Deaf Pride?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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What's your definition of "Deaf Pride"? Do you think it should exist and that only specific people should be allowed to be labeled as part of "Deaf Pride"?

Here on RIT campus, we have students who believe in "Deaf Pride". However, in order to be part of that... one must meet the following: deaf parents & family, deaf friends, sign only ASL, no cochlear implants, no voice. According to those rules, I don't meet their expectations.
Deaf Pride means having the connection and feeling one as a family and knowledge of your history in the past present and how u set forth in your future, the feeling and the atmosphere of the community and socialaztion meeting new and old deaf poeple and hearing and sharing the stories of our hertiage.

I for one :bowdown: to my hertiage and thank the lord he gave me a chance to be who i am today and not what i am!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What's your definition of "Deaf Pride"? Do you think it should exist and that only specific people should be allowed to be labeled as part of "Deaf Pride"?

Here on RIT campus, we have students who believe in "Deaf Pride". However, in order to be part of that... one must meet the following: deaf parents & family, deaf friends, sign only ASL, no cochlear implants, no voice. According to those rules, I don't meet their expectations.

I don't agree with that definition. I agree with the idea that it is part of a larger community of all ppl who has all different degrees of hearing losses, being supportive of each other no matter what they are, HOH, deaf, late deafened, CI users, etc... Everyone understands each other and tries not to judge other ppl because of their decisions to have CI or HA or whatever. Also important is to respect everyone for what they want, without insulting them. Like some deafies should not say that some oral deafs are not deaf because they dont know ASL and some deaf CI users think some deaf are stupid for not wanting to have CIs, etc... Who cares! We all share one same thing, our hearing abilities are affected and we should be more supportive of each other.

Also, it can also mean that you accept yourself for who you are, and not try to hide your deafness from others, as to be embarrassed about it.
if your message does what it mean... then count me in... I have deaf parents & family (relatives), deaf friends, sign ASL and talk little @ same time. I use my earing aids for my protection "be on alert"
I am proud to be who I am. The definition that I gave was something that someone told me at NTID. Sometimes, I'll walk in the elevator and I see a couple of guys talking about having "Deaf Pride". They will then look at me and ask if I have that. I say, "yes"... then they put me down cuz I don't sign only ASL.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What's your definition of "Deaf Pride"? Do you think it should exist and that only specific people should be allowed to be labeled as part of "Deaf Pride"?

Here on RIT campus, we have students who believe in "Deaf Pride". However, in order to be part of that... one must meet the following: deaf parents & family, deaf friends, sign only ASL, no cochlear implants, no voice. According to those rules, I don't meet their expectations.

I disagee with the expectations from RIT i myself is deaf but has no deaf parents. I got lots of deaf pride to me it means to be true deaf person to social with deaf people no matter where they came from. I have a tatoo that said DEAFPOWER on my arm.
Sorry cant - I am strong oral- I am automatically out and yes even discriminated BY deaf people cuz they dont think I am one of them :(
fk the RIT, i am deaf, signs asl, no cohlear implants, have deaf friends, expect tha my parents arent deaf.. fk them
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
Sorry cant - I am strong oral- I am automatically out and yes even discriminated BY deaf people cuz they dont think I am one of them :(

But that should not matter what they think. Do you think you are deaf? In other thread, you said you didn't believe you were deaf? So, that means you have no deaf pride inside you? If you accepted that you are deaf yourself, try to be open minded about deaf culture and community, and just ignore the stupid deafies that discriminate you, then you are on the way to having deaf pride for yourself. Nothing wrong with being deaf, as you still can do anything except to hear, right? ;)
i felt the same way as babyphat had felt, until i learned the sign language at the age of 19. things got better it was a worthwhile.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What's your definition of "Deaf Pride"? Do you think it should exist and that only specific people should be allowed to be labeled as part of "Deaf Pride"?

Here on RIT campus, we have students who believe in "Deaf Pride". However, in order to be part of that... one must meet the following: deaf parents & family, deaf friends, sign only ASL, no cochlear implants, no voice. According to those rules, I don't meet their expectations.

If that is what they expect, they are stupid. Deaf pride is more of a collective group of deaf people who are proud of it. Fuck those hypocrites, it's like they are saying that they are the deaf aryans.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
I am proud to be who I am. The definition that I gave was something that someone told me at NTID. Sometimes, I'll walk in the elevator and I see a couple of guys talking about having "Deaf Pride". They will then look at me and ask if I have that. I say, "yes"... then they put me down cuz I don't sign only ASL.
If that happened to me, they'll be looking at my finger 2 inches from their face.
Sorry cant - I am strong oral- I am automatically out and yes even discriminated BY deaf people cuz they dont think I am one of them
Babyphat, I keep hearing all about the crap that oral deaf people face in the Deaf community, but you know I grew up without Sign (as a lot of people in the Deaf communtiy have) and just recently got involved in Deaf Culture and identify VERY strongly as Deaf. GUESS WHAT?
I am only HOH. I wear hearing aids, speechread, and have a very strong grasp of the English language (I taught myself to read when I was three, just a few months after I got my aids, and have always scored VERY highly on reading and language acheivement tests. I even scored 660 on the Verbal section of the SATS!) I like the fact that I can function somewhat in the hearing world (can't function someone on a listserv that I am on b/c I hear 110% but only get about 75% of what's said) Yet I STILL identify VERY strongly as Deaf (bilingal-bicultural)
It seems to me, that a LOT of the so-called discrimination experianced by oral deafies is created by the oral deafies themselves. They think that b/c you can function in the hearing world that they don't "need" ASL b/c it's speshal needs.
Well...what's wrong with having TWO languages and TWO cultures? There's nothing wrong with it. Yet oral deafies whine that they don't fit into the deaf world .....that's b/c a lot of oral deafies have this attitude that they don't need ASL and they are somehow superior to the poor lowly uneducated Deafies who function too poorly to speak English well, and who will obvoiusly become beggers who sell fingerspelling cards!
I can understand this attitude as it's prevalent in oral circles, that oralism is better then ASL, and ASL is speshal needs.
If you want to be a part of Deaf culture....LEARN and become fluent in ASL...get involved in Deaf culture. Spend a semester at Gally...make some Deaf friends! Get the advantage of having the BEST of BOTH worlds!
I really really do think that the end goal of EVERY single Deaf and Hoh child's IEP in the US should be fluenecy in BOTH ASL AND English, so that the kids can choose which worlds they want to be a part of! Too many people I know were forced to speak and forced to asslimuate in the hearing world...Too many people I know (including myself) had to ask their parents why they never pursued ASL as well as spoken language.
Thanks Deafdyke :) You could not have said it better.

Babyphat, Don't let the discrimination make you feel defensive and build up a resistance. Question them why they are discriminating against you, and open a dialogue with these deafies. Then you can teach them and they can teach you too. If ppl keep on discriminating and refusing to listen, then... its going nowhere.

That is why I don't discriminate against oral deaf ppl. I try to be friends with them as long as they try to understand and respect the way I am. I would also respect back to the oral deaf person. If they practise audism, then forget it. I wouldn't feel inclined to be friends with audists.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Thanks Deafdyke :) You could not have said it better.

Babyphat, Don't let the discrimination make you feel defensive and build up a resistance.

I agree. Don't use others' ignorance as an excuse to build up resistance against learning something new everyday, babyphat. At least you can tell yourself that you tried, rather than not trying at all. You might be wondering for years to come if you didn't try.

I was teased for not knowing ASL at 11 years old, too. Children can be cruel, deaf or hearing. Ignorance is universal. :ugh: But that didn't stop me from learning ASL, and I came to be a strong signer in time. The ones who teased me now respect me and even learn from me. I am quite impressed with them. ;) Learning ASL doesn't make you stupid. Hell, I am learning Norwegian... and I have already forgotten a little English, ahahaha!! In fact, knowing ASL really helped me learn Norwegian faster since the structure is somehow similar. ASL helped me break through certain expectations and allowed my imagination to run freely, being more in touch with my feelings..... I love ASL!

I am glad to have this experience, because I am more sensitive to the feelings of other people who are hearing, coda, late deafened, CI users, and even oral. I don't care whom I make friends with, as long as I love their vibes! :bowdown:

:crazy: @ those deafies who set a rigid standard for deaf pride. Does remind me of...... aryans, fundamental christians, and other intolerant people using unique identities as an excuse to isolate themselves from others whom they could have gained strength in diversity and intellect with. :madfawk:
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Originally posted by deafdyke
Babyphat, I keep hearing all about the crap that oral deaf people face in the Deaf community, but you know I grew up without Sign (as a lot of people in the Deaf communtiy have) and just recently got involved in Deaf Culture and identify VERY strongly as Deaf. GUESS WHAT?
I am only HOH. I wear hearing aids, speechread, and have a very strong grasp of the English language (I taught myself to read when I was three, just a few months after I got my aids, and have always scored VERY highly on reading and language acheivement tests. I even scored 660 on the Verbal section of the SATS!) I like the fact that I can function somewhat in the hearing world (can't function someone on a listserv that I am on b/c I hear 110% but only get about 75% of what's said) Yet I STILL identify VERY strongly as Deaf (bilingal-bicultural)
It seems to me, that a LOT of the so-called discrimination experianced by oral deafies is created by the oral deafies themselves. They think that b/c you can function in the hearing world that they don't "need" ASL b/c it's speshal needs.
Well...what's wrong with having TWO languages and TWO cultures? There's nothing wrong with it. Yet oral deafies whine that they don't fit into the deaf world .....that's b/c a lot of oral deafies have this attitude that they don't need ASL and they are somehow superior to the poor lowly uneducated Deafies who function too poorly to speak English well, and who will obvoiusly become beggers who sell fingerspelling cards!
I can understand this attitude as it's prevalent in oral circles, that oralism is better then ASL, and ASL is speshal needs.
If you want to be a part of Deaf culture....LEARN and become fluent in ASL...get involved in Deaf culture. Spend a semester at Gally...make some Deaf friends! Get the advantage of having the BEST of BOTH worlds!
I really really do think that the end goal of EVERY single Deaf and Hoh child's IEP in the US should be fluenecy in BOTH ASL AND English, so that the kids can choose which worlds they want to be a part of! Too many people I know were forced to speak and forced to asslimuate in the hearing world...Too many people I know (including myself) had to ask their parents why they never pursued ASL as well as spoken language.

I've never read someone say it so well. :crazy:


Yeah makes so much sense. :crazy:

How can someone "so smart" not even know how to spell the word special and others.
I've never read someone say it so well.


Yeah makes so much sense.

How can someone "so smart" not even know how to spell the word special and others.
Next time keep your mouth shut so instead of proving your an idiot everyone might just wonder about it. Not anymore.
No, I did NOT say that discrimination is self-inflicted. What I'm saying is that many oral deaf people's audist attitudes are the root cause of the problem. Like I said before I am hoh and grew up without ASL. I have only recently in the past few years started to identify as Deaf and become involved in Deaf culture. I've found no problems with being accepted in the Deaf community. Neither have a lot of my hoh and oral-only friends.
Sure, there are morons and bad apples out there who will not accept oral only folk no matter what...HOWEVER I have found that the gross majority of folk in the deaf-world have gone through being orally educated...hell it wasn't until recently that ASL began to be used in deaf ed! They understand what it's like to be orally educated and to deal with all the frustrations and things. They are VERY accepting of oral deaf people who WANT to learn ASL and become involved in deaf culture! What they aren't accepting of is a lot of oral deaf audist attitudes!
Before you attack me, I have to say that I am not only anti-oralism, but I am also anti-deaf seperatist! I think that deaf people should have the advantages of BOTH worlds. I think that oral training should be de rigour for ALL deaf and HOH kids!!!!!
Oh, and as for my spelling, I intentally misspelled special to make a point, that a lot of oral deaf people view ASL as something that could handicap them and make them into deaf beggers!
As for the rest of my spelling mistakes...Eye can't spell but at least I can articulate my thoughts well and at least I'm able to use proper grammer!
your an idiot