Caught DEAF SIGNS in the new movie, KNOWING


New Member
Sep 26, 2008
Reaction score
If you watch the trailer here, Knowing

at the VERY BEGINNING, the father and son said Together Forever in sign language, isnt that cool?

I see that "together" :cool: I will be watching that movie :Knowing" :D
Right, story. Lucinda is found later that night and we cut to 50 years later. Astrophysicist Nicolas Cage teaches at MIT and has a son (Chandler Canterbury) who goes to that same elementary school. His wife died about 6 months ago in a hotel fire, so most nights after he puts his son to bed he sits in a chair, stares at the wall, and drinks. Oh, and his son has a cochlear implant for no reason. Really. He can hear just fine, or as Cage says, "He's not deaf. Sometimes sounds just get...jumbled up for him." But the implant doesn't figure into the plot in any way except to allow the father and son to use sign language to say "We'll be together...forever", to each other every night. But I digress again. Anyway, when they dig up the time capsule, Nic Cage's son gets the paper with the numbers. Later that night, drunken Nic Cage accidentally puts his wet glass on the paper, which leaves a circular mark right around numbers that say 911012996. Cage immediately goes to a white board, writes down the numbers, and deciphers 9/11/01. Then he goes to the internet and finds out that 2,996 people died in the World Trade Center disaster. He spends the rest of the night deciphering more dates and death totals. But there are three events left on the list that still have to take place!!

reviewingchris: Movie Review- Knowing

That is cool! :)

Someone was telling me last night that the movie sounded interesting to watch. :)

I should find the time to watch the movie soon.
That looks interesting. I am going to try to see it. :)
The movie "Knowing"

The young kid in the movie is HoH and wearing a hearing aid (well his character is). They incorporate ASL a little into the movie and the fact that he isn't fully hearing. I think that is why I liked it =) It was good though... Then got a little weird but it was good...
my parents saw it my dad like it but not my mom shrugs

i will like it when i see it when they come out in DVD
I haven't seen that movie yet but it's worth watching it?

Does that move also define it in a prompt manner with the ASL and things like that? :)
I haven't seen that movie yet but it's worth watching it?

Does that move also define it in a prompt manner with the ASL and things like that? :)

Well its kind of hard. to say but it is worth watching its very good =) He states in the movie that his son isnt Deaf but can hear with the aid youll have to see =) I dont wanna give it away :giggle:
Today, we went out to movie. We are very pleasure to watch this film.
Not worth to wait for DVD. Your life is short.
Saw the movie open captioned. The son is HoH actually. I think he cannot hear out of one ear, as I only see one HA, plus he speaks TOO well, and is in a hearing a classroom. However, he does do very little sign language. It becomes'll see. :)

I thought this movie was well made, well thought out, BUT...I just have a little gripe with the ending. I felt that it was slightly weak. I really don't want to ruin it for the others, but if they have changed it just a little bit, then I would find this movie really good.

Sadly's one of those movies that you watch once, then probably won't have the same "feeling of suspense" the second time. It's like watching Sixth Sense. You know the ending of the movie, so when you watch it the second time, it's not the same. Ya know?

If you watch to see it Open captioned...go. Seeing the effects is AMAZING on a large screen. TV screens doesn't do it justice. (Then again, I don't have a HDTV or anything fancy. :-D)
I see the trailers all the time on telly, and it looks like one heck of a movie! however the cost of going to movies (even if it was capationed) is just too crazy these days i wait until it comes out on dvd and either rent free from public library or pay $3.99 @ the dvd rental place.
He doesnt wear a cochelar implant he wears a hearing aid!

Last week, we watched this movie with CC. He wears regular hearing aids (not CI).
Very pleasure to watch this film.
Not worth to wait for DVD. Life is short!!!