Congratulations me!

Congratulations, Berry!

Would we be able to read what you wrote on the National Novel Writing Month ??? If so, could you please direct us to it?

Also what do you get out of this? Just curious.

I meant to get back sooner.

What a person doesn't realize when they get involved with this is that it takes up all your spare time after work. What you don't realize while you are doing it is all the other -- read IMPORTANT things -- are NOT getting done.

Like checking to make sure all the bills are paid on time. Things dropped off to be fixed and not picked up. Things ordered but not picked up. Commitments made two months ago but now forgotten about.

It is a good thing all my kids are grown up or I might have left one of them sitting on the curb outside the school waiting a couple of days for me to pick them up.

Fortunately I have all these wonderful women in my life, Wife and Daughters, who made sure I always had a ready supply of fresh coffee and clean sox.

Am off to work. Will try to get back tonight or tomorrow to answer comments.


Cool. Do they have some sort of prize or anything?

You receive a certificate declaring you did it. That is nice.

The prize for me is that when my first wife died I was had a novel almost completed. I never finished it.

I started another novel after she passed away. I never finished it either.

Since then I have started a book to be co authored with one daughter and a novel to be co authored with another. I found myself lagging on both.

I decided I had to break out of this vicious cycle I've fallen into of starting novels but not finishing them.

Now I have finished this one.

I will now start on one of the unfinished ones and finish it.

I meant to get back sooner.

What a person doesn't realize when they get involved with this is that it takes up all your spare time after work. What you don't realize while you are doing it is all the other -- read IMPORTANT things -- are NOT getting done.

Like checking to make sure all the bills are paid on time. Things dropped off to be fixed and not picked up. Things ordered but not picked up. Commitments made two months ago but now forgotten about.

It is a good thing all my kids are grown up or I might have left one of them sitting on the curb outside the school waiting a couple of days for me to pick them up.
Fortunately I have all these wonderful women in my life, Wife and Daughters, who made sure I always had a ready supply of fresh coffee and clean sox.

Am off to work. Will try to get back tonight or tomorrow to answer comments.



Now you know why I waited until my son was out of high school before beginning work on my doctorate.:giggle:

Wife and daughters, good!
Do not understand 'title' of novel but congratulations.

I don't know all of it, but it is National, "--something" Writing Month where you write a book in a month's time.

National Novel Writing Month. Na No Wri Mo. NaNoWriMo.

It started out as something of a dare among friends with too much time on their hands and grew to a world wide internet event.
Congrats, that's a major accomplishment!

I have to confess I am totally proud of myself.

I'm like a kid who just rode his bicycle with no hands for the first time and wants his Mommy to watch. (Poor Mommy.)
I see that you were writing about your life experiences from your hometown or the specific town that you want to write about. That is a lot of words to write. I am surprise that you are a writer. Good for you. :thumb:

Congratulation on getting that far and finish with your book. I hope the publisher will publish your book. :fingersx:

I am no longer sure what I started out to write... But it did turn out to be a novel. I just kept going with it and then after 30,000 words woke up with this "description":

When imagination is the most powerful force in the universe.

When children face adult problems and adults face artificial problems.

Whey you begin to wonder who (besides yourself) is living your life (with minor differences)

When the most evil villain is the society you live in.

Death and murder have to struggle to find their rightful place.

copyright 2011 by Michael Berryman, all rights reserved.

During the last 10,000 words I knew who the good guy, the bad guy, and the heroine were and what they had done.

Writing it was an adventure.
Wow, that's incredible! Well done, Berry! 20,000 words in two days is insane. It took me the better part of 9 months to finish my thesis, which is about 50,000 words as well.

Congrats! I am in awe of you! :applause:
Wow, that's incredible! Well done, Berry! 20,000 words in two days is insane. It took me the better part of 9 months to finish my thesis, which is about 50,000 words as well.

Congrats! I am in awe of you! :applause:

Thank you.

I had no choice. Monday was work all day and then pester my daughter at her sign language class at night. Tuesday and Wednesday people wanted me to do a dozen different things.

Do it Saturday and Sunday or it wasn't going to happen.

Did not shave. Only got up to go to the bathroom and get more coffee.
I don't know how to do it yet, but for those people who would like to read this novel, or others, I think I will form a Yahoo group. That way those people I know and choose to let read it can join and do so. But it will still be private and not "out there" on the net for all and sundry.

Thank you, everyone, again.