Church bans Autistic Boy

Don´t compare austistic children with normal children because they are different. Autistic children need professional help. We can teach normal children well behave but autistic children? We parents need proffesional help how to help Austistic children.

I agree with u. Never compare children with austism to children without them.
I can only hope that kid will have to wise up before he kill someone by accident or on purpose and as I see from the fact that he is listed as over 6 feet and 225 pounds it would be harder to stop him from doing something that might be of dire consquences to anyone near him or who know him.... I just hope he needs to be taught how to behave properly and be respecting everything.. oh boy....

The kid to wise up? OK...then all the kids with austism need to wise up? Wish it was as easy as it sounds. Trust me, it is not easy.
being along with autistic may not be funny. Last time I was closer to these kid. Suddenly, they grab my hair.

Will you allow that happen in church? That would scary other people and go away.
Source: Church Bans Autistic Boy

It seems Priest has gone a bit overboard in preventing Autistic boy from attending church, he should have other alternative such as small group or special session for autistic children to attend church. Everyone has a right to attend church no matter what handicap they have.

It is stupid .. Priest should get a life.
Source: Church Bans Autistic Boy

It seems Priest has gone a bit overboard in preventing Autistic boy from attending church, he should have other alternative such as small group or special session for autistic children to attend church. Everyone has a right to attend church no matter what handicap they have.

Austism is a disease?

Then, I must be a diseased pariah!

look up the internet .. simple as that. Autism is not disease and ... harmless.
I used to work with learning disabled students and we had an autistic boy who was 12. He was a sweetheart,,,he attended our lunch time bible studies on his own (he willing wanted to go )... (I over seen this bible study with the students)...and he liked me a lot because I was a calm friendly person and he perceived this. However, if a teacher got upset at something small he did or raised her voice....he then became over active and we had to ask him (nicely) to carry some books from one end of the room to the other to calm him done (keep him busy)......
So, I am thinking, the mother said his actions in church began after the huge pastor came to their home or was it before then? Maybe the pastor upset him ? I think...... Autistic people seem to react to their environment and I don't see why it would be a problem to enter a church and just sit there and keep him quietly busy with something?
They need to figure how how to help this boy in church, since the mother really wants to go to this church and the church members should be "Walking in Love" for this young boy...don't you think ?? This is our world of diversity and the church should be helping out this lady and family situation not shunning her away. - This is only my opinion.
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look up the internet .. simple as that. Autism is not disease and ... harmless.

The disorder is not harmless, nor is this boy's behavior harmless. The disorder causes many problems for the person who has it. The behavior problems of this child are just an indication of that. He is not attempting to injure anyone because he is is because his autism does not allow him to control his behaviors and impluses to the degree that he could injure someone unintentionally as a result.
I used to work with learning disabled students and we had an autistic boy who was 12. He was a sweetheart,,,he attended our lunch time bible studies on his own (he willing wanted to go )... (I over seen this bible study with the students)...and he liked me a lot because I was a calm friendly person and he perceived this. However, if a teacher got upset at something small he did or raised her voice....he then became over active and we had to ask him (nicely) to carry some books from one end of the room to the other to calm him done (keep him busy)......
So, I am thinking, the mother said his actions in church began after the huge pastor came to their home or was it before then? Maybe the pastor upset him ? I think...... Autistic people seem to react to their environment and I don't see why it would be a problem to enter a church and just sit there and keep him quietly busy with something?
They need to figure how how to help this boy in church, since the mother really wants to go to this church and the church members should be "Walking in Love" for this young boy...don't you think ?? This is our world of diversity and the church should be helping out this lady and family situation not shunning her away. - This is only my opinion.

Autistic individuals quite often misinterpret environmental signals, as well. Adn the article states that the church has offered several options that would allow the boy to attend church and still solve the problem of a possible injury to another parishoner as a result of his inability to control his behavior. Given the situation described, I doubt this young man, or the rest of his family, is getting much out of the homily, anyway. Very difficult to participate in the church service if your concentration is distracted by having to sit on your child.

Likewise, this is a Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church considers those with mental disabilities to be innocent souls. According to doctrine, this young man already has a special place in God's heart.
As I read "Severely Autistic", "6 ft/225 pounds", "I can't disciplne him out of his autism", "7 children of the Race's family", "sit on his lap to calm him down" in that article.

Okay... I have an autistic/hearing son.

I suspect that it's more than autism- he may have an Angelman's Syndrome OR the severe case of Fragile X since they didn't say much about the teenager's history of education, early DXed, medications or not, etc...

Indeed it's true that autistic teenagers are unusually twice bigger, taller and heavier and also five times bullier even if they're on the medications. It depends on how they grew up with the surroundings and also how the family (siblings mainly) have treated him throughout his childhood years. If someone didn't spit on an autistic teenager, then he wouldn't spit on anyone. Also if not one person had hit him, then he wouldn't struck a child. If an autistic child gets a lot of PATIENCES, love and all, then it's very easy for an autistic child to pass them on others- even some strangers- and even avoid some "bad" people.

As for sitting on an autistic teenager's lap, that's a big no-no. He can wear very heavy vest (home-made vest along with some pouches of BB pellets all over the vest) to "weigh" and calm him down.

"I can't disciplne him out of his autistm". I'm not sure about that since she has seven kids and does she have time to focus 100% on an autistic kid than her other six children? If she did focus on an autism child, then it's a very good chance that the siblings resent that and began mistreating him which caused him to be like "them"- no matter how old the other kids were. I think she tries her best and yes it's very draining for his parents to deal with the society, very large family, the pressures from the church/legal actions and an autistic teenager whom thier parents do love so dearly.

I stress that autism is all about the lack of social interactions/peers/understanding, not mental illness... Yeah society does suck after all cuz we can't be all like Brady Bunch and magically make all the problems to go away.

As for the church's banning him, well, screw it. The Races' family can find another church that would be willing to accept and help an autism son and embrace the whole Race family as well.
Given the boy's size I can understand the safety standpoint, but at the same time I think the Reverend has crossed the line by filing restraining order against his own parishoners, let me tell you, that is probably the quickest way to make enemies and to send the church into a tailspin as they will be divided over the issue.

Yes, perhaps there are certain accomodations that need to be made and they have to realize that this boy does not fucntion on the same level as a normal person as you and I. But if the boy needs a personal care aide to assist the parents and others, then the parents need to file for it under State Medicaid that would provide these services as needed usually at no charge if I am correct on that part.
Given the boy's size I can understand the safety standpoint, but at the same time I think the Reverend has crossed the line by filing restraining order against his own parishoners, let me tell you, that is probably the quickest way to make enemies and to send the church into a tailspin as they will be divided over the issue.

Yes, perhaps there are certain accomodations that need to be made and they have to realize that this boy does not fucntion on the same level as a normal person as you and I. But if the boy needs a personal care aide to assist the parents and others, then the parents need to file for it under State Medicaid that would provide these services as needed usually at no charge if I am correct on that part.
What if the church did everything they could and the parents didn't? It shouldn't work that way.
What if the church did everything they could and the parents didn't? It shouldn't work that way.

Exactly. It isn't like the church filed a restraining order as first resort. They attempted to work with these parents to provide accommodations that would serve this family's needs and still serve to protect the other parishoners at the same time. The parents refused to accept any other accommodations, and ignored the concerns for safety that were expressed not just by the priest, but by other members of the congregation. The restraining order was filed as a last resort because the parents of the autisitc child refused to abide by any other possible solution.

The priest has an obligation to insure a safe environment for all of his parishoners. He attempted to carry out that obligation by offering alternative solutions to the family of the autistic boy. They refused to cooperate, and showed a blatant disregard for the safety and the rights of the rest of the congregation. It is the parents that are ultimately repsonsible for the church having to take such an extreme action through their refusal to consider the safety of the rest of the congregation.

Should an autistic child be permitted to attend church services with the rest of the congregation? Absolutely. Should an autistic child be permitted to endanger the other members of the congregation through the behaviors that have been demonstrated? Absolutely not. It is the parents' responsibility to insure that their child does not present a danger to others. If they refuse to address this responsibility, then other measures need to be taken.
Umm..ya cant take medication to slow Autism. It's called early intervention. why dont you learn to spell..maybe we should critisize you as you cant seem to spell! Sorry this story infuriates me as I have a 4 yr old son with Autism. And no it's not the parents fault that their child has Autism. It is something the child has been born with. And why the hell should the parents not take their child to church? Should we all hide our kids away and make them not be valid members of society just so we can keep the rest of the population happy? I think banning this child from church is downright stupid. Im almost tempted to go and tell the rev to F**k himself! Like if he is disruptive than yes I can understand, maybe it isnt a good place for him to be, but maybe suggest (like other posters have said) of an alternative church where maybe their are other children like him and people may tend to be a little more understanding of the situation. I personally think it was blown out of proportion and he probaby isnt as bad as what this article is saying. People just like to make things worse than they are as they cannot accept that someone else is different than themselves and people are always one to point the finger at the parents and blame, especially old people. I can say this as I have run into this situation and it's always old folks who are frowning and tut tuting at you thinking "why cant they control that child" Being as Autism is on the rise I think people need to educate themselves first. That is why I advocate for my son as there are to many ignorant asses out there who just dont understand.

A big amen to that. The media tends to blow things up. The people should know more about autism. I work with deaf and HH children but also in special Ed. were I see multiple needs children it is not simple. But then arent we all children of GOD. Good post
Thanks for the update, Calvin. It would still appear that the church attempted to find accommodations, but the family has refused them. If separate rooms are needed at home to prevent destruction and agression, why would it not be necessary in public, as well?
Is there anyway possible for the boy and family to view the services via closed circuit television or an even simpler solution, record these services to DVD to be viewed later by the family. Many churches already offer this service free of charge to shut-ins.
Hmm... either those are red marks that appear from a certain perspective by a camera or he's been hurting himself. If he's been hurting himself, then that's not good.

As for the description, I first thought it was a little kid who was under 4 feet tall or something... but I now see that he's over 6 feet tall. I'm almost 3 times older than he is, but he looks bigger than I do. With that in mind, he's acting like he has the strength of a kid when he doesn't know that he's really got the strength of a grown adult.

If a little kid (of the same age) playfully smacks him, he's going to think that it's going to be the same if he smacks the kid back... which would actually send the kid flying across the room. Now, that's a serious issue.

If the mother says that the priest is exaggerating, then why does the petition (signed by a whole bunch of people) say it's true?
Is there anyway possible for the boy and family to view the services via closed circuit television or an even simpler solution, record these services to DVD to be viewed later by the family. Many churches already offer this service free of charge to shut-ins.
I was thinking the same thing. I've gone to several churches and most of them offer this.
Is there anyway possible for the boy and family to view the services via closed circuit television or an even simpler solution, record these services to DVD to be viewed later by the family. Many churches already offer this service free of charge to shut-ins.

Walz did not return calls seeking comment, but Jane Marrin, who works for the Diocese of St. Cloud and is acting as a spokeswoman for the parish, said the church board tried working with the Races to find "reasonable accommodations." That included offering a video feed of Mass that could be watched in the church basement.

The family refused all suggestions, she said.

. . .

Carol Race dismissed the church's suggestion that Adam watch a video feed in the church basement, saying that "does not have the same status as attending Mass. Otherwise we could all just sit home and watch it on TV and not bother to come in."

"It's considered a sin in the Catholic church not to attend Mass on Sundays and every holy day of obligation," she said. "And that's what this is about. I'm just trying to fulfill my obligations."

Here's the whopper:
Carol Race was cited for attending church May 11 in violation of the restraining order, and faces a hearing Monday. She says she can't afford a lawyer and will defend herself in court. A lay mediator is scheduled to meet with her and church board members on Wednesday.

"In fact, Carol told our parish council that she would have to be dragged from church in handcuffs if I tried to keep Adam from attending Mass," he wrote.

The wrath of a religious mother . . . or a dutiful mother in denial?