Corrupt a Wish

Granted, Babyblue, but you go back in time during the age of the dinosaurs and you are having a hell of time fending for yourself.

I wish I had all the money in the world to travel anywhere I want to!
Babyblue said:
I wish I could go back in time.

wish granted but then you never were born, to know your twin, your parents and your families..

I wish I'd eat better!
>>I wish I'd eat better!<<

Granted Freckles but your boyfriend/husband who happens to be a "junk food junkie" stole all of your healthy food and threw it all away.

I wish I could sing in tune.
I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves in this thread. No one responded to my wish. (I feel so neglected. LOL! j/k)

I'll respond to Freckles wish and then give mine again...

Granted Freckles but your boyfriend/husband who happens to be a "junk food junkie" stole all of your healthy food and threw it all away.

I wish I could sing with perfect pitch.

Granted, you sing perfect pitch after being hit in the nuts. :lol:

Noooowww I wish I could jetset all over the world!
Granted, you sing perfect pitch after being hit in the nuts. :lol:

Noooowww I wish I could jetset all over the world!

Your wish is granted Liza, but since you suffer from a severe case of air sickness, you had to permanently cancel your trip.

I wish I were a famous gourmet chef.
You are! And your most famous dish is escargot! And you have to eat it every day!

I wish I had a big ice cream sundae right now.
>>I wish I'd eat better!<<

Granted Freckles but your boyfriend/husband who happens to be a "junk food junkie" stole all of your healthy food and threw it all away.
(how true... hey, it's the truth. no wonder why my eating habit HAS been corrupted!) :lol: :lol:

I were a famous gourmet chef
granted hear again but you found out there are sooo many people, especially and your hubby that are allergic to almost all ingridents!

I wish I can sleep just for 5 hours during the night!
Your wish is granted Liza, but since you suffer from a severe case of air sickness, you had to permanently cancel your trip.

I wish I were a famous gourmet chef.

Granted. But, you just cooked for a crowd of 500, and you ran out of the main course!

I wish I lived in a house made of gingerbread!
(( *mumbles* )) ha. I guess I'll be back when there's no response for an hour!
Granted. But, you just cooked for a crowd of 500, and you ran out of the main course!

I wish I lived in a house made of gingerbread!


Wish granted Ocean, but your extremely hungry family labrador retriever came along and scarfed down your entire gingerbread house leaving you without a home.

I wish I were the first female President of the United States.

Wish granted Ocean, but your extremely hungry family labrador retriever came along and scarfed down your entire gingerbread house leaving you without a home.

I wish I were the first female President of the United States.

Wish granted, but your entire cabinet is male and they are constantly complaining about your rampant PMS.

I wish I was a herpetologist (a scientist who studies reptiles).
Wish granted Hear Again but no one wants to serve a woman after the Palin fiasco. Canada welcomes you. :giggle:

I wish to dive in a warm vat of melted chocolate and swim all by myself. MMMM! :naughty:
Wish granted Hear Again but no one wants to serve a woman after the Palin fiasco. Canada welcomes you. :giggle:

I wish to dive in a warm vat of melted chocolate and swim all by myself. MMMM! :naughty:

:laugh2: at Mrs. Bucket's joke about Palin!

Your wish is granted Mrs. Bucket, but since you never learned how to swim, the best you could do was to smell the chocolate rather than swim in it.

I wish I were married with several children of my own.
:laugh2: at Mrs. Bucket's joke about Palin!

Your wish is granted Mrs. Bucket, but since you never learned how to swim, the best you could do was to smell the chocolate rather than swim in it.

I wish I were married with children.

Wish Granted, but you just realized you married Al Bundy and your kids are slobs!

Sorry, I had to go there! :giggle: