Deaf Adoption: A Rhetorician's New Family

Ever hear of Muncchausen's by Proxy?

And this board was created to revolve around deaf people and to give them a place to share experiences. Why can't you respect that?

That's just it, Jillo..I don't have the right to share my own personal experiences with growing up as a deaf person, with working with dead/hoh?CI kids, interacting with other deaf/hoh children, and don't have the right to ask questions nor share my opinions.

Apparently, I no longer have my own mind either since Rick has taken over my thinking and feelings for me.

As usual..rick joins the countless hearing people that told me how to think, how to feel, discounted my questions, opinions and twist my words around while growing up totally assimilated into the hearing world.. Nothing new there and they wonder why I have no need to go back to it full time.

I am an oral success but yet, I turned my back to that view so I think that's why they despite me. Doesn't matter that I had suffered greatly from that view. iam the big bad enemy!!! Lol
Pretty much. A parent who puts their child on display for any reason does so from the motive of the parent and not what is in the best interest of the child.

Being PROUD of a child's accomplishments is not in the best interest of children?

No wonder kids have problems nowadays, if that is the prevailing attitude!!!
Sorry, but you, as usual, have misstated the facts.

As I have previously stated, my daughter at my initial suggestion has taken two ASL courses to fulfill a requirement for her degree. She thought it was a good idea and that it might also help her with those deaf people she knows who do not have the oral language skills that she possesses.

So,she is exposing her self to the signing deaf community. You suggested that she take ASL courses. Ever think of taking them yourself?

She has not "chosen" to familiarize herself with the deaf community because we chose that for her when she first became deaf. Being part of the deaf community has always been a part of her life and since her diagnosis, our lives as well. She and we have always been involved with the deaf community, just not close-minded people like you who judge people not for who they are but rather based upon the language methodology they utilize or that they chose for their child.

you have stated that you have exposed her to the oral deaf community. That is hardly representative of the deaf community as a whole. The oral deaf community has no spearate culture, but are part of the hearing community. That is why they are oral.
So once again you are wrong (I never get tired of telling you that!!) as those are not my admissions.

"it is entirley possiblethat her perspective of what it is to grow up deaf is entirely different than your hearing persepctive of what she went through growing up deaf."


Of course you would answer that way. You are completely unable to see anything from any perspective save your own. So, of course you would assume that you know as well as your daughter what it is to grow up deaf, even though you have never experienced it.
Yes I have heard of it. Ever hear of the infield fly rule? It has about as much relevency to this discussion of your introduction of Muncchausen's by Proxy to this discussion.

Sorry but I do not tell anyone to not share their experiences so I guess this is just another of your bogus and fabricated arguments when you have nothing else to argue.

g2g big hackey sack tournament on ESPN!

It has more relevence that you are obviously able to see. Critical thinking, rick, critical thinking.

And its nice to see that you are still discounting techniques that work for signing deaf that need a visual componet added to group communication. Why is that rick? Is it becasue they are signing and don't deserve to be accommodated?
Being PROUD of a child's accomplishments is not in the best interest of children?

No wonder kids have problems nowadays, if that is the prevailing attitude!!!

Of course being proud of a child's accomplishements is in the best interest of the child. But that is something that is to be communicated tothe child. To lead them to believe that everyone else is going to be as concerned feel such pride as their parents do is setting that child up for a very rude awakening. And how does it serve the child's interest to put their everyday existence on video on the net, ot toparade them in front of judges to lead them to believe that their whole value depends on physical characteristics. Or, to finish the comparison, to lead them to believe that becasue they are able to develop speech skills, they deserve more recognition than those who don't develop those skills. You are teaching the child to base their self worth onsome very superficial qualities through this behavior. The benefit is to the parent. Its nothing more than a declaration of "Look what I've done!"

And what about those deaf children who have hearing sibs? Don't they deserve their parent's declaration of pride in their accomplishments as well. Are their blogs about them?
That's just it, Jillo..I don't have the right to share my own personal experiences with growing up as a deaf person, with working with dead/hoh?CI kids, interacting with other deaf/hoh children, and don't have the right to ask questions nor share my opinions.

Apparently, I no longer have my own mind either since Rick has taken over my thinking and feelings for me.

As usual..rick joins the countless hearing people that told me how to think, how to feel, discounted my questions, opinions and twist my words around while growing up totally assimilated into the hearing world.. Nothing new there and they wonder why I have no need to go back to it full time.

I am an oral success but yet, I turned my back to that view so I think that's why they despite me. Doesn't matter that I had suffered greatly from that view. iam the big bad enemy!!! Lol

You big meanie you!
I was right. Paranoid. Unfounded fears. As I said, a simple phone call. Nothing revealing or revelatory. You're expressing your fear, not his. Probably something has to do with The Post Onpost Interview earlier this year.

A simple phone call.

Exactly what are you talking about? Post Onpost Interview? And no, paranoia is unfounded fear. Fearing unscrupulous individuals who do not adhere to ethical guidelines in their attempts to find correlation, or pass themselves off as "scholars of rhetoric" inaccurately, or who keep 20 years worth of records of conversations with deaf people without ever revealing that these records were being kept, and without the intent of actually using this data to publish results and thus make a contribution tot he field is actually very reasonable skcepticism.

Compiling those record for that many years without an intent to use them for anything other than your own entertainment is a bit like stalking, and certainly does not comply with any ethical standards that true researchers are held to. So given your reluctance to subject yourself to IRB standards and professional ethical standards, one would certainly wonder why you are so reluctant to do so.
And you need to understand that your limited experience is not refelctive of the experience of the deaf population as a whole.
Can I get an AMEN here?
The oral only (that is young oral only) population is relatively small. Yes, there's a HUGE ALDA/SHHH style population, but the oral only population is even smaller then the Deaf community. (especially as most orally trained kids eventually join the Deaf community)
There's also the fact that overall the oral only folks you know represent a very small and quite priviliaged (both in matters of things like class and race) sample............I mean exactly how large is the oral dhh adults section of AG Bell?