Cochlear Implant Patients.

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Oh boy, the bolded part reminds me of an argument I had with a late deafened person once in an online game years ago. He told me that I didn't know what I was missing as a result of my deafness. He was thinking of stuff like Music. This was when I wouldn't consider getting a CI. I told him I knew exactly what I was missing out on and it's not what he thought I was missing. I'm still missing out on the same stuff even with my CI now.

This is what I'm missing out on: communication with my family and always being left out of family jokes even though I can follow the conservation better than with my HA because most of them knows very little sign. Fortunately, I have ASL and I don't miss out with Deaf.

Exactly. And if people think they can come in here and post insulting and patronizing statements like that and not get strongly corrected on their perceptions of the deaf, they are terribly naive. It would seem that the CI users see nothing wrong with insulting the life quality of the non-CI users, but get their hackles raised anytime anyone suggests that a CI is not necessary to live a full and satisfying life. Talk about complete hypocrisy.
All these descriptions of the surgery make me want to run out and have my kid implanted as soon as possible.:shock: OMG, yes!!!!! Hearing is that important!!

**end sarcasm**
Ok that was really not sarcasm at all? yeah im sure your initial response.. lord knows you had no idea to what the surgery intails being on a deaf forum and posting 40k times... lol yeah it was really needed!
Show me where I go in with a negative attitude towards something I clearly never experienced. Unlike you!

it would seem that you posted this>>"I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot."

in response to Deaffys post..
Ok that was really not sarcasm at all? yeah im sure your initial response.. lord knows you had no idea to what the surgery intails being on a deaf forum and posting 40k times... lol yeah it was really needed!

Okay, Deaffy. You are so right. I bow down to you. You know better than I do what I intended in my post.

Wait....aren't you the one that keeps complaining that I have no idea what you were saying and can't figure you out just by your posts? Can you say hypocrisy?
Like I said read up. It was going on fine until he started off with his BS.

It started here...
That didnt last too long.

I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot.

Reading comprehension is bad.. That was not posted by me!

What was not posted by you? If you are referring to post 25 that was copied and pasted, no one said that it was posted by you. I copied and pasted in reference to PFH's statement that post 25 is where this all began. Seriously, dude, everything is not about you.

The text you copied from post 25.

That was written by me.

Thank you for confirming what we know.

You may know it. Jillio was apparently mistaken though..

it would seem that you posted this>>"I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot."

in response to Deaffys post..
Well.. She said: "I'll make it convenient -- Here is post 25 copied and pasted: "

No where in any of that she said it was deaffy that said it. ;) I clearly said YOU posted #25. Somehow you and deaffy are off the track here making assumptions.

If you want to have a refresher here it is:
click the blue box and go back - Jillio did not even quote or reference anyone to that post as deaffy writing it.... :)

RELAX and read things as it is.
it would seem that you posted this>>"I'll make it convenient: here is post 25 copied and pasted:

green, if you are talking to me, i am in no way happy with my current situation. since i had hearing before there is so much that i miss now.. And for all the deaf people out there, i really feel sorry for you even though you probably don't want me to. but ya'll are missing quite a lot."

in response to Deaffys post..

Dude, you are so confused. Are you still taking pain meds?
4 years and 40,634 and counting post's and thats your initial reaction? WOW it's a miracle... Not to say everyone and their brother knows your against implanting children even tho you know that they benefit from it at a early age pre-lingual period.. I'm soo naive! IT was un-needed the discussion did not pertain to children.
Well.. She said: "I'll make it convenient -- Here is post 25 copied and pasted: "

No where in any of that she said it was deaffy that said it. ;) I clearly said YOU posted #25. Somehow you and deaffy are off the track here making assumptions.

RELAX and read things as it is.

A couple of people need to slow down and read carefully.
Well.. She said: "I'll make it convenient -- Here is post 25 copied and pasted: "

No where in any of that she said it was deaffy that said it. ;) I clearly said YOU posted #25. Somehow you and deaffy are off the track here making assumptions.

If you want to have a refresher here it is: click the blue box and go back - Jillio did not even quote or reference anyone to that post as deaffy writing it.... :)

RELAX and read things as it is.

One or two in this case might get confused if jillio decides to randomly respond to a post 39 posts back..
4 years and 40,634 and counting post's and thats your initial reaction? WOW it's a miracle... Not to say everyone and their brother knows your against implanting children even tho you know that they benefit from it at a early age pre-lingual period.. I'm soo naive! IT was un-needed the discussion did not pertain to children.

Im born deaf - no CI, and I see it not necessary. :) So? Whats your beef? When you're going to use my post count against me - is it going to be 1856?
4 years and 40,634 and counting post's and thats your initial reaction? WOW it's a miracle... Not to say everyone and their brother knows your against implanting children even tho you know that they benefit from it at a early age pre-lingual period.. I'm soo naive! IT was un-needed the discussion did not pertain to children.

I know nothing of the kind. And children are not implanted pre-linqually.

Now you know what everyone and their brother knows. How is it that you know what all of these people know?

And yes, it was my initial reaction to what I was reading. Perhaps you don't understand the usage of the word "initial".

If it isn't about children being implanted, why do you keep bringing it up?

You really need to take some responsibility for the parts you play in these things.
One or two in this case might get confused if jillio decides to randomly respond to a post 39 posts back..

Jillio is not responsibile for your confusion. What is the problem with people not taking responsibility for their own actions? You got confused because you didn't read carefully. Jillio did not do it to you. You did it to yourself, young blood.
Im born deaf - no CI, and I see it not necessary. :) So? Whats your beef? When you're going to use my post count against me - is it going to be 1856?

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