Deaf Adoption: A Rhetorician's New Family those who put blogs and videos of their kids on the it because they r deaf? Would u still create a blog about them if they had been hearing?

I have never thought of making a blog about my children's progress on the Internet until I came to this site.

Is that a new trend or it is cuz u want to show the world how great CIs are?

I think it's entirely normal to me to want to blog or journal a significant life event that stretches over a period of time., For hearing parents, getting a CI and helping their child develop language comes under that category. I've seen blogs from other spheres concerning children e.g. child adoption from overseas, IVF pregnancies etc.

It doesn't seem any different from keeping a diary to me. Although I'm not a blogger it seems quite healthy to process feelings and record events from a journey so to speak, in this way. It's not for everyone I guess....but then we are all different.
Is that a new trend or it is cuz u want to show the world how great CIs are?

The world already knows how great cochlear implants are because there are tens of thousands of adults and children with cochlear implants, some for over 20 years, who are out there in the world as living and loving proof of the tremendous impact a cochlear implant can have upon someone's life.

Sorry, that you feel so threatened by a parent's blog about their child with a cochlear implant that you feel that it is somehow a negative statment about you. You may not want to hear this but not every post is about you, we actually do not consider even consider you when we are talking about either ourselves or our children with cochlear implants. You really need to stop thinking the world, or at least this board, revolves around you.
The world already knows how great cochlear implants are because there are tens of thousands of adults and children with cochlear implants, some for over 20 years, who are out there in the world as living and loving proof of the tremendous impact a cochlear implant can have upon someone's life.

Sorry, that you feel so threatened by a parent's blog about their child with a cochlear implant that you feel that it is somehow a negative statment about you. You may not want to hear this but not every post is about you, we actually do not consider even consider you when we are talking about either ourselves or our children with cochlear implants. You really need to stop thinking the world, or at least this board, revolves around you.

I was asking a question out of curiousity. All these additional comments werent necessary cuz that is not what I said. All u had to do was answer my question or ignore biggie.
I think it's entirely normal to me to want to blog or journal a significant life event that stretches over a period of time., For hearing parents, getting a CI and helping their child develop language comes under that category. I've seen blogs from other spheres concerning children e.g. child adoption from overseas, IVF pregnancies etc.

It doesn't seem any different from keeping a diary to me. Although I'm not a blogger it seems quite healthy to process feelings and record events from a journey so to speak, in this way. It's not for everyone I guess....but then we are all different.

Yea, the whole blogging thing is new to me. Before, the ones I saw were about people writing about themselves and then I joined this forum. That was when I started seeing blogs about deaf children with CIs. ...just wondering if that was a new trend because I never thought about putting blogs about my kids due to not knowing who could read it and u know how there are weirdos out there.

Thanks for answering my questions. :)
Oh, wow!:jaw: Look at that! A deaf personthat can play golf, have children, and live independently! And OMG! A deaf kid that can use their voice!

LOL! I guess to most people in this world, it is amazing to them. Just trying to see it from their perspective cuz I just never thought what my friends and I did were a big deal if we do ordinary things but to many people, they get shocked. My hubby, when he first met my former roommates, he was shocked that deaf people go to bars. :giggle:
Yea, the whole blogging thing is new to me. Before, the ones I saw were about people writing about themselves and then I joined this forum. That was when I started seeing blogs about deaf children with CIs. ...just wondering if that was a new trend because I never thought about putting blogs about my kids due to not knowing who could read it and u know how there are weirdos out there.

Thanks for answering my questions. :)

Shel there are not just blogs about deaf children, there are blogs about new borns, toddlers and all those in between. For the last hmmm, 10+ yrs using the internet (at one time they were just called personal webpages) is a way that families and friends connect more often and can share things quickly.
Yea, the whole blogging thing is new to me. Before, the ones I saw were about people writing about themselves and then I joined this forum. That was when I started seeing blogs about deaf children with CIs. ...just wondering if that was a new trend because I never thought about putting blogs about my kids due to not knowing who could read it and u know how there are weirdos out there.

Thanks for answering my questions. :)

They have been putting out CI Journals or blogs way back in late 90's (90's was the rise of homepage making before there were software to post jouranl or blogs )

take a look at those long list; Cochlear Implant Information & Resources those has been around since late 90's

So it is not new trends. There are other blogs that talk about their kids progresses in other abilities other than CI like for example AVT or baby signs whatsoever..

I think i saw some blog by deaf folks that talk about their hearing baby's progress like this one for example; "The dream you are living is your creation..."
Someone please help!

I'm feeling a bit down and insecure today and could use an ego boost, some recognition of my parenting skills and a dose of sympathy.

Please visit Drew's blog as quickly as possible!
Me tooo..

I'll visit yours, but you have to do the same for me, and leave two comments, and a flag on the map....
because I really need to proof to myself that what I say matters...

please!!:bowdown: those who put blogs and videos of their kids on the it because they r deaf? Would u still create a blog about them if they had been hearing?......
Good question... and the answer is ... no.
There's a good reason for it.... You want to know why?
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Oh, wow!:jaw: Look at that! A deaf personthat can play golf, have children, and live independently! And OMG! A deaf kid that can use their voice!

Oh, wow!:jaw: Look at that!
A hoh woman who raised a deaf son using ASL only, and he's such a success even on the phone.... and this woman is on the messageboard...

(or is the correct spelling message-bored)
Oh, wow!:jaw: Look at that! A hoh woman who raised a deaf son using ASL only, and he's such a success even on the phone.... and this woman is on the messageboard...

(or is the correct spelling message-bored)


That was funny.
LOL! I guess to most people in this world, it is amazing to them. Just trying to see it from their perspective cuz I just never thought what my friends and I did were a big deal if we do ordinary things but to many people, they get shocked. My hubby, when he first met my former roommates, he was shocked that deaf people go to bars. :giggle:

Ignorance is alive and well.
jag, did you have PMS or something when you wrote that post?
have experience both and I can truthfully say that a CI does MUCH MORE then a HA ever could.
Yes, but that's YOUR experiance. Everyone with hearing loss is DIFFERENT and responds to hearing technology differently. Lots of kids with mild loss can't really get too much out of hearing aids, but there are other kids who get a ton out of aids! Same with kids with severe and even profound losses. For you
its probaly akin to the difference between a ITE (where you can hear but not as well) and a BTE, for someone who's more traditionally hoh.
Yes, back in the '60's and 70's you didn't get treated as MR. That's probaly b/c back then they thought that mainstreamed kids were the smart ones. You have to remember that growing up most kids with "classic" disabilites were sent to special schools. Also LD as a dx was pretty much either nonexistant or emerging, so the kids who required sped services, didn't get lumped into the "dumbass" group. Besides, you have to admit that public schools don't do well with educating kids who have differing needs. They are generally set up to educate that Mythical Average Learner.
I'm not downplaying your experiance. I just think that you don't quite realize that while a kid with "classic" disablities can sometimes suceed in just a general education setting with minimal accomondations, a lot of times its very hard. It's great that you did so well...........but for many other people their experiance wasn't that great. You have no idea how lucky it was that you and your daughter suceeded with just very minimal accomondations. I really think if your daughter had needed more accomondations or help, you might have found her school experiance to be very different. It sometimes seems that you practically need to be a disabilty rights lawyer to get any accomondations.
Word discrimination already denotes the perception of sound. What else? As for correlation, that's the "R" or best fit comes in.

Like I said this isn't a rigorous scientific exercise, and it's for my own personal research based on my 20 years of experience talking to other hoh people over the phone who were gracious enough to send me their audiograms I have on file along with some numbers. This is something I've always been curious about. Now, if you don't like what I do, I'm sorry. I'm an extremely busy person here. If you son doesn't want to call me, fine. But please don't let your paranoia about your son get in the way, it's quite telling.

I have nothing more to say to you Jill T. Enjoy your studies at U.C.

You need to hone your skills. I do not study as U.C. And I have already explained to you why what you are doing is not research. I have no paranoia about my son, but I do have fear of people who engage in projects such as the one you claim to engage in without the proper ethical considerations and controls. And then attempt to pass off observation as something that can be arrived at only through statistical analysis.

And, as I have explained to you, Pearson R is not the only correlational statistic. And, Goodnes of Fit is a post hoc test, and can only be used once the statistical analysis of the data has been run. Obviously, you have run no statistical analysis, and therefore, cannot apply Goodness of Fit.

Do you think I find it threatening that you posted my last initial, or that you did a search and obviously came up with the wrong information? Wow, you oralists are a sneaky bunch, aren't you. Is there nothing you won't resort to in order to expound on your disproven ideas?

Oh, and mods, please note that a pster is attempting to reveal personal information for which they did have have permission. So much for ethics, huh?
Oh, wow!:jaw: Look at that!
A hoh woman who raised a deaf son using ASL only, and he's such a success even on the phone.... and this woman is on the messageboard...

(or is the correct spelling message-bored)

And who would that be cloggy? Once again, I do believe you have your information wrong. On both assumptions. But I've come to expect that from you.
Originally Posted by jillio
Oh, wow! Look at that! A deaf personthat can play golf, have children, and live independently! And OMG! A deaf kid that can use their voice!

Oh, wow! Look at that!
A hoh woman who raised a deaf son using ASL only, and he's such a success even on the phone.... and this woman is on the messageboard...

(or is the correct spelling message-bored)
And who would that be cloggy? Once again, I do believe you have your information wrong. On both assumptions. But I've come to expect that from you.

Hi Jillio... you feel as it was about you.... Not everything is about you... hardly anything actually.......
I'm sorry you misinterpreted and ASSumed..
My remark was just as random as yours....
jag, did you have PMS or something when you wrote that post?.
Oh nice. But no longer a problem for me. ROFLOL.

Yes, but that's YOUR experiance. Everyone with hearing loss is DIFFERENT and responds to hearing technology differently. Lots of kids with mild loss can't really get too much out of hearing aids, but there are other kids who get a ton out of aids! Same with kids with severe and even profound losses. ?.

Yeah so? Exactly where does saying what you quoted get me a lecture on technology and the fact that everyone is different? hmm.

For you
its probaly akin to the difference between a ITE (where you can hear but not as well) and a BTE, for someone who's more traditionally hoh. .

Well I went from a bte to ite then back to a bte then the ci, CI still does much more then any HA ever could.

Yes, back in the '60's and 70's you didn't get treated as MR. That's probaly b/c back then they thought that mainstreamed kids were the smart ones. You have to remember that growing up most kids with "classic" disabilites were sent to special schools.

I have a child with 'classic' disablities so should I say NO SHIT SERLOCK when you decide to tell me that 'back then they were sent to special schools. In FACT a friend from HS had a sister with DS who was a year older then us and yeah she went to the speical school in a different town. Please do not lecture me on the history of 'classic' disablities, I think I might have more experience in one of those 'classics'.

Also LD as a dx was pretty much either nonexistant or emerging, so the kids who required sped services, didn't get lumped into the "dumbass" group. ].

Ahh, insulting those you concider to be inferior to you again? I did say you should come up with non insulting ways to describe your treatment saying they are the 'dumbass' group is as bad as when Jackie used the word other staff had spoken around here 'bad' to describe those deaf kids who weren't doing well speaking.

I now know why I concider those with 'classic' disablities to be more intelligent then people like you.

Besides, you have to admit that public schools don't do well with educating kids who have differing needs. They are generally set up to educate that Mythical Average Learner. ].

So? My child with the 'classical' disablity was in her home school until the end of 6th grade. There were good times and some not so good. But she WAS included in class field trips and speicals and even little skits. And she did have kids who played with her.

I'm not downplaying your experiance. I just think that you don't quite realize that while a kid with "classic" disablities can sometimes suceed in just a general education setting with minimal accomondations, a lot of times its very hard. .

We made decisions based on what we felt our daughter with the 'classical' disablitiy needed at the time. We went up against administrators and 'professionals' to make sure she got the accomdations she needed. We did not automatically agree to things we did not think were in her best interest. If they wanted to do something we didn't want we would agree to try it for awhile then decide. That's what a parent is supposed to do, not automatically except someone else's opinion. (I can tell you I really hated fighting them but I did, espcially since the principle always treated me like an emotional woman and my hubby as an equal. LOL )

It's great that you did so well...........but for many other people their experiance wasn't that great. You have no idea how lucky it was that you and your daughter suceeded with just very minimal accomondations. I really think if your daughter had needed more accomondations or help, you might have found her school experiance to be very different. It sometimes seems that you practically need to be a disabilty rights lawyer to get any accomondations.

You know I never said that deaf or hoh kids don't need accomodations. There are many factors in deciding what may be needed. I went to a small school (my graduatiing class was I think 45) My daughters was about the same. It's an area where unless you move (and my dad did move us a few times, but only to rural areas like we left) you have the same classmates from K-12. That makes a hugh difference for social life compared to going with one set of people from k-5 then getting separated from them for the next 3 or 4 yrs and then getting separated again for the last 4 yrs of school.

As for being able to get her accomodations after her hearing problem was diagnosed if she had needed them, I'm not so sure it would have been a hugh problem, I'd already begun to flex my muscle with my younger daughter and they knew I knew what they were required to do. She didn't need them really so I didn't have to.

I'll repeat, PARENTs are the ones reponsible for advocating for thier child. If they can't get what is needed then they need to be willing to take it to the next step. Sometimes just getting an advocate into a meeting gets the results you need. If that fails then going to the next step is necessary. A parent needs to be willing to research and connect with people who have successfully gotten their child what they needed. It's a pain in the butt and I do understand why people don't want to. I did the research necessary for my daughter and We called meetings (was funny when they told me that it wasn't time for the anual review so they didn't have to schedule one :) once presented with a request in writing with 3 dates that would work for me the tune changed). we advocated for her needs.

Rather then always complain about what you (and even i and my daughter) lacked perhaps it's time to begin sending parents looking for answers the links and places where they can find the information to begin to be successful.

I won't be on much except for some one weekends now since vacation is over. Didn't do much these 2 weeks since the child with 'classic' disablities was recovering from some surgery, so I had more time then normal to 'chat'.