Can Cochlear Implant surgery cause schizophrenia?


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Jun 28, 2009
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I was wondering if any of you deafies out in the world has heard of people getting schizophrenic after CI surgery? In my part of California, I have asked around and have not heard of anything about it. When I minored in Deaf Ed at Fresno State, i asked the head professor of the dept if he heard anything about that and he said there is a chance but like 1 in a million chance.

The reason I ask is because I dated a deaf woman who lived about 2 hours from me and we got along for awhile and then suddenly things just started going wrong in our relationship. She admitted to me that she has schizophrenia and said she got it after she had CI surgery. We did break up but remained friends for years but was wondering if that was really possible....
CIs does not cause Schizophrenia. Your friend may have developed Schizophrenia on her own without CIs - there may be a different cause but the timing just happened to happen AFTER the CI surgery which may have made her think that the CI surgery caused the Schizophrenia.

Some people with Schizophrenia or other mental illnesses do not like to share with others the fact that they have a mental illness because they feel VERY embarrassed and there is a HUGE stigma linked to mental illnesses. A lot of non-mentally ill people look at mentally ill people as if they have leprosy and either are afraid of them or think they are strange or whatever. But they are not strange (they may act strange when off meds, but on the proper meds they can function pretty well). They would appreciate some support and open mindedness and understanding and some patience. Once you get to know them, they can turn out to be pretty cool and interesting people, and they often have a deeper understanding of things because they understand what it is like to have a mental illness. The only times they may become too strange or scary is most likely due to not being med-compliant or not on the proper meds (not one medication will work for ALL Schizophrenics - each person's brain is DIFFERENT and responds DIFFERENTLY to the same medication). Once the right medication combo/cocktail has been found, usually there is a big success in gaining back function of life and activities and stuff and they can live pretty much normally as long as they take their medication religiously. Mentally ill people who are off meds and those who are on meds, the differences are like night and day, trust me. I know a couple of people with Schizophrenia and I have seen a huge difference in them once they have been on the proper meds for a long period of time (it can take a while for the medications to have full effect - it cannot just happen overnight). Mental illness is no one's fault - it is because there is a problem with the chemicals in a Schizophrenic or other mentally ill person's brain. There is a huge stigma because people see someone acting very bizarrely off of meds and end up painting the entire mentally ill population with a very broad brush just because of that. That's not fair to do that.

I have a very dear friend who has both bipolar and Schizophrenia...but she has been off of her meds so she has been behaving very bizarrely lately, to the point of scaring other people and doing very inappropriate things. Someone is taking care of her (as in making sure she has a home and food) but no one is doing the right things to make sure she gets the proper care she needs. She's been in and out of the hospital. I am extremely concerned about her but unfortunately I am 6 states away so unfortunately I can't really do anything about it. She's someone I grew up with ever since I was 4 years old, so she is a very dear friend, and it makes me VERY sad to hear that she is NOT doing well. I cried when I got this news about her from another friend. Fortunately I might have a way to help her, I have an idea, but I have to discuss this with my other friend first.

Anyway, it is NOT possible for CIs to cause Schizophrenia. That's a fact.
Never heard of CIs causing this. It's possible she was mentally ill even before the CIs and it became noticiable after her surgery. The cause of Schizophrenia is not known.
Thanks for all of your advice, I think she had mental problems for years before she had her CI.
Is it possible that having schizophrenia gave her the illusion that the CI gave her schizophrenia?
It's true... everyone here who has CI are schizophrenics! :Ohno:

Just kidding. I've never heard of anything like that. :dunno:
Maybe when she got her CI... She actually heard the voices in her head. :rofl:

:dunno: Never heard of a case like that before.
Is it possible that she could have a reaction to the meds taken during surgery and as a result became schizophrenic?
Is it possible that she could have a reaction to the meds taken during surgery and as a result became schizophrenic?

could be something that triggered it. But doesn't people with schizophrenia already have underlying problems?

One just does not wake up in the morning and become one.
could be something that triggered it. But doesn't people with schizophrenia already have underlying problems?

One just does not wake up in the morning and become one.

That was what I meant...could the meds have triggered it?

Of course, the CI, the magnet and processor cant cause it. No way!
Well, schizophrenia usually manifests in the early 20s. However, what causes it is still a mystery to many. Drug abuse is a possible factor in some cases since many people with schizophrenia are drug abusers.

Social conditions also can lead to it, or it's just in the genes. In many cases, schizophrenia is hereditary, same with the bipolar disorder.
Current research proposes that schizophrenia is caused by a genetic vulnerability coupled with environmental and psychosocial stressors, the so-called diathesis-stress model. Family studies suggest that people have varying levels of inherited genetic vulnerability, from very low to very high, to schizophrenia. Whether or not the person develops schizophrenia is partly determined by this vulnerability. At the same time, the development of schizophrenia also depends on the amount and types of stresses the person experiences over time. - The Cause of Schizophrenia

Stresses do play a part in the genetically prone. So facing disapproval from the peers and fears of not being accepted after actually could play a part in the developement.
Is it possible that she could have a reaction to the meds taken during surgery and as a result became schizophrenic?

Didn't HearAgain became bipolar after CI surgery? I don't recall if it is because of the surgery or one of the meds following the surgery.
Didn't HearAgain became bipolar after CI surgery? I don't recall if it is because of the surgery or one of the meds following the surgery.

I cant answer that. I feel that we should let HA answer that when she returns.
Didn't HearAgain became bipolar after CI surgery? I don't recall if it is because of the surgery or one of the meds following the surgery.

Not speaking on her behalf since I know nothing about her health history. Plus, I was recently told that she is banned at the moment. So it's not really my place to assume anything about her.

However, I will say that it is common knowledge that bipolar disorder is hereditary in the majority of the documented cases.