Coolest thing you have done

Originally posted by prostock19
One day, while my ex was showering (she was deaf), I grabbed the towels from the bathroom and through them in the dryer. When I heard the water stop, I took the towels out of the dryer and wrapped them around her. She really liked that. I saw it by the smile and look on her face. Try it to your girl.

:shock: Never thought of that... Gotta try that for my boys since they're always FREEZING after done taking baths. :lol:

I should try it for my hubby as well! :naughty:
Originally posted by VamPyroX
What's the coolest thing I've ever done? Hmm... that would be when I joined AllDeaf! :thumb:

:eek: to ur girlfriend?, u need to read thet question that BostonIceFire had posted.. :|
Mm, most recent one! I took Alex out for his surprise birthday at a fancy and famous restaurant in NYC. He loved it! :thumb:
Originally posted by Grumpy Kiki
:eek: to ur girlfriend?, u need to read thet question that BostonIceFire had posted.. :|

I wonder what was the coolest thing he did for me? *Hoping he would answer* lol
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
I wonder what was the coolest thing he did for me? *Hoping he would answer* lol
Alright! Alright! Alright! Stupid me... I'll tell you. The coolest thing I've ever done to her was when she was begging me to buy her a new board game. That game was Monopoly: Pokemon Edition. I told her no. We later went to another store and I bought a new mini-fridge for my dorm room. Later, we went to the mall. While we were at the mall, we agreed to split and return in 30 minutes. She went one way and I went the other. I immediately took off and walked to the first store, which was about a mile away. I went in and bought the Monopoly game she wanted then walked all the way back. I then took the mini-fridge out of the car, carefully took the mini-fridge out of the box, then put the Monopoly game inside. I then put the mini-fridge back in the box and carefully put the strap back on. I put the box back in the car and headed back into the mall again to meet her. Later that night, we were in my room for the weekend cuz my roommate was out for the weekend. I told her that she could be the first person to put something in the fridge after I hooked it up. She did and found the game in there waiting for her. She thought it was cute.
Prostock, VAMP, Msgiggle ...........your stories are awesome! Mmm.. what I have done to a guy... lets see...

a guy was so tired from working all those crazy hours. I was being lazy and being in bed. He came home, he then went into bed. As u know how relationship are...touching and kissing. He realized I was naked. :D Never got naked until that day. He He!

Another story would be lying to him saying I'm meeting somebody. Turn out I was meeting him. :D *Glace over to Complicated* U remember that? *laughing*
Originally posted by MsGiglz
The Coolest thing I ever done in public........
Couple years ago, I went downtown Mpls. I saw many teenagers and young kids are homeless (about 20 of them). They looked so dirty, hungry and cold. It was wintry time... they were begging for money or food. My heart broke from seeing them like that... after I done with my errands and went pass them, they are still there.. I saw McDonalds next to them.. I went in and bought 40 dollars worth of cerficates.. I asked mgr to have post-it notes to write down... I wrote down some notes with homeless/shelters phone number and crisis number too. I went back and passed out the cerficates & notes, to the small children first then some teenagers.. Their eyes are gleaming shiny with smiles and rushed in McDonalds. Cops went by and stopped, said to me. "you are an angel". and the Cops talked to small children and convert them to go with Cops to shelters.. I talked some teenagers, "if you are runaway, please think about calling your parents or your closest friends to go back home because this place isnt a home".. then i got in my van and I broke down with tears.. I said myself.. I am very thankful that I have a home for my kids and food/clothings..



*cries* oh my gosh you are so sweet ever i see !!!! i am so happy.. homeless people are enjoyed ate their dinner or lunch ,,,
I knew he wanted a poker night with his friends, but he couldnt cook shit, and tried to cover up in front of his friends, so the night before the poker night, i stayed up the whole night making snacks and food for them, and left it in the ref. for him to see, and he ended up becoming very popular with his friends, they loved the food. apparently that was too nice of me.
Originally posted by MsGiglz
The Coolest thing I ever done in public........
Couple years ago, I went downtown Mpls. I saw many teenagers and young kids are homeless (about 20 of them). They looked so dirty, hungry and cold. It was wintry time... they were begging for money or food. My heart broke from seeing them like that... after I done with my errands and went pass them, they are still there.. I saw McDonalds next to them.. I went in and bought 40 dollars worth of cerficates.. I asked mgr to have post-it notes to write down... I wrote down some notes with homeless/shelters phone number and crisis number too. I went back and passed out the cerficates & notes, to the small children first then some teenagers.. Their eyes are gleaming shiny with smiles and rushed in McDonalds. Cops went by and stopped, said to me. "you are an angel". and the Cops talked to small children and convert them to go with Cops to shelters.. I talked some teenagers, "if you are runaway, please think about calling your parents or your closest friends to go back home because this place isnt a home".. then i got in my van and I broke down with tears.. I said myself.. I am very thankful that I have a home for my kids and food/clothings..



omg! U r sooo nice person!
I just made a birthday party for my boyfriend. I invited his old pals to come over. He was pretty happy about it. He had a great time.
I bring my date to hotel for romantic night, what a coolest night I ever had during Deaf Canada Conference
Good grief, coolest thing I've ever done for my boyfriend? Hm... Let me think... I have no clue really, but I'll ask him sometime and post on here later what he says is the coolest thing I've done for him.
I'll have to come back with you all to get details on what would be the coolest thing I have done.
:) I would say for me, it would be buying my guy a ring identical to the one I wear. Its a wave ring that spins (you know what i mean?) He has been obsessed with mine since the day we met, and I've been looking for an identical once since then. I found it 2 weeks ago, still holding onto it till I can see him (hopefully this weekend.) But I know he'll love it, I just hope it fits :)
Recent nicest thing my bf did was telling me to meet him outside at 11pm sharp, no later .. I was like why? He refused to tell me.

But I found out from someone else that he was taking me to the movies "Matrix:Reloaded" OC .. and I thought that was sweet of him since I was planning on going this Friday but I didn't tell him that I found out where... Let him surprise me.

He picked me up and I asked him where are we going. He won't tell me but I told him that I already know, he pouted.. cute..

But we had a good time! I enjoyed the movie. Thanks SHawn!

The coolest thing I've ever done to my ex-boyfriend was that one special night at the end of the summer before I moved to New York. Normally everyday my ex would come home tired from work, I'd play with him or give him a massage, cuddle in front of TV. I just thought that since it would be our last week together before I moved.. I cooked up his favorite dinner, Strongoff with garlic bread. Just getting the scene ready- I have a pool out in the backyard- the weather's so perfect, so I ran to the store and got a red rose... picked the petals out and laid it outside leading to the pool and three candlelight by the side. When he came home, of course he smiled.. sat at the table, told me about his day, and had dinner.. then after he was done eating, and I told him that I wanted to go for a "swim"... but he was not in the mood so instead he just bummed out in the living room- ofc I was outside waiting for him, just a minute later he came outside looking for me and saw the rose petals and saw the candlelight.. his face glowed, smiled so big... he was like "Ooh! i love you baby!" jumped in the pool with me and shared the MOST romantic night of our lives... I'm sure you can imagine what would have happened at the end! :P
Originally posted by MsGiglz
The Coolest thing I ever done in public........
Couple years ago, I went downtown Mpls. I saw many teenagers and young kids are homeless (about 20 of them). They looked so dirty, hungry and cold. It was wintry time... they were begging for money or food. My heart broke from seeing them like that... after I done with my errands and went pass them, they are still there.. I saw McDonalds next to them.. I went in and bought 40 dollars worth of cerficates.. I asked mgr to have post-it notes to write down... I wrote down some notes with homeless/shelters phone number and crisis number too. I went back and passed out the cerficates & notes, to the small children first then some teenagers.. Their eyes are gleaming shiny with smiles and rushed in McDonalds. Cops went by and stopped, said to me. "you are an angel". and the Cops talked to small children and convert them to go with Cops to shelters.. I talked some teenagers, "if you are runaway, please think about calling your parents or your closest friends to go back home because this place isnt a home".. then i got in my van and I broke down with tears.. I said myself.. I am very thankful that I have a home for my kids and food/clothings..



Wow.. it is heartwarming story!! I am glad that you gave them warm meals and motherly advice to them. They would very appreciated that.
well this isn t a boy friend or gf type of story....

the coolest thing i ever done was take my best friend out to dinner to thank her for a nice visit with my mom who was in town for a week, it was a NICE visit and she got to know my mom along with going to new york for two days it was fun!