Cochlear Implants Decrease Your IQ?

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Hmmm...that could explain why I seem to have more blonde moments since I got my CI over two years ago :giggle: :cool:

I am groaning at your clever remark ... LOL How is your CI working for you?

Volcomskatz, The only statement you made that was remotely correct was the when you mentioned maningitus, there is an incresaed risk. For the first month or so following surgery, the risk is elevated. Following that, the risk is lowered. It is just a tiny bit higher than someone without a C.I.
The month or two following surgery is risker than the rest because the implant is new to your body. There is a chance your body may reconnize that there is a foriegn object in your head and attack it. The longer you go without getting meningitus, the smaller the risk of getting it.

As far as I.Q. is concerned, I do not see how a CI can affect your intelligence. The CI never contacts your brain. Nothing ever goes through the skull. The entire implant stays between the skull and skin, with the exception of the wire that goes into your cochlea. And that does not go realizthrough your skull. A hole is drill into the mastoid bone and the wire is threaded through that. It then goes into your cochlea.
As far as someone being made "retarded". That is flat out wrong. There is not a single documented case of someone reciving brain damage from a CI. Are there risks? Of course. But brain damage is not one of them.

If someone comes to this site to get information or opinions on a CI, do not give them false information. If you do not like them..... fine. say so.
If you say things that are not true, eventually, you will loose credibility and no one will llisten to anything you have to say. Also you run the risk of making this forum less credible.
You people with your lies, false statemnets and bias are only hurting yourself in the long run. The more REAL information gets out, the more you look like a joke.

Honestly, I'm not joking about CI...

I'm not going argue in this thread anymore and I'm proud to doing on my own risk with future children. If children don't get qualify, same thing went with Sweetheart because she can't get CI due high risk to become retarded then ask her, not for me. If children don't get qualify then I wouldn't implant them because I want save their life in future, just better off to wear hearing aids. I know that few deaf children from LA are went retarded after implanted and most of them are success with CI surgery but that's not joking. Ask local ENT but if you think that I get wrong then don't blame on me because I just listen some stories from ENT and friends in LA metro.

For declining of IQ, just depends on children but I got some loss of IQ after happened and failed 5th grade, also my parent are upset with me and they gave up for me to take speech therapy for some reason. It wasn't change my life and too confused to learn to use oral language. I just only wear CI at school instead of FM until freshmen then stopped for long time. Most children don't realize that their IQ is affected after got CI and I just found out myself but IEP was let me to excuse from re-take 5th grade then go ahead transfer to middle school.
FYI, I'm not against or support CI but there's pros and cons for CI, also I just tell truth about issues with IQ, not really related with anti-CI.

CI is good for severe to profound hearing loss or some people who have little or none benefits with HA, also take speech therapy to improving the oral language skill and test with oral language too. Some children have hard time to learn to improving the oral language skill, that what I said. I got CI for free since insurance paid all of them and no fees because I got some sponsor with CI. I thought that CI will help me to learn how to speak so rapidly, just learn itself but my wrong. Yea, My parent force me to get CI and I did made offers too, just much better than FM system.
Volcomskatz, The only statement you made that was remotely correct was the when you mentioned maningitus, there is an incresaed risk. For the first month or so following surgery, the risk is elevated. Following that, the risk is lowered. It is just a tiny bit higher than someone without a C.I.
The month or two following surgery is risker than the rest because the implant is new to your body. There is a chance your body may reconnize that there is a foriegn object in your head and attack it. The longer you go without getting meningitus, the smaller the risk of getting it.

As far as I.Q. is concerned, I do not see how a CI can affect your intelligence. The CI never contacts your brain. Nothing ever goes through the skull. The entire implant stays between the skull and skin, with the exception of the wire that goes into your cochlea. And that does not go through your skull. A hole is drill into the mastoid bone and the wire is threaded through that. It then goes into your cochlea.
As far as someone being made "retarded". That is flat out wrong. There is not a single documented case of someone reciving brain damage from a CI. Are there risks? Of course. But brain damage is not one of them.

If someone comes to this site to get information or opinions on a CI, do not give them false information. If you do not like them..... fine. say so.
If you say things that are not true, eventually, you will loose credibility and no one will llisten to anything you have to say. Also you run the risk of making this forum less credible.
You people with your lies, false statemnets and bias are only hurting yourself in the long run. The more REAL information gets out, the more you look like a joke.

I agree...... no such things about IQ reducing... no proven fact... that person are very wrong.....I have few CI'er friends... they all are smart...
FYI, I'm not against or support CI but there's pros and cons for CI, also I just tell truth about issues with IQ, not really related with anti-CI.

CI is good for severe to profound hearing loss or some people who have little or none benefits with HA, also take speech therapy to improving the oral language skill and test with oral language too. Some children have hard time to learn to improving the oral language skill, that what I said. I got CI for free since insurance paid all of them and no fees because I got some sponsor with CI. I thought that CI will help me to learn how to speak so rapidly, just learn itself but my wrong. Yea, My parent force me to get CI and I did made offers too, just much better than FM system.

Again you are not making any sense at all.... no proven facts... do you have a proof.?? show me link or urls...
I dont understand you.. some days you are against CI.... some days you are for CI.... whats going on with you???


I want to comment something to make this more clear to you with a question I want to ask you: do you understand about what I said in my post? I've said in my first post that I do not want to see any "anti" comments you said to somebody expressing their opinion about CI. I simply said that getting a CI can help increase the IQ of a person of ANY AGE, improve speech skills, and also improve communication if a person have good motivation in wanting to improve one of these "weak" areas. I've come to an understanding that you were totally against CI but why are you planning on getting one? You are the one who is confused, not me or them; they have the every right to express their own thoughts and feelings using TRUE experience of success or failure from wearing a CI. Am I clear about this? If not, I am not going to stir more (bleep) anymore, I want to move on to discuss about interesting things without any conflict.


I want to comment something to make this more clear to you with a question I want to ask you: do you understand about what I said in my post? I've said in my first post that I do not want to see any "anti" comments you said to somebody expressing their opinion about CI. I simply said that getting a CI can help increase the IQ of a person of ANY AGE, improve speech skills, and also improve communication if a person have good motivation in wanting to improve one of these "weak" areas. I've come to an understanding that you were totally against CI but why are you planning on getting one? You are the one who is confused, not me or them; they have the every right to express their own thoughts and feelings using TRUE experience of success or failure from wearing a CI. Am I clear about this? If not, I am not going to stir more (bleep) anymore, I want to move on to discuss about interesting things without any conflict.


you got it all wrong.. i only am against having babies and toddlers implanted.. i believe anyone have a right to make their own choice as they are old enough to make one choice.... you got all wrong...
For declining of IQ, just depends on children but I got some loss of IQ after happened and failed 5th grade, also my parent are upset with me and they gave up for me to take speech therapy for some reason. It wasn't change my life and too confused to learn to use oral language. I just only wear CI at school instead of FM until freshmen then stopped for long time. Most children don't realize that their IQ is affected after got CI and I just found out myself but IEP was let me to excuse from re-take 5th grade then go ahead transfer to middle school.

IQ has nothing to do with failing grades. Extremely bright people can and do flunk exams for many different reasons. Albert Einstein is the best example of this.

If you were 9-10 years old when you were implanted chances were that it was quite a stressful time for you and it sounds like your parents put a lot of pressure on you to deliver a miraculous change in your speech. Things like this can affect your performance at school rather than the procedure itself somehow doing something to your brain.

As for the other examples you have cited it is hearsay and we cannot check them out nor determine whether the circumstances were already there pre-implantation.

What we really need from you is proof, preferably citing a scientifically controlled published study.
IQ has nothing to do with failing grades. Extremely bright people can and do flunk exams for many different reasons. Albert Einstein is the best example of this.

If you were 9-10 years old when you were implanted chances were that it was quite a stressful time for you and it sounds like your parents put a lot of pressure on you to deliver a miraculous change in your speech. Things like this can affect your performance at school rather than the procedure itself somehow doing something to your brain.

As for the other examples you have cited it is hearsay and we cannot check them out nor determine whether the circumstances were already there pre-implantation.

What we really need from you is proof, preferably citing a scientifically controlled published study.

It's ok but who cares about risk, all people have own risk.

Well, My IQ is got better about little long time since got usually with CI, just like go back to normal but... I'm lucky about not become retarded then I don't need worry about issues but still concern with my future children.
Oh please, Sxyporkie don't get my point but you don't know how's respect Sweetheart's stories about risk with CI and you are just talk like fool on me. It's fact that implant on toddlers will much easier to use oral language. You need to know because you don't have CI then what's your point? We have CI and we can experiment how CI is good, also review about CI too. You said about friends but you don't know about many other people have experience with CI issues.

Screw to this thread then move on...
Mod Note:

Apparently there's a few here in this thread stating their own opinions, thoughts without actually backing it up with 'other' information...although, a person is entitled to express a thought or opinion without having to resort to have a link supplied for backing up their 'own' statements or thoughts. Bottom line, it's getting to a point where respect isn't being given...much easier to disagree to agree rather than downplaying the thoughts/ideas of others with such belittling. If one can't post in a manner that shows respect for the opinions of others, then don't post in a way that could bring in unneccessary drama, etc.,....

Thank you!

I must DISAGREE somebody who said that getting cochlear implants can decrease the IQ of a person. for example, If I were to get one, it would probably help me so much to improve my speech, the way I talk, also would help understand what people are saying. It can also improve to understand and change grammar. You never know once when you get cochlear implants into your ear, it's like rediscovering your life anew. I was told by my therapist recently that I could be a good candidate to get cochlear implants because I used to wear hearing aids, I was able to "identify" what kind of sounds I liked and wanted to hear out there. I have a hearing daughter who is almost 2 in February of next year I wasn't able to experience to hear her cry, coo, or whatever; or I can't hear my family talk or laugh I can't participate into a conversation I want to be a part of it. I have led an very isolated, sheltered life because of this double disability I grew up being deaf and in a wheelchair. I am from a hearing family, I was the only deaf in my family; I have two older sisters, they both can sign pretty good but we don't talk very often. Who knows.

For those who wants to get cochlear implants, LET THEM BE, let them decide, and let them experience the quality of having a cochlear surgically embedded inside the ear. If you (anti-cochlear implants) don't like what the pros want to do with their life, shut it, leave them alone, never put down on them.

By the way, Bear, CONGRATULATIONS with your getting cochlear implants, YOU RULE!!! Let me know when it will happen!!

Now I've said my two cents here. LeezaC

That is full of bull shit. Deaf people who have no cochlear implants, they are very brilliant people.
That is full of bull shit. Deaf people who have no cochlear implants, they are very brilliant people.

Member is not implying that nor is the member stating that 'deaf people' aren't brilliant.

Besides, we, each one of us can truly be brilliant in many different ways, no matter whether we're hearing, deaf, hoh, c.i. user, etc.,.... ;)

Member is not implying that nor is the member stating that 'deaf people' aren't brilliant.

Besides, we, each one of us can truly be brilliant in many different ways, no matter whether we're hearing, deaf, hoh, c.i. user, etc.,.... ;) RR

I just fed up with hearing parents always think that their Deaf babies would be not successful due to cant hear cant talk cant understand the hearing society in their future jobs, education, etc.. It just full of bull shit. Cochlear Implants would NEVER make their Deaf children have high IQ level.

My sons said, they heard the Deaf children with CI, their voice sounds like Deaf voice. Why would those babies going through suffer with surgery to get CI. God does not ask for it. They should be blessing to have healthy and beautiful Deaf babies. Why would go through with surgery CI, those Deaf babies did not ask for it.

The hearing parents expect their Deaf babies be like them as hearing and speak well. It makes so furious ! :pissed:
I just fed up with hearing parents always think that their Deaf babies would be not successful due to cant hear cant talk cant understand the hearing society in their future jobs, education, etc.. It just full of bull shit. Cochlear Implants would NEVER make their Deaf children have high IQ level.
That is not the case... they simply wants to expand their horizons hmm.. No one said CI will give them more IQ or reduce IQ at all. I don't believe CI will decrease or increase IQ at all... Let's throw "CI = increase IQ" logic out the window. BUT still CI will give some a better quality of life.

In my case, Less strain on speechreading, less dependent on paper/pen method. but I am still deaf!

My sons said, they heard the Deaf children with CI, their voice sounds like Deaf voice. Why would those babies going through suffer with surgery to get CI. God does not ask for it. They should be blessing to have healthy and beautiful Deaf babies. Why would go through with surgery CI, those Deaf babies did not ask for it.

The hearing parents expect their Deaf babies be like them as hearing and speak well. It makes so furious ! :pissed:

You can't determine that what your son heard will be same for all of those kids with CI.

You should not criticize the parents for going thru the surgery. It is their decision. YOu make decision for YOUR kids alone.

You should not be furious. It is not YOUR problem. Don't add chips to your shoulders for being involved in CI debacles. Just back off...simple...

You stated your opinion that you don't agree that kids should be implanted at young age. leave at it and be on your way... move on.
To further add to the discussion:

Cochlear Implants have no direct correlation with a person's Intelligence.

I'll say it again:

Cochlear Implants have no direct correlation with a person's Intelligence.

You do not instantly become smarter or stupider with the addition of a special device implanted into your body.

Now, what's debatable is how YOU react to the benefits or detriments provided by the implant. Do you use it to make yourself smarter? Do you, as stated in one ancedote by VamproX, assume you're "automagically smrter" and stop giving your all?

I was able to start enjoying music with my implant. However, I'm still unable to pick up an instrument and start playing with any skill. You'd think that since I could now hear, I ought to be able to do that like any hearing person, right?

The bottom line is, the implant is just a tool. It's just as evil as a hammer, or a toilet, or a computer. You're not going to lose brainpower just from getting it.
LOL, yet another stupid myth that ranks up there with the microwave one.

People are stupid because they don't put in the effort to educate themselves. People with CI who are stupid are stupid just because. People without CI who are stupid are stupid just because! Geez!

IQ has nothing to do with how you dress, how your haircut looks nor the color of your skin. This is really ridiculious!

I vote for this thread to be :locked: for its utter stupidity. I lost 10 IQ points after sifting through this thread :slap:
LOL, yet another stupid myth that ranks up there with the microwave one.

People are stupid because they don't put in the effort to educate themselves. People with CI who are stupid are stupid just because. People without CI who are stupid are stupid just because! Geez!

IQ has nothing to do with how you dress, how your haircut looks nor the color of your skin. This is really ridiculious!

I vote for this thread to be :locked: for its utter stupidity. I lost 10 IQ points after sifting through this thread :slap:

HAHAHAHA I am laughing at your sentence!
LOL, yet another stupid myth that ranks up there with the microwave one.

People are stupid because they don't put in the effort to educate themselves. People with CI who are stupid are stupid just because. People without CI who are stupid are stupid just because! Geez!

IQ has nothing to do with how you dress, how your haircut looks nor the color of your skin. This is really ridiculious!

I vote for this thread to be :locked: for its utter stupidity. I lost 10 IQ points after sifting through this thread :slap:

Hear! Hear! I was totally agog over this inane thread.

There is absolutely no correlation between a CI and IQ. None, nada, zitch.

I can agree that a CI can provide tremendous benefits for a person but not in the IQ department. As Dennis said, it is simply a tool...some can make full use of it and others have trouble with it no matter what they do.
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