Can't sleep?


New Member
Mar 14, 2003
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If u cannot sleeping at all, what would u do? :|
Watching TV, drink something warm in bed, or being an annoying wife. :naughty:

How about you? Answer your own question. :mrgreen:
:laugh2: alrighty...

:twisted: o yeah!! i usually just to :clit: it off to sleep :laugh2:
When I can't sleep, I go do something constructive. First, I'll go to the gas station, and buy a red-bull, and a couple yellow-jackets for an energy boost, then I'll go fishing, or 'shroom hunting or I'll go work on my car/dirtbike. Or depending on the time (I ususally don't TRY to go to bed until 4-5), if its getting light out, I'll go golfing.

I much prefer to be outside than indoors, so... yeah. And no, just because I golf doesn't mean I'm old.
Originally posted by Xero
I much prefer to be outside than indoors, so... yeah. And no, just because I golf doesn't mean I'm old.

HA! How old are ya, anyway? :naughty:
if i can't sleep:.. I can watch tv, or cook something to eat or drink some milk or water to help me to sleep ..
Chat online with my isominac (sp) friends LOL

And wish my friends in France "good morning!" :)
Watch tv, go on sidekick, surf on the www or chat online, check out alldeaf

If I wanted to try to go to sleep, I'll just simply get myself bored and sleepy from watching informercials lol
Do something on the computer, or clean the house...but more likely something on the computer. I usually don't have that problem, cuz I work 60 to 80+ hours a week. I am usually sleeping before my head hits the pillow.
When I cant sleep I find myself drawing or stare at the ceiling while in deep thoughts or listen to my walksman.
Umm, here is the only way to make sleep easy. Get stoned or take some pills feel numb and etc. It will help me to sleep easy.
if can't sleep either watch tv, or check emails or jack off!
watch tv or read a book...........sometimes I clean up......... it is weird only if there is people sleeping I clean up and of course make some noises but if no one is home or its daytime I dont want to clean LOL........but my fave thing to do is to take a bath and sorry the hearings have to suffer cuz the plumbing makes noises............