Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Gay Policies

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"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Homosexual 'Marriage' Spreading

Issue Date: July/August 2005

The rush to legalize homosexual partnering is not confined to the U.S. This week, Spain's parliament voted to join the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada in making "gay" marriage legal. Same-sex couples now have the same rights to inheritance, medical coverage, and retirement benefits as normally married people. In some places that also includes the right to adopt children.

Here in the States, this part of the culture war is hot. The sodomites' steamroller to gain full marriage rights has stirred heated debate. Some state governments and activist judges are forging ahead to grant full marriage (Massachusetts) or same-sex "civil unions" (Vermont, Connecticut and California).

These "unions" carry most of the same benefits as full marriage but homosexuals hope to use it to gain the full acceptance and approval that the label "marriage" carries. Many states have passed constitutional amendments declaring that marriage is only between a man and a woman. When the voters are allowed to vote on the subject, homosexual marriage amendments usually lose by two-thirds or more.

The sodomite activists have managed to dominate TV, movies and much of the news media. All present the "gay" lifestyle as a normal variation in the culture. Anyone who attempts to present God's view of the subject, is quickly shouted down as a "bigot" or "homophobe."

In 1823, Daniel Webster wrote a striking prophecy on what would happen to America without gospel literature:
"If religious literature is not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; if God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness, will reign without mitigation or end. "
Today, we see his prediction being rapidly fulfilled. Soul winners, we have much work to do.
"God is love," they smirk. "And He loves us, too, because He made us this way." This message is hammered into everyone's head until those who are not grounded in the Bible are coming to agree with it.

Many Christians are joining together with Focus on the Family, American Family Association, Family Research Council and Concerned Women of America to stand up for the biblical view. These organizations carry considerable weight in the battle but as Bible believers going about our daily lives, we often wonder how we, as individuals, can make a difference.

There is rising concern for the coming generation that their knowledge of Scripture is so limited that they will believe any anti-God propaganda that is presented. It is essential that God's point of view be presented to counter the media brainwashing.

If we neglect this, our streets will be no safer for us than it was for the angels who visited Sodom. The average life span of the male homosexual is about half the normal, due to their violent lifestyle and dozens of diseases transmitted by their unnatural, filthy sexual practices.

The Chick tracts, Doom Town, Bird and the Bees, and Sin City, are designed not only to show homosexuals what God thinks of their sin, but also to counter the sodomite propaganda that pervades our culture. Birds and the Bees is specifically written to younger readers who are being taught this lie even as young as kindergarten.

Soul winners, this is serious business. Judges and legislators have decided to legalize what God declared an abomination. We cannot remain silent. We are commissioned to be salt to the culture, to preserve it. To do this, we are instructed to go, teach all nations. The least we can do is seed tracts with God's point of view into the culture.
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Worldwide Drive for 'Tolerance' Does Not Include the Gospel

Issue Date: July/August 2004

One of the impending dangers of the drive by homosexuals for acceptance and approval is showing up in the pressure on legislators to enact hate speech laws. They have succeeded in getting hate crime laws passed that go beyond normal criminal proceedings. Hate speech laws are their next objective.

Where a murder was once a murder, now it can also be prosecuted as a hate crime with additional penalties. Many countries are yielding to pressure in the name of "tolerance" and "diversity."

In Canada, sodomites succeeded in getting a judge to fine one Christian for placing a small newspaper ad listing Bible verses condemning homosexuality.

A printer in Ontario, Canada was fined $5,000 for refusing to do printing for a homosexual activist group. Justification for the penalties was that the actions exposed homosexuals "to hatred, ridicule, and their dignity was affronted on the basis of their sexual orientation."

In England, in 2002, a street preacher was fined over 600 British pounds for harassment after a crowd of about 40 protesters surrounded him and pelted him with dirt and water. He was carrying a placard saying "Stop immorality. Stop Homosexuality. Stop Lesbianism." One protester called police and complained that he felt threatened and that the preacher was inciting people to attack homosexuals. In addition to the stiff fine, the judged ordered his placard destroyed.

Several states in Europe have laws that criminalize hate speech against homosexuals. The European Union leadership is currently debating same-sex marriages although some of the member countries already recognize same-sex unions.

Christians are fearful that the laws protecting free speech will be nullified by conflicting laws such as Ireland's 1989 Incitement to Hatred Act that outlaws literature intended to stir up hatred.

As laws against "incitement" are put in place, the picture gets much more complicated than when a crime of violence occurs with a possible "hate" motive. For example, in Brazil, two Christians were fined last year for distributing gospel tracts on the beach. Two Umbanda and Candomble spiritist groups complained that the literature disparaged their religion and accused the soul winners of violating Brazil's hate crime law. The judge agreed, fined each an equivalent of $300 and warned them that if they did not stop proselytizing spiritists they would face stiffer penalties next time.

Around the world, laws are evolving that threaten the spread of the gospel. Some countries are more advanced than others.

One state in India has gone as far as passing an anti-conversion bill. The law provides for three years in prison for any conversion that is by "use of force, allurement or by fraudulent means." In addition, all conversions must be approved by a local government official or risk one year in jail.

In Singapore, "religious harmony" laws are in place to discourage soul winning. Any literature that implies that another religion is wrong or sinful is forbidden. No Chick tracts are allowed there that contain any suggestion that another religion will not get you to heaven.

The freedom enjoyed by Americans to share the gospel is rare in other parts of the world. That freedom was hard won by the founders, and today, soldiers are giving their lives, to protect that freedom.

The chokehold that Satan has on the gospel in other nations could come to America if we are not vigilant. He is using the homosexual issue to promote "tolerance." But where that tolerance has been established, it does not apply to the gospel. Biblical truth is declared "intolerant" and squelched. If this evil prevails, soul winning may become much more difficult or impossible.
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Sodomites Moving in on Children's Clubs

Issue Date: September/October 2002

Evidence is mounting that the world is getting increasingly dangerous for our children. The Boy Scouts spent a bundle of money appealing all the way to the US Supreme Court to protect their boys from sodomite scoutmasters. Apparently the Girl Scouts have not even attempted to fight it. A recent Focus on the Family newsletter cited a report that up to one third of the Girl Scout leaders are lesbians.

In July, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America ordered all 500 local affiliates to include active homosexuals as volunteers and mentors to the children in the program.

Apparently we have not learned the lesson from the deepening pedophile priest scandal in the Roman Catholic institution. For years, concerned people inside and outside Catholicism had decried the growing number of homosexual priests. They were told that it didn't matter because the priests were celibate anyway so they would minister in purity.

Some people are just now making the connection that almost all the victims of the priests were boys and that statistics show that the majority of homosexual men will admit to engaging in sex with teen age males.

Since homosexuality is a chosen behavior instead of an "orientation" as they claim, it is only natural to assume that a sodomite will play out his perverted fantasy whenever he thinks he can get away with it.

Fueling this abomination are homosexual publications that promote the joys of adult-child sex. One priest charged with child abuse, was one of the speakers at the founding of the North American Man-Boy Love Association, known as NAMBLA.

This organization advocates removing the laws against statutory rape and incest if it is consensual.

Many countries have lowered the age of sexual consent to early teens. In the US, some states set it at 16. In Canada it is 14, Spain, 13, and 12 in the Netherlands.

The sodomite strategy over the last 20 years has been extremely effective. At first they came out of the closet and requested toleration. Our children watched as we agreed to let them do their thing as long as they kept quiet about it.

Then they asked for acceptance. "Just an alternate lifestyle," they told us. They began to parade their perversion in front of us on TV and movies and again we failed to tell our children that God called it sin.

Next, our children saw us stop calling it a "sexual preference" which made it clear that it was really a choice. We bought their lie that it was not their fault, it was their "orientation," making God to blame.

Finally, they are now demanding direct access to our children through our schools, churches, scout clubs, Big Brother Big Sister type mentoring programs as well as TV and movies. Their goal is no less than to teach our children to imitate their perverse and unhealthful sexual practices.

If decent people continue to look the other way, how long can God hold back the judgment He rained on Sodom and Gomorrah?
NIV Gets Sex Change

Issue Date: November/December 2002

By David W. Daniels

The NIV has undergone a sex change. The new version, called "Today's NIV" or TNIV for short, is supposedly a "gender-accurate" version of the NIV Bible. What makes it "gender accurate"? It removes most occurrences of seven masculine words: father, son, brother, man, he, him and his.

For instance, the TNIV changes father to parent, son to children or people, brother to brother and sister, someone or person, etc. But this is of major concern to modern Bible scholars, since the most reliable Greek and Hebrew manuscripts actually use the masculine terms as they are found in the King James Bible.

Over 100 Evangelical ministers and scholars have signed a document rejecting the TNIV as a bad translation. But even they are missing the point. Most of these leaders still accept the NIV as a good Bible version. They only dislike the TNIV because of the changes that have been made to the NIV.

But the NIV is not God's words in English, either. God gave His words through godly apostles and prophets who wrote them down. Those Bible books were passed on by faithful believers, many of whom were persecuted for their faith and for their Bible.

But the devil had made a counterfeit. His "scholars" in Alexandria, Egypt perverted God's words horribly. The mutilated manuscripts from their "school" have become the foundation documents used by the translators of all the modern Bibles including the NIV.

Over a hundred years ago, Bible "scholars" concluded that Psalm 12:6-7 was wrong. God did not, indeed, preserve His "words." They decided that only the original documents written by the apostles and prophets were God's Word. Any copies of them were not reliable.

So the only reliable Words of God were lost. Now, they claim, all we have are copies of questionable accuracy. In the scramble to determine the "best" manuscripts, they ignored the thousands of manuscripts supporting the Textus Receptus used by the King James translators.

Instead they settled on just two manuscripts from the Alexandrian heresy, the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus. These became the foundation of the Wescott and Hort Greek text from which all modern Bibles derive.

Yes, the TNIV is a badly written Bible. Yes, it does take out God's clear masculine words and replace them with "gender-neutral" ones. But the NIV and modern Bibles are phonies to begin with. Don't follow the latest fad. The way to be sure you have God's preserved words in English is to stick with your King James Bible. In it God kept his Psalm 12: 6-7 promise. It is the only one we can use to confidently declare, "Thus saith the Lord!"


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EagleCherokee63 said:
NIV Gets Sex Change

Issue Date: November/December 2002

By David W. Daniels

The NIV has undergone a sex change. The new version, called "Today's NIV" or TNIV for short, is supposedly a "gender-accurate" version of the NIV Bible. What makes it "gender accurate"? It removes most occurrences of seven masculine words: father, son, brother, man, he, him and his.

For instance, the TNIV changes father to parent, son to children or people, brother to brother and sister, someone or person, etc. But this is of major concern to modern Bible scholars, since the most reliable Greek and Hebrew manuscripts actually use the masculine terms as they are found in the King James Bible.

Over 100 Evangelical ministers and scholars have signed a document rejecting the TNIV as a bad translation. But even they are missing the point. Most of these leaders still accept the NIV as a good Bible version. They only dislike the TNIV because of the changes that have been made to the NIV.

But the NIV is not God's words in English, either. God gave His words through godly apostles and prophets who wrote them down. Those Bible books were passed on by faithful believers, many of whom were persecuted for their faith and for their Bible.

But the devil had made a counterfeit. His "scholars" in Alexandria, Egypt perverted God's words horribly. The mutilated manuscripts from their "school" have become the foundation documents used by the translators of all the modern Bibles including the NIV.

Over a hundred years ago, Bible "scholars" concluded that Psalm 12:6-7 was wrong. God did not, indeed, preserve His "words." They decided that only the original documents written by the apostles and prophets were God's Word. Any copies of them were not reliable.

So the only reliable Words of God were lost. Now, they claim, all we have are copies of questionable accuracy. In the scramble to determine the "best" manuscripts, they ignored the thousands of manuscripts supporting the Textus Receptus used by the King James translators.

Instead they settled on just two manuscripts from the Alexandrian heresy, the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus. These became the foundation of the Wescott and Hort Greek text from which all modern Bibles derive.

Yes, the TNIV is a badly written Bible. Yes, it does take out God's clear masculine words and replace them with "gender-neutral" ones. But the NIV and modern Bibles are phonies to begin with. Don't follow the latest fad. The way to be sure you have God's preserved words in English is to stick with your King James Bible. In it God kept his Psalm 12: 6-7 promise. It is the only one we can use to confidently declare, "Thus saith the Lord!"
Like those I agree, it isn't appropriate. Like mine is similar translating to KJV, its from Contemporary English Version, from Psalms 12:6-7, " Our Lord, You are true to Your promises, abd Your WORD is like silver heated seven times in a fiery furnace. You will protect us and always keep us safe from those people." Word is appropriate than wordS.
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