Christian Women Only: Modesty According To The Bible

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Certainly we do not know you but if you claim to be the follower of God, you ought to follow whatever God says. Too many Christians do not practice the literal word of the Bible, including men who shave themselves to look like women.

U speak of conservative or extremist Christians who follow the literal word of the bible? Well I am not conservative Christian but a liberal Christian which it means I am "bad" christian compare to "good" christians. I do not support death penatly as conservative Christians do but I do support woman's right and conservative christians are against it. I know some extremist Christians wear modesty clothes and I think some of them are unhealthy. IHMO. God gave us free will to do with our bodies. If I want to dance naked in the living room front of God, I would. Do u believe God would frown on me if I am naked front of Him? Wearing clothes or nothing will not make any different to Him. In first place He created Adam and Eve in naked.
U speak of conservative or extremist Christians who follow the literal word of the bible? Well I am not conservative Christian but a liberal Christian which it means I am "bad" christian compare to "good" christians. I do not support death penatly as conservative Christians do but I do support woman's right and conservative christians are against it. I know some extremist Christians wear modesty clothes and I think some of them are unhealthy. IHMO. God gave us free will to do with our bodies. If I want to dance naked in the living room front of God, I would. Do u believe God would frown on me if I am naked front of Him? Wearing clothes or nothing will not make any different to Him. In first place He created Adam and Eve in naked.

:roll: Say no more.
(all NIV)

1 Timothy 2

9 I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. 11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.

1 Corinthians 6

19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

Ya know, it's fun to pick up and read the books you claim faith in just once in a while.
I wish more christians would obey it :shudder

But you know, if the husband don't like the way his wife dress, then she should listen.
Excuse me? No, the wife should obey God over her husband. If her husband doesn't like it, well too bad. That guy's ignorant from the start.
I wish more christians would obey it :shudder

But you know, if the husband don't like the way his wife dress, then she should listen.

Husband have no right to tell his wife what to or not to wear, eat, sleep,etc. I know what's like because I've been there. My ex-husband tells me that I need to get my hair cuts, or I need to lose weight, (I wasn't heavy at the time, 133 lbs), gives me $10.00 and if I spend it all before the week is over, I ain't getting any more. He's very controlling me and I finally got out of it. I don't have to listen his crap. Blah! He's not a King.
I wish more christians would obey it :shudder

But you know, if the husband don't like the way his wife dress, then she should listen.

Maybe that's why I refuse to participate in Christianity..I refuse to submit to my husband. He and I are equal and thank goodness my husband sees the same as I do. My ex hubby was a strong Catholic and he expected me to kiss his ass.. so no wonder we arent together anymore. :giggle:
I have seen too many men treat their wives like shit and expect them to do whatever they want while they go out gambling, drinking with their buddies and other stuff growing up.
Shel, you need to find a righteous and knowledgeable man and to be honest, it is difficult to find any of these people around. :( No man should control his wife. No wife should control her husband. A so-called "strong" Catholic man that lacks knowledge and self-constraint still does not make him any better than a "liberal" Catholic man.
Shel, you need to find a righteous and knowledgeable man and to be honest, it is difficult to find any of these people around. :( No man should control his wife. No wife should control her husband. A so-called "strong" Catholic man that lacks knowledge and self-constraint still does not make him any better than a "liberal" Catholic man.

I already found that in my 2nd hubby. :) :ty:
Maybe that's why I refuse to participate in Christianity..I refuse to submit to my husband. He and I are equal and thank goodness my husband sees the same as I do. My ex hubby was a strong Catholic and he expected me to kiss his ass.. so no wonder we arent together anymore. :giggle:
I have seen too many men treat their wives like shit and expect them to do whatever they want while they go out gambling, drinking with their buddies and other stuff growing up.

This is a few verses how a husband should treat his wife. Pretty much, it is like the husband is the pilot and wife the co-pilot. BTW, it is strange that the bible never teach the wife to love her husband.

Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Eph 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
1Co 7:33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.
This is a few verses how a husband should treat his wife. Pretty much, it is like the husband is the pilot and wife the co-pilot. BTW, it is strange that the bible never teach the wife to love her husband.

Anything that the husband does for the wife, the wife should do in return. That's the fundamental rule in Islam, at least.
Husband have no right to tell his wife what to or not to wear, eat, sleep,etc. I know what's like because I've been there. My ex-husband tells me that I need to get my hair cuts, or I need to lose weight, (I wasn't heavy at the time, 133 lbs), gives me $10.00 and if I spend it all before the week is over, I ain't getting any more. He's very controlling me and I finally got out of it. I don't have to listen his crap. Blah! He's not a King.

shel90's post:

Maybe that's why I refuse to participate in Christianity..I refuse to submit to my husband. He and I are equal and thank goodness my husband sees the same as I do. My ex hubby was a strong Catholic and he expected me to kiss his ass.. so no wonder we arent together anymore.
I have seen too many men treat their wives like shit and expect them to do whatever they want while they go out gambling, drinking with their buddies and other stuff growing up.

Exactly!!! Thank God, that my husband accept what I am.
I wish more christians would obey it :shudder

But you know, if the husband don't like the way his wife dress, then she should listen.

:eek3: Should the wife :bowdown: her husband and do what he wants? Should the wife say "Yes Sir" to him?

No Way!!!!

I see my hubby as my husband, not my master... :cool:
If it's reasonable, why not? She has two choices: listen to God or listen to the husband. If she were to dress like a whore outside of the house, obviously both the husband and God would condemn that. So who is she to listen to?
If it's reasonable, why not? She has two choices: listen to God or listen to the husband. If she were to dress like a whore outside of the house, obviously both the husband and God would condemn that. So who is she to listen to?

Well that's depends on what you meant by dressing up as a whore?...what if a woman likes to wear provocative clothing such as dressing up in a short tight skirt that may be above her knees with a tank top on, would you considering that as being a " whore " ?...
That's only my personal view from the religious perspective - she is being a "whore" for dressing like that. But only if she's doing that on purpose outside of the house.
If a woman dresses like whore and then it's her problem. Why does a man married to a whore in the first place? If she doesn't want to change her style. You can't a person's attitude or styles because it doesn't work. The person has to do it him/her self. I've tried changing my ex-husband attitude or try to work it out with me. He'll never change until he met his 2nd wife. I don't know how he did or what she did to him. I really don't care.
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