Connecticut school massacre

That was exactly my point. There really isn't one. As horrible as these things are, we're never really going to stop them from happening. As long as there are people in this world, you're going to have some lose it, and they're going to heinous shit. They are chaos and you cannot predict or contain. No amount of policies or legislation is going to keep everyone sane. It is what it is, but luckily it's not something that happens everywhere everyday. It's very random.

Yea, I agree.
Of course we have traffic laws that are meant to reduce traffic deaths. Speed limits are not just to ease the flow of traffic. The police stop people every day for various violations. Some people lose their licenses and some go to jail.

Cell phone use and driving is illegal most places but it almost seems to be an "after the fact" kind of law. If someone has a cell phone use record at the time of an accident, then he or she is likely to be cited and held responsible for the accident.

It is difficult to hold someone accountable for a suicide.

We don't seem to have talked about the decision by a mass murderer is so often to kill themselves. Realize also that people commit "suicide by cop" every day across this country. Dangerous for passers-by and seriously dangerous for the police.

It is as tho' the school and mall shooters are trying to punish before they turn the gun on themselves. Why the need to punish? And, punish who?

In Alabama, they banned on texting but they allow people to use cell phone, even hand free is not required because they said make as hand free interfere with personal freedom.

I never, never liked state legislature in Alabama. :ugh:
I Am Adam Lanza's Mother

This I think says what really should be the focus, mental health and treatment. There's a quote in there from the kids social worker that I found really interesting

When I asked my son's social worker about my options, he said that the only thing I could do was to get Michael charged with a crime. "If he's back in the system, they'll create a paper trail," he said. "That's the only way you're ever going to get anything done. No one will pay attention to you unless you've got charges."
I Am Adam Lanza's Mother

This I think says what really should be the focus, mental health and treatment. There's a quote in there from the kids social worker that I found really interesting

When I asked my son's social worker about my options, he said that the only thing I could do was to get Michael charged with a crime. "If he's back in the system, they'll create a paper trail," he said. "That's the only way you're ever going to get anything done. No one will pay attention to you unless you've got charges."

Wow, I can relate. Got the same issues with one of my brothers. He had been battling mental illness all of his life. He was not properly diagnosed until he was 18 but by then, he already had a long history of violence, arrests, being expelled, and being on drugs and alcohol. He is now 24 years old and strung out on meth and on the loose. I fear for him and others. He hasn't gotten the support he needed growing up because of the stigma.

From the news stories, the real Adam Lanza's mother collected firearms. This woman puts all sharp objects in a container and carries them away where her son cannot get to them.

We don't know much about the mental state of these people other than to say that they obviously were mentally ill. There is treatment for mental illness but the number of professionals and the facilities must be inadequate with so many of the mentally ill so often on our streets and in jails.

Reading about the parents of some of the criminally insane has made me wonder how common it is for their parents to be mental ill.
How old are you?

I was a townie, not living in the country, and I recall very few, if any, students drove their own vehicles to school. I usually walked (it was only one mile.)
Yeah, probably many more than that. Transporting a loaded firearm (assumption), firing a gun within city limits, destruction of property, unlawful entry, parking in a fire lane....

parking in a fire lane.... sorry I shouldn't chuckle but... *chuckling*
Suspect in massacre tried to buy rifle days before, sources say -
Just days before the school shooting, Adam Lanza attempted to purchase a single “long gun” rifle from a local gun store but was turned away because he did not want to wait for the required 14-day background check, according to two federal law enforcement officials.

Sources said he entered the store “earlier in the week” in the Newtown area and inquired about buying one rifle. He was only 20 years old, and did not have a permit for firearms, and was told about a 14-day background check that would have to be done, the sources said.

“He didn’t want to wait the 14 days,” said one source, declining to be identified because the case is still under review. “So they denied him. The sale did not take place.”

so the law actually worked and it prevented Adam Lanza from causing harm. the system did not fail.

that's why Adam Lanza (supposedly) killed his own mother and took her guns. there's nothing more we can do about this. it's a tragedy. impossible to prevent it.
They want to raise money. Gotta keep their name in the news. Next up, they announce they are not going.

Who really cares what these people think? Are they the new breed of terrorists?

Something like that anyway. This part actually made me chuckle a bit

The Southern Poverty Law Center calls the Westboro Baptist Church "arguably the most obnoxious and rabid hate group in America," while the Anti-Defamation League calls it "a small virulently homophobic, anti-Semitic hate group."
After doing a lot of reading here..and now about WBC...the thought of removing the license plate on the front of my car..."Ain't Life a Bitch!"...the thought now is's gonna remain there....

Too many crazies in this world, and not much we can do about it.....except to arm yourself for your own safety.

Just can imagine the hurt and pain these parents are enduring,,,their sweet, innocent children being shot down, the horror of it!
I find the lack of discussion of the mind-altering psych meds the vast majority of these shooters are on to be very telling.

Would it have anything to do with the fact that pharmaceutical co.'s are one of the largest network sponsors?


Now for my question :cool2:

When I was in High School, my soccer coach was also my History teacher. He used to serve in the Special Forces in the Army. He later worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Clinton Administration.

Why couldn't he carry a firearm concealed on school property?

We also had a retired Army Colonel who was our Math teacher. Why couldn't he carry a concealed firearm either?

edit: The retired Colonel actually wrote a book about his experiences in WWII. He had been shot down over Italy and was rescued by an Italian resistance movement group. They help smuggle him back to Allied Territory. His name was Colonel Ivey - I will have to do some googling to find his book.

Now for my question :cool2:

When I was in High School, my soccer coach was also my History teacher. He used to serve in the Special Forces in the Army. He later worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Clinton Administration.

Why couldn't he carry a firearm concealed on school property?

We also had a retired Army Colonel who was our Math teacher. Why couldn't he carry a concealed firearm either?

It is illegal to concealed firearm at schools due to GFSZA and state law that make schools as gun free zone, so only police officers can do it.
Ironically, when I attended public school in Connecticut, we had rifle clubs in the high schools, and we never had any attacks or even threats of attacks in any schools.

When I was in High School, we could have a shotgun or rifle in our cars and park them on school property.
It is illegal to concealed firearm at schools due to GFSZA and state law that make schools as gun free zone, so only police officers can do it.

One of the absolute dumbest laws ever passed too. It has created, time and again, a mass casualty zone. criminals do not care about the law, they will kill as many people in these gun free zones as they possibly can because they know that nobody will shoot back.

End of story ...