Deaf Peeves

yes that happened to me.......they asked me about why i dont date deaf people... the ironic thing is I am divorced from a CODA and they couldnt fathom why we would get divorce since we have "communication" lol.......
I dont understand about deaf gossip aka crab theater but the one that they make up BEFORE they meet you. They just see you around and make something up...or other people are jealous and they talk shit about you (which was NOT true). I feel like I cant be an angel in the deaf world. they are out to look for negative things about me and this turns me off from the deaf world. But I am still trying to be on my "best" behavior but it never works......
A lot of our pet peeves are similar -- gossips and not being able to move on from the past. That's one of my few pet peeves I have about the deaf community. :roll:

That is probably one of the reasons why I grew up a very introverted person -- always kept to myself and didn't socialise all that much.
WaterRats13 said:
That is probably one of the reasons why I grew up a very introverted person -- always kept to myself and didn't socialise all that much.

agreed and that happened to me when i kind of lived in a deaf community at CSUN.
i know that hearing people does the same but deaf community is so SMALL and rumors/bad names easily get on around within a minute. it seems that there are too many "follower" people to look for their so-called popularity, some would ditch their own friends over new friend they just got know.
maybe its because deaf people dont feel they're happy/completed with themselves and they need someone who listens/does the same as they do?

other pet peeves: i HATE when people kept asking "WHY didnt you go to gally or NTID?" i was like aggghhhh! i made up excuses that they didnt have specific art major i want. they were like no no i heard gally's art program improved blah blah and you should go to RIT cuz it has best art blah blah. SHUT UP! lol believe it or not, school for the deaf i attended for a year couraged kids to go to gally or NTID. mention no other school besides NTID/Gally. how sad was that?
e ...I went to CSUN too and I know what you're saying about the community there. I always get asked " Why CSUN when you could have gone to NTID or Gally?".

While Gally has its merits, it is not the ONLY university in the entire universe LOL. But it seems like a " Mecca " and Im guilty of not making my pilgrimage there.
I could never fathom why deaf people reject deaf orals.
Where I live, I've never felt NOT a part of the Deaf community b/c I have oral skills. I know a lot of people understand that I didn't choose to be's not my fault that the doctors told my parents that Sign would be a crutch.
Most orally educated kids do eventually pick up Sign (and most Deaf people were orally educated as Sign as an option is still relatively new)
I think many Deafies reject orals b/c some(not all) orals are just so damn supioer about how they are better then Deafies who have to "depend" on 'terps and they yap on and on about how they don't need sign or deaf culture b/c they are making it in the "real world"
I wonder if black folks ever say to other black folks " Youre too black for me to date ya"[/QUOTE Don't you mean too WHITE? And yeah...that does happen I have friends who are black but who get shit on by their black friends b/c they act too white (whatever that means!) is not exclusive to the deaf community (no matter what the folks at a certain site might say or think)
e said:
agreed and that happened to me when i kind of lived in a deaf community at CSUN.
i know that hearing people does the same but deaf community is so SMALL and rumors/bad names easily get on around within a minute. it seems that there are too many "follower" people to look for their so-called popularity, some would ditch their own friends over new friend they just got know.
maybe its because deaf people dont feel they're happy/completed with themselves and they need someone who listens/does the same as they do?

other pet peeves: i HATE when people kept asking "WHY didnt you go to gally or NTID?" i was like aggghhhh! i made up excuses that they didnt have specific art major i want. they were like no no i heard gally's art program improved blah blah and you should go to RIT cuz it has best art blah blah. SHUT UP! lol believe it or not, school for the deaf i attended for a year couraged kids to go to gally or NTID. mention no other school besides NTID/Gally. how sad was that?

that is why I am trying to set up with the ASL professors to help me have orientation/field trip from other deaf high schools, maybe even middle school to come to see sac state and learn that there is other LOCAL universitities. Hearing parents complain to me that they dont want their children to go far to gally or rit and VR complain its too expensive to payi for them and to pay for their flight, dorm, etc especially since out of state students have to pay more...... The ASL professors will help have orientation in ASL and do speeches in ASL so the children will be able to understand unlike the hearing orientation which i went with my mom and we were totally clueless. Cross your fingers that it works..... you are right, i was a mentor for a deaf student at one of the local high school, they had gally and rit/ntid posters everywhere but not of sac, davis, or even any local community colleges. and the deaf students was shocked to hear i go to an university that is NOT gally or rit.
I gotta say I agree with a lot of you - I've always been oral and because of that and that alone, I didn't have many deaf friends. I actually have more now than I did while growing up! And most of them are from right here at AD! LOL!!

But I'd have to say that I hate the aforementioned "deaf pride." There's nothing wrong with being proud of oneself, but I've had people approach me at various points in my life, and ask me the same ol' questions that we're not too fond of. "Why didn't you go to RIT?" "How about Gally?" Or my all time favorite - "Why did you get your CI? Is it because you don't want to be deaf?"

Yeah, like I have a choice. LOL. Even with the CI, I'm deaf and always will be. Maybe I do feel more in touch with the hearing community, but that's just how I was raised. It's not like I go around to deaf folks who rely only on sign language and push the issue of Oralism ior cochlear implants into their faces.

I have a lot of pet peeves though, LOL. Most of them, I just let roll off my back...because really, I have better things to do with my time and energy than to get upset over something that won't hold much water with anyone else, either....
Meg said:
One of my biggest pet peeves is when a deaf person ask me what school I went to (elementary, high school and college), I would say this and that (never went to Galladuet or a state school for the deaf) and they would simply walk away.
:ily: Of course! I am glad that you brought that up. I m raised up learning ASL all of my life but my parents choose public school for me instead of sending me to an institute. They wanted to see me everyday and got involved w/ me. ( i dont blame them. Now I und cuz I have a daughter here)

One pet peeve about deaf culture is HOME signs.. I am not sure if some of ya know what that means. If not, I m happy to explain what is it. For an example, we moved here from PA to GA, and we meet some deafies here. They signed bit different and they made their own signs for some words for the deaf community in that area. ( I know it s compliated and stupid.) I was like huh, what the hell?? what is that ? it took me a while to figure out what signs is that..
Banjo said:
LOL, I completely understand how you feel about that one. There was this girl who always called me an idiot for no reason. Whenever I see her, she call me an idiot.

I tend to shrug at her.

Idiot?!? Banjo, you seem to be very obviously know a lot of things by the way you posted on threads. :) This girl is the one who's an idiot, not you....and for no reasons? Sounds like she's got a problem.

I met this deaf guy who was told that I am single (and he's single)...he asked about my hearing loss. I told him I am deaf in one ear and severely HOH in the other....he had this look when I told him I am HOH in one ear, like "so you are HOH, nah wouldnt work out." So I can relate to the poster who stated the deaf person only wants a deaf date, not one who is HOH saying she is too hearing for him.
I also noticed that when the deaf people who comes to the front counter to pay their traffic tickets (I work in the Traffic/Misd Department), when they find out that I am deaf, they ask me "What school do you go to?" I never went to a school for the deaf or Gallaudet myself, but I told them I went to another school. That is mostly the FIRST question they ask me! :)
It's like they are saying that the schools for the deaf are the only ones in the universe....where there are other schools with a deaf/HOH programs (which is what I went to and I was mainstreamed).
its the standards if u ask what school u go to its like what royality do you belong to Sheesh :-X
WaterRats13 said:
A lot of our pet peeves are similar -- gossips and not being able to move on from the past. That's one of my few pet peeves I have about the deaf community. :roll:

That is probably one of the reasons why I grew up a very introverted person -- always kept to myself and didn't socialise all that much.

:werd: Some of Deaf people in my old hometown tend to talk about my past. I did something stupid in my youth years. So what? Give me a break. If like someone, some people can ruin my chances by warning someone about me, u know. I decide to do "kiss and NOT tell" from now on. Fuck some idiots who love to gossip and stab my back. They are damn immature!! :-o
I know what's wromg with the girl who calls Banjo an idiot.......

She's in love with him and has a strange way of showing it. LOL!!
I haven't really encountered very many deaf people who only sign since I was little. I did go to a Deaf Club once with another deaf friend who speaks like I do. When we went there, I didn't know very much sign--just signed English. I noticed that some of the people were giving me these funny looks, and they didn't talk to me very much. I really want to learn ASL well so that I can talk to other deaf people, because I really want to know all people--both hearing and deaf.

There is something that kind of bothers me about some deaf people. Some of them seem to want their children to be deaf too. I wouldn't want that for my own child, because being deaf myself, I know that it can be hard for a person to go through this world not being able to hear.

Also, that whole "Deaf Pride" thing--it's like the deaf community is saying "we are our own culture, we don't need anyone else!!", but really in my opinion, we all are just like hearing people, we just don't happen to hear! I know that I for one find so many more opportunities by interacting with the hearing world.
On a less serious note, I think the most annoying thing about Deaf people is their tendency to form a human wall and block everybody’s way. Why do Deaf people always have to find the narrowest aisle or hallway to hold their conversations in? It cracks me up when I’m trying to get through a 12 foot wide hallway and there’s a herd of Deafies standing around in a circle and jabbering away. I mean, what are you going to do? You can’t go around, you can’t go through, and I’m a little too old to do the limbo and try to get through their legs. And it’s not going to do a hell of a lot of good to yell "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY". They’re deaf—they can’t hear you! :lol: All you can do is find a side door and walk all the way around the building.
Levonian said:
On a less serious note, I think the most annoying thing about Deaf people is their tendency to form a human wall and block everybody’s way. Why do Deaf people always have to find the narrowest aisle or hallway to hold their conversations in? It cracks me up when I’m trying to get through a 12 foot wide hallway and there’s a herd of Deafies standing around in a circle and jabbering away. I mean, what are you going to do? You can’t go around, you can’t go through, and I’m a little too old to do the limbo and try to get through their legs. And it’s not going to do a hell of a lot of good to yell "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY". They’re deaf—they can’t hear you! :lol: All you can do is find a side door and walk all the way around the building.

That ALWAYS happened at the school for the deaf that I attended, especially on the stairs!
Levonian said:
On a less serious note, I think the most annoying thing about Deaf people is their tendency to form a human wall and block everybody’s way. Why do Deaf people always have to find the narrowest aisle or hallway to hold their conversations in? It cracks me up when I’m trying to get through a 12 foot wide hallway and there’s a herd of Deafies standing around in a circle and jabbering away. I mean, what are you going to do? You can’t go around, you can’t go through, and I’m a little too old to do the limbo and try to get through their legs. And it’s not going to do a hell of a lot of good to yell "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY". They’re deaf—they can’t hear you! :lol: All you can do is find a side door and walk all the way around the building.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh my, I need that laugh! Thank you. Yeah I know it's not funny to you, but it is to me because it has happened everywhere I go for deaf social. I kept signing "excuse me" and my hands were getting sore at a particular spot! :rofl:

Okay, my deaf peeve is ... backstabbing. :( Hate that! When you meet and chat with that particular deaf person, she / he puts on a "happy face," and then when away, she / he says bad things about you. Your friends heard or saw that and tell you what they heard / saw... sounds like gossiping of course and it is very TIRESOME! Ugh! They should know to come to you to tell you in their faces, not to backstab or gossip bad about you. If they "do not like" you, then why do they come to you in the first place?
Oddball, Extactly likely you did simlair alikey me2...
Why can't they quit it talking about me about the schooling past which was horrible. I was in troublemaker and invovled hang'n around making fun of sweet revenage when I was young and teenagers. I had been great memories ever in my life.. Now I'm mother of 3 kids.. I learned it lot from my kids has been activites involved sumth'n foolish thingy.. I was trying to teach my kids proprite ways instead bad things..
Pretty old news all in my past schooling.. I'm Adult now... Not you only ones person have accusing point the finger as rest same thing others peepz who not understand accept being "move on and have new future being new mother or father wha..ever" There always changes life as everyday....

My worstest deaf peeve.....Back Stabbing.. Pretty boring 4 me... that why I prefer small friends and doesn't want tooooooooooooooooo many friends.. I learned it lot from my past was lot lot lot awesome friends and starting into the sour! I decide step back and rather not be part of "witch hunt". No Thanks.. I do not want that way... As long I want Health and good life shows you how much great open communcation..
I find this pretty challenge and fall in love this place because feedbacks and open minded.. Wonderful for me..
Espically I do not mind I don't have friend on AD yet.. Take time 4 me as slow down.. :)
I noticed no one mentioned it...the crab theater and the peddling...... enough said..........
I agreed with all of you here.... ;)

I think the most annoying thing about some Deaf people is they can't let go of the past, no matter what others had done, life is too short to keep all the bitterness inside.....

And what's more is, some sure loves to gossip and pulling friends in their little group against the ' ones ' they dislike or those who doesn't go to the same college or etc.....What a shame! :thumbd: