Deaf demand right to designer deaf children


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From The Sunday Times
December 23, 2007

Sarah-Kate Templeton Health Editor

DEAF parents should be allowed to screen their embryos so they can pick a deaf child over one that has all its senses intact, according to the chief executive of the Royal National Institute for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People (RNID).

Jackie Ballard, a former Liberal Democrat MP, says that although the vast majority of deaf parents would want a child who has normal hearing, a small minority of couples would prefer to create a child who is effectively disabled, to fit in better with the family lifestyle.

Ballard’s stance is likely to be welcomed by other deaf organisations, including the British Deaf Association (BDA), which is campaigning to amend government legislation to allow the creation of babies with disabilities.

A clause in the Human Tissue and Embryos Bill, which is passing through the House of Lords, would make it illegal for parents undergoing embryo screening to choose an embryo with an abnormality if healthy embryos exist.

In America a deaf couple deliberately created a baby with hearing difficulties by choosing a sperm donor with generations of deafness in his family.

This would be impossible under the bill in its present form in the UK. Disability charities say this makes the proposed legislation discriminatory, because it gives parents the right to create “designer babies” free from genetic conditions while banning couples from deliberately creating a baby with a disability.

The prospect of selecting “deaf embryos” is likely to be seized on by campaigners against genetic screening who will argue that this is an inevitable outcome of allowing “designer babies”.

Doctors are opposed to creating deaf babies. Professor Gedis Grudzinskas, medical director of the Bridge Centre, a clinic in London that screens embyros, said: “This would be an abuse of medical technology. Deafness is not the normal state, it is a disability. To deliberately create a deaf embryo would be contrary to the ethos of our society.”

Ballard, who previously ran into controversy as director-general of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) where she pushed through extensive job cuts, said in an interview with The Sunday Times: “Most parents would choose to have a hearing embryo, but for those few parents who do not, we think they should be allowed to exercise that choice and we would support them in that decision.

“There are a number of deaf forums where there are discussions about this. There are a small minority of activists who say that there is a cultural identity in being born deaf and that we should not destroy that cultural identity by preventing children from being born deaf.”

Ballard added: “We would like to retain, as far as possible, parental choice, but it has to be in conjunction with a clinician so that people know exactly what they are choosing.”

Next month a coalition of disability organisations will launch a campaign to amend the bill to make it possible for parents to choose the embryos that carry a genetic abnormality.

Francis Murphy, chairman of the BDA, said: “If choice of embryos for implantation is to be given to citizens in general, and if hearing and other people are allowed to choose embryos that will be ‘like them’, sharing the same characteristics, language and culture, then we believe that deaf people should have the same right.”

Murphy added that the BDA believes it is very unlikely that it would become common for deaf parents to deliberately create deaf children.

To create a “designer baby” using preimplantation genetic diagnosis, couples need to go through in vitro fertilisation (IVF) even if they could conceive naturally. The embryos created are then genetically screened and normally only the healthy ones are implanted in the mother’s womb.

This weekend the RNID played down Ballard’s comments by pointing out that the charity does not advocate deliberately creating deaf babies.

A spokesman said: “While the RNID believes in the individual’s right to choose, we would not actively encourage the selection of deaf embryos over hearing ones for implantation when both are available.”

Deaf demand right to designer deaf children - Times Online
Hmm I usually don't like to designing the baby what parents want the baby to be, it's like treat the babies or children a doll.

But designing the baby into deaf baby, why not legalized it! hehe ;)
I think the whole idea of designing babies is a scary concept!
I wouldn't try to get a kid that was deaf. If the kid is a deaf foster kid, then I wouldn't mind adopting him if I couldn't have kids of my own. But to try and say, "I want a deaf embryo!" is rather selfish.
......... a small minority of couples would prefer to create a child who is effectively disabled, to fit in better with the family lifestyle.
Is this a true factor for some Deaf families?

How would a hearing child not fit in..??
Is this a true factor for some Deaf families?

How would a hearing child not fit in..??

If this is a design, a made-to-order, of course a hearing child would not fit in. That's the whole idea behind have a child who'd fit the deaf lifestyle. Me? Personally, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, meaning, I would not purposely create a deaf offspring.
If this is a design, a made-to-order, of course a hearing child would not fit in. That's the whole idea behind have a child who'd fit the deaf lifestyle. Me? Personally, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, meaning, I would not purposely create a deaf offspring.

Nor would I. I find this concept disturbing. I'd prefer to have a deaf child but I'd not go this far.
I agree that genetic maniipulation of any sort is a scary concept. But I think the issue is, if hearing parents have the choice of embryo selection, then deaf parents should have the choice of embryo selection, as well. I have to support their right to choose, if that is their desire.
:werd: me either and I agree with most members here. ;)

Same here. Just by picking what you want. Who knows what you could have been missing out. The child that you choose not to keep could have changed the world for the better. Never know what could happen.
All the while we are discussing this, did you know that there's currently an attempt in the highest reaches of the UK to NOT allow deaf genes to carry forth?
It does not matter if one has deaf or hearing embroye.... it is like HILTER way... if it is a deaf embroye they would abort?????
If a deaf couple want a deaf baby, I am all for it. Suppose a deaf person coming from long line of deaf ancestry, is not ablet to have a child then this person has the right to have a deaf embryo. If the laws forbid deaf embryos, I see it as an attempt at genocide. If there are much fewer deaf people in the future, those deaf people will have less power and less voice therefore less rights.

If they think they have the right to reduce those people they consider to be burdensome to them, then us deaf have the right to reduce those people that we consider to be burdensome to us. Truth be told, it is the hearing people who refused to sign are the real burden on the deaf population.

Another reason why I can see why deaf embryos are really wanted. Suppose I have children and my future descendants decide to bash on the deaf people, I would be rolling in my grave. Better to have deaf embryos.

They are just trying to foist their ethnocentrism on us again and again. No ASL then no deaf embryos.
Whatever happend to wanting a HAPPy, HEALTHY baby regardless of being deaf or hearing?
I believe that we can have a deaf or hearing baby but designing for a deaf baby is not that bad, because we are so use to being deaf and want to have deaf child or children to communicate and understand what is like to be deaf. If the hearing child or children is born to the deaf parents, the hearing child would not be able to understand what is like to be deaf. Sure, they can communicate with signs, but they just don't understand why they have deaf parent or parents. It is confusing to them. Beside it is a free society and should use wisely and make the right choice to have a deaf baby or just be natural having either a deaf or hearing child.
Whatever happend to wanting a HAPPy, HEALTHY baby regardless of being deaf or hearing?

My deaf baby was happy and healthy! And now he is a happy, healthy adult. Deafness does not preclude happiness or health.
dood, in case people didn't realize, wishing for a deaf embryo (via sperm donor with a deaf gene) is not a designed baby. a designed baby would be a DNA-manipulated baby.