Can't We All Just Get Along?

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I'm sure most of you have by now noticed that I am rather conservative in my views and extremely outspoken about them, as well. We will never agree, and that is okay. If we all thought the same this world would be a very boring place. Debate can be fun if done with respect. There is no need for attacking the individual or resorting to petty name-calling when there is a disagreement. Ocassionally, you may even have the opportunity to sway my views by presenting appropriate documentation and vice versa. But when people start belittling one another they lose all credibility (as has been pointed out). Some of my best friends in RL and here OL are liberal Democrats, who I adamantly disagree with, yet we remain friends. I hope that the rest of us can agree to disagree or at least disagree with respect, as well, in the future. :ty:

yea same here, Eve. btw - somebody has created similar thread. gotta love the cyclic behavior. it's bound to repeat again and sometimes somebody just gotta step in to remind us again.
Instead of pointing fingers, let's all just agree to not do it anymore. Agreed?
Instead of pointing fingers, let's all just agree to not do it anymore. Agreed?

I can agree to it but other party has to agree to it as well.
my hand's still sticking out and it's getting cold...... :cold:
Botti, there are 2 pair on ebay size 5 and 6. My feet are too big. Maybe a pair will fit you.

Boys, don't make me pull this car over! :nono:
Ah... sweet childhood memories... fighting with your sister so your parents would pull over, then you run out of the car as fast as possible so you and the sis can get a potty-break.
Let's be clear everyone. I've advocated from day one in AD to attack the argument and not the person making the argument. I've seen it plenty of times in AD who make this into personal endeavor instead. If I have a strong opinion about Obama, the environment, the govt, and whatnot then that is my opinion or argument against or for such a case. And for those who can't stand it, well, either argue the case or simply agree to disagree. Until I actually see these things happen then perhaps things can move along a bit more smoothly. I've been burned once too many times in here but I still hold in high regards when it comes to presenting arguments. I may bash Obama or others simply because I view their actions as highly damaging to this nation's economy, power, and generousity.
Let's be clear everyone. I've advocated from day one in AD to attack the argument and not the person making the argument. I've seen it plenty of times in AD who make this into personal endeavor instead. If I have a strong opinion about Obama, the environment, the govt, and whatnot then that is my opinion or argument against or for such a case. And for those who can't stand it, well, either argue the case or simply agree to disagree. Until I actually see these things happen then perhaps things can move along a bit more smoothly. I've been burned once too many times in here but I still hold in high regards when it comes to presenting arguments. I may bash Obama or others simply because I view their actions as highly damaging to this nation's economy, power, and generousity.
So what you are saying is that you agree. Good enough for me :D
I agree with you Eve. The people of AD need to practice acceptance. You may not like what they are saying, but they are allowed to have their opinion regardless of how stupid you may think it is.
Does this mean I can't call koko "numbnut" anymore? :(
I agree with you Eve. The people of AD need to practice acceptance. You may not like what they are saying, but they are allowed to have their opinion regardless of how stupid you may think it is.

And vice versa ;)
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