Cochlear Implant Patients.

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:laugh2: You really are a hoot.

Why am I here. I already explained that. Trouble with your memory? Question is, why are you here. You don't appear to like deafness nor deaf people very much at all.:cool2:

He get's along with me quite well. I am deaf........Mind you he is late deafend and fairly new to deaf world. Highly doubt many hearies would like deafness either when it is presented to them as such as Zee!
BRB I am searching for when I was personally attacked with my self-worth and denial and such. It is here FJ is correct. Granit I " sort" of brought it upon myself for telling Jillio that I believed her sarcasm was inappropriate here in this thread. But the insight she proceeded with had absoutely nothing to do with this thread at all.. I am a pretty easy going guy for the most part. But I do not like being told by someone that does not know me well at all other than the fact that I am Deaf and that I have a CI, That I need to seek professional help with dealing with my emotions and deafness and that I am copping out by getting a CI and not seeking the other options. Thats why I have been upset with jillio. It is here somewhere around page 10 or so... not sure I will find it tho.

You were not attacked nor was your self worth questioned. Nor did I say that you were copping out. That phrase isn't something I have ever used in any circumstance. Nor were my numerous posts directed to you personally. You took offense regarding something I stated that had virtually nothing to do with you, and proceeded to attack me and my opinions. And then you expected that I would let you bully me into not responding. You just made an error in the way you addressed me, and in your expectations of what that would get you.
:laugh2: You really are a hoot. You've been hearing for 18 years of your life. Now you try to use deafness as an excuse for your poor English?

Why am I here? I already explained that. Trouble with your memory? Question is, why are you here? You don't appear to like deafness nor deaf people very much at all.:cool2:

Why am I here? I already explained that. As PFH keeps saying read up! Have you read the first post?

Your actually wrong there. I hate the non-deaf folk who come in here thinking they know everything!
He get's along with me quite well. I am deaf........Mind you he is late deafend and fairly new to deaf world. Highly doubt many hearies would like deafness either when it is presented to them as such as Zee!

What, exactly, does that have to do with what I responded to?
You were not attacked nor was your self worth questioned. Nor did I say that you were copping out. That phrase isn't something I have ever used in any circumstance. Nor were my numerous posts directed to you personally. You took offense regarding something I stated that had virtually nothing to do with you, and proceeded to attack me and my opinions. And then you expected that I would let you bully me into not responding. You just made an error in the way you addressed me, and in your expectations of what that would get you.

I see so you chime in on a thread titled CI patient's for the sole service of what? You never gave him any input on what it's like having the surgery, Other than that it is horrific and such. Or did you give him any input on how the sound and what it's like with the CI because you yourself do not have a CI.
I see so you chime in on a thread titled CI patient's for the sole service of what? You never gave him any input on what it's like having the surgery, Other than that it is horrific and such. Or did you give him any input on how the sound and what it's like with the CI because you yourself do not have a CI.

Remember what I said....
Why am I here? I already explained that. As PFH keeps saying read up! Have you read the first post?

Your actually wrong there. I hate the non-deaf folk who come in here thinking they know everything!
Wirelessly posted

and people say it is me that starts the fights here!

i find it utterly ridiculous that a thread asking for personal experiences about getting a CI is hijacked by the anti-CI folks. Why would you come into a thread just to tell them that they are wrong, that they don't accept themselves, that they are in denial, that they are limiting themselves, and on and on? It's none of your buisness how they deal with their deafness!! And the MOST ironic part is that it isn't a Deaf person making these statements, they are hearing!!

how dare you judge someone for their choices? They are deaf and you aren't, haven't been, and in all likelyhood, never will be. Who gave you the right to decide what is the best way to deal with hearing loss?

There is no shame in deafness, and there is no shame in choosing to hear. One way of living with deafness is not "healthy" and all others wrong.

I find it utterly ridiculous that someone keeps using the phrase "anti-CI" when it has been shown time and time and time again that nothing is further from the truth.

Ask those questions of yourself, faire jour. You are the one that started off with no CI for my child and ended up with a bilateral. You are the one that calls parents who choose differently lazy and neglectful. You are the one that blatantly ignores anything that does not fit into your little self created idea of what is and challenges with no foundation whatsoever what years and years have shown to be consistent and true. You are the one that makes unfounded accusations of oral schools being attacked and protested against to the degree that parents are in fear of their safety, and then run away when you are challenged to provide any form of support for these absurd and exaggerated statements. You are the one that takes every statement made on this forum as a personal insult when, to be honest, no one even considers you in the statements they make. You simply are not that important to anyone here. You are the one that makes unfounded accusations, insults deaf and hearing alike, and makes outrageous claims of expertise when it is blatantly obvious that you have virtually no ability to see beyond the surface of anything.

And why would you even bother to log on here when so many members have expressed to you exactly what their feelings regarding you and your bull crap are? You claim to get attacked every time you post here. Why are you here then? Do you enjoy abuse? You seem to do everything in your power to get others to have and express negative opinions of you.
I see so you chime in on a thread titled CI patient's for the sole service of what? You never gave him any input on what it's like having the surgery, Other than that it is horrific and such. Or did you give him any input on how the sound and what it's like with the CI because you yourself do not have a CI.

I didn't give him that input. Go back and check the posts. It was deafies with CIs that made those statements. I simply posted my reaction to those statements. We have already been through this.

Yep, I chime in on a thread titled CI patients. Why shouldn't I. You chime in on a lot of things that you don't have any first hand experience of. And you misread a statement I made and interpreted it through your own biased lens and started all this bull crap.
Wirelessly posted

and what about all the post BEFORE those telling deafy that he is limiting himself, that they are in denial et al?

What about them? Dianrez tells you the same thing about an oral educational environment on your blog.
Show me where I go in with a negative attitude towards something I clearly never experienced. Unlike you!
I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot.
I started this crap? lol ok! believe what you want. You made one sarcastic comment ... ohh yes and you even stated in your comment it was sarcasm... and I felt that comment was un-needed and pertained nothing to the discussion at hand.. no where did this discussion turn towards implanting children till you chimed in...
Show me where I go in with a negative attitude towards something I clearly never experienced. Unlike you!

Show me where I have a negative attitude toward something I have never experienced? You are confusing pointing out the negatives with having a negative attitude. And for some reason, CI users and parents of CI users seem to completely loose it when reality is stated. Is your position really that fragile?
Reading comprehension is bad.. That was not posted by me!
I started this crap? lol ok! believe what you want. You made one sarcastic comment ... ohh yes and you even stated in your comment it was sarcasm... and I felt that comment was un-needed and pertained nothing to the discussion at hand.. no where did this discussion turn towards implanting children till you chimed in...

Want me to direct you to the post, and to the many posts in which I have clarified that my post was not sarcastic, but a realistic reaction to what I was reading about the surgery from the fingers of CI users?

So, you felt it was un-needed. BFD. And the discussion had already touched on implanting children. Just because you ignore it doesn't mean it isn't there.

You really need to get over yourself.
Reading comprehension is bad.. That was not posted by me!

What was not posted by you? If you are referring to post 25 that was copied and pasted, no one said that it was posted by you. I copied and pasted in reference to PFH's statement that post 25 is where this all began. Seriously, dude, everything is not about you.
I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot.

Oh boy, the bolded part reminds me of an argument I had with a late deafened person once in an online game years ago. He told me that I didn't know what I was missing as a result of my deafness. He was thinking of stuff like Music. This was when I wouldn't consider getting a CI. I told him I knew exactly what I was missing out on and it's not what he thought I was missing. I'm still missing out on the same stuff even with my CI now.

This is what I'm missing out on: communication with my family and always being left out of family jokes even though I can follow the conservation better than with my HA because most of them knows very little sign. Fortunately, I have ASL and I don't miss out with Deaf.
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