I am hard of hearing, I was born hearing and had no issues with it until about 1995. That is when I started to lose it. After many surgeries and years later I am now hard of hearing. I have a profound loss in my left ear and a severe loss in my right. Without hearing aids I am dead in the water when it comes to speech comprehension. At this point I feel like I am stuck between two worlds, the Deaf world and the hearing as I don't fit in in each. I have joined the Lowcountry association of the Deaf Here in Charleston SC and have been attending meetings. Right now I am taking ASL classes but my signing is very basic at best. Luckily one of the members is married to a hearing person. She has been interpreting for me during the meetings as they sign way too fast and most of it I wouldn't understand anyway as I have not learned enough signs. That is what got me thinking. I know that some orginizations have to provide an interpreture if requested that made me wonder if the same held true for me since I do not know ASL.
Am I going to ask them to do that? No I'm not. I just had the thought and figured I would ask.