Daniels-Ryan for 2012

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CNN Poll: Half say Gulf will never recover

Washington (CNN) - Nine in ten Americans say that the situation in the Gulf of Mexico is still out of control, but roughly half say that it is not getting any worse, according to a new national poll.

But will the oil spill get any better?

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday indicates that about half the public says that the Gulf will eventually recover, with half saying that will never happen.

According to the poll, opposition to increased offshore drilling has grown 10 points since May and is now twice as high as it was in 2008. Fifty-eight percent of those questioned support a six-month moratorium on new drilling in the Gulf and other offshore sites; 68 percent favor increased regulation of the oil industry in this country.

"There is a gender and generation gap on offshore oil drilling - women and younger Americans are less likely to support drilling offshore and more likely to support a moratorium," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Measures that directly target BP are also popular - 63 percent favor lifting the liability cap on BP and 53 percent would support criminal charges against some BP employees or executives.

The public also likes the ideas on alternative energy sources that President Obama outlined in his prime-time speech Tuesday night. Seven in ten favor Obama's proposals to reduce the amount of oil and other fossil fuels that are produced or used in the U.S., and large majorities think those proposals will increase jobs in the U.S. and make life better for the next generation of Americans.

"More than three-quarters of Democrats and Independents support Obama's ideas on this topic. Republicans are split, 46 percent to 46 percent, on them," says Holland. "But most Republicans do say that Obama's proposals would increase jobs and help the next generation."

The survey was the first national poll conducted entirely after the president's address on the oil spill to the American people. Obama's speech directly followed his fourth trip to the Gulf Coast since the environmental disaster began on April 20.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted Wednesday, June 16, with 534 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

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Interesting poll.
um... that's different.

What Jillio was referring to was Alcohol Sales.
What you're referring to is Alcohol Enforcement..... like DUI and Public Intoxication.

Actually I am talking about consumption.....specifically before noon on Sundays. They cite the seller heavily as well and often set up stings to catch stores selling during prohibited hours.
Actually I am talking about consumption.....specifically before noon on Sundays. They cite the seller heavily as well and often set up stings to catch stores selling during prohibited hours.

That is sales. There are no laws against consumption before noon on Sunday.
TABC General Questions

2.What are the legal hours of public consumption of alcoholic beverages?

In an extended hours area, a person may not consume or possess with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place:

•Monday-Saturday: before 7am or after 2:15am
•Sunday: before noon or after 2:15am•Exception: Consumption is legal between 10am and noon on Sunday:
◦At an on-premise establishment when it is sold along with the service of food to a customer;
◦At a winery, fair, festival, concert, or sports venue.
“Extended hours area” means an area subject to the extended hours of sale provided in Section 105.03 or 105.05 of this code.

In a standard hours area, a person may not consume or possess with intent to consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place:

•Monday-Friday: before 7am or after 12:15am
•Saturday: before 7am or after 1:15am
Sunday: before noon or after 12:15am•Exception: Consumption is legal between 10am and noon on Sunday:
◦At an on-premise establishment when it is sold along with the service of food to a customer;
◦At a winery, fair, festival, concert, or sports venue.
“Standard hours area” means an area which is not an extended hours area.
If you have it in your home, already purchased, there is no law against consuming it. Public consumption also refers to sales, such as in a bar.

No doubt but my original post was about a beach or a lake......It's illegal to consume there before noon on Sunday. :)
Who said it wasn't???? :lol:

But I don't see where you specified "public" or "private" in your incorrect statement below.....

Public consumption is a whole 'nother issue. It generally involves sales, as well.
Public consumption is a whole 'nother issue. It generally involves sales, as well.

Nope...Most buy ahead of time pack a cooler and get busted on Sunday. Galveston actually has paddywagons that drive up and down the beach looking for it. I have seen private boaters cited for it on Lake Grapevine, Lake Conroe and Joe Pool Lake as well. Just for drinking before noon on Sunday......no sale involved. :)
Kind of like saying there is no such thing as oral thesis defense for a master degree when it does exist. :roll:
Kind of like saying there is no such thing as oral thesis defense for a master degree when it does exist. :roll:

still no such thing :)
Nope...Most buy ahead of time pack a cooler and get busted on Sunday. Galveston actually has paddywagons that drive up and down the beach looking for it. I have seen private boaters cited for it on Lake Grapevine, Lake Conroe and Joe Pool Lake as well. Just for drinking before noon on Sunday......no sale involved. :)

Boaters also fall under DUI laws. I've seen people arrested for public consumption at lakes and parks as well, but alcohol was prohibited, period, not just on Sunday. But when you are talking about public consumption, it also covers restaurants, bars, etc.
still no such thing :)

Absolutely. A thesis is not defended, only presented. Only a dissertation requires defense. I do believe we already clarified prior.
Boaters also fall under DUI laws.

Not if they are not driving the boat.... :lol:

I've seen people arrested for public consumption at lakes and parks as well, but alcohol was prohibited, period, not just on Sunday

These lakes and the beach are different. It is legal there. But not before noon on Sunday. And that is what I mentioned in my post :)

But when you are talking about public consumption, it also covers restaurants, bars, etc.

Of course it "also covers" those. Never said it didn't

But the point is you said....
There are no laws against consumption before noon on Sunday.

and that is incorrect.
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