather err on the side of caution and make sure the need is truly there before implanting. When my kids were little implants werent done on an every day basis like they are now. SO they pushed for hearing aids to be put in my both my babies ears and I told them hell no, to wait and see what happens as they get a little older. Turns out I was right.

Another friend of mine just had a baby and her daughter is failing every hearing test she has had so far. She was like what should I do? We are talking about hearing aids for now. I told her just wait and see what happens. Her child may be truly deaf, but whats wrong with waiting long enough to make damn certain of that before messing around with their ears?


p.s. the reason above is only one of several I have but Im not gonna get into debating as the debate is too heated in this topic and cannot be discussed maturely so far.
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You didn't spoke the truth. You accused MOST hearing parents of being lazy. Do you have proof that MOST parents are lazy? do you have studies, statistics to back up your statement?

Huh? We talk about our life experiences, not studies, statistic or whatever.

Oh I see that we are liar about our life experiences with our hearing parents. It's offesive and rude of us to accuse our and our friends' hearing parents of being lazy. mmmhhh...

I am not denying that out there are SOME hearing parents that do not do what they should for their deaf children.
THE SAME WAY as out there are DEAF parents who do nothing to meet needs of their hearing children.
The same as any hearing parent may neglect its hearing children, and the same as any deaf parent may neglect its deaf children - everywhere.

Exactly that's what I said in previous post is BOTH!!!!

EXACTLY. that's my point the whole time.
so, basically you confirm that deaf parents do not have to work as hard for their hearing kids as the hearing parenst have to for their deaf children. Period.

Oh yes deaf parents work hard for their hearing children either... example ADD, ADHD (hyper children), severe handicapped children, develop their speech, etc. I would say that deaf parents and hearing parents are equal.

If the parents who complaint how work hard they are on their children in negative way is bad stress... positive way is good stress.

You were WRONG about your feeling many times before. and yet you still rely on it, instead on true hard FACTS.

Oh I see, you are interesting in fact before consider children/adult's feeling. I experienced people's feeling and fact. I compare feeling and fact and must say that they are different... Remember, the fact is not alway correct... You consider the fact because the professional/studies say so before children/adult's life experience/feeling.

Go back and re-read some my earlier posts. All I did in them was talking about my hearing parents.
even with some possibly removed, even those to which you replied.
btw that shows how much you care about anything but your POV.

oh okay I'll do that for you
will that suffice?

Thank you for point it to me... Yes I have read it before but I do not see any "negative" about your parents in your post.

jesus. it was right next to NOT ONLY I witnessed it in real life, I stood up in defence - it's called sarcasm.

First you said that you saw it on TV in previous post then said you saw it in real life here... *shrug*

yes, my parents were insulted by generalization "most hearing parents are lazy". If they weren't, why are you accusing me of this:

Oh I see... Do you mean that my hearing parents are also insulted, too? (I "accused" my hearing parents in my some posts).

I think you don't understand the difference... It's an insult IF somebody accused your parents or name hearing posters as lazy. It's not an insult IF somebody stated in general what she/he knows from her/his experience.

You claimed that Cheri insult you for your hearing parent is a false statement and acussed because she did not said "your" or name hearing posters.

You know, I wouldn't shrug if I was you, because it is YOU who constantly mixes two, three topics at once and confuses everything. That is why asked you to chose what you want to discuss.

I do not see that I made :topic: here... :dunno:

NOT everything.

Public Health Insurance cover the cost for CI surgery, batteries, send CI patients to 5 to 7 weeks spa/rehab every 2 years, visit therapies, etc is not everything to you? *scratch my head*

and your point is?

I see that you don't know what the difference between good and bad stress...

And what does that have to do with earlier question about CI suddenly failing in an older ALIVE and WELL child?

:confused: Have I say anything against/insult parents to risk their children's life with CI?

All what I see what I said is their decision...

First of all, my question wasn't how parents help to develope children's brain. My question was, what exactly was SO SPECIAL somebody did to make her children hear?? the ansqwer is NOTHING special.

You talked about just "hear" which it cannot "hear" itself but with help from their parents to feed their children's brain. I am sorry if you can't get it.

the kids were born hearing, and their hearing developed naturally. she didn't bent backwards to help develop the sense of hearing in them - that's my point. she wasn't one of those extra - hard working parents.

Yes, I aware that the children born hearing and develop naturally but ... they need to know what it is about and what is this... Their parents are there for them.

My "HOH" friend's parents wear HA on 6 months old babies and develop them to hear... Now they can talk like hearing and can phone... *shrug*

Besides I think it was you who told me that some hearing children of deaf parents are delayed in their oral langauge development, and don't speak until they start preschool or kindergarten. or special help comes home and help these children. something like that.

BINGO!!!! CI/HA/hearing itself can't develop without anyone's help... sure, they hear naturally but need development.

Like what I said before that "hear" itself cannot develop but the parents who develop their brain with language and show them what they hear etc.

Did you know that some hearing parents neglect to develop their hearing babies's brain to understand language/speech skill? I beleive that I stated in other thread that I withnessed my younger son's Child minder who fostered a little girl who can't talk and can hear but can't understand... Her brain is healthy but she was neglect by her mother.

yes I know. what does that has to do with anything?

I don't think so. Perhaps you know but you don't want to understand/know it.
I have, ever since coming to this forum, advocated BOTH sign and speech education for CI-implanted children. BOTH. NOT JUST SIGN... NOT JUST SPEECH.... BUT BOTH!!!!!

I'm sorry that I thought wrong about you for support only speech. Now I understood after read some of your posts after your post here. I am glad that you support both speech and sign.
Did you relocated, went from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, therapy to therapy,

Yes I (deaf parent) did that with my oldest hearing son.

I am responding the same way YOU frequently respond to MY many questions directed at other people. I was aware your question wasn't for me.

Please don't twist my word...

Originally Posted by Liebling:)))
How do you feeling when you learn from a girl there?

This question is referred to Bear BECAUSE she experienced it in real life, not hearing posters, you named because they didn't meet a girl in real life but Bear.

I think I was asking Cheri. But I still don't see her reply.

The graph, you posted for everyone, no matter either you want Cheri's question or not. I would not answer your question for someone who experience in real life but graph?

I was interested in her story naturally, but as a previously hearing person, I wanted the chance to be able to hear something again. I knew there were risks involved when I did the surgery. I weighed those risks against what I hoped to achieve and decided the risks were worth it to me.

Mind you, Im not saying hearing is everything and you must hear to have a good life and success, I AM saying that for me hearing was something I was used to and always had. I can accept my deafness but what is wrong for me to have what I am used to having?

I advocate a CI in an adult as they are old enough to make those choices and weigh those decisions on their own. I do not advocate CI's in children at this point for many reasons.

When that girl told me her CI failed I was like wow ya know? But at the same time I realized a CI is just a device, and that ANY device can experience failure. No matter if it is a CI or a Hearing Aid or a Computer. They all still are devices that we use and all can fail. Its a risk you take when using any device. A pacemaker, however very rare can fail.

So her device failing did not deter me from getting implanted. Just because her device failed does not mean all will. Just like a hearing aid, one can fail while many others have a working hearing aid 20 years later. It happens.

Thank you for share your experience here.

Yes I am with you on this.
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