can a deaf person become astronauts?


New Member
Oct 17, 2011
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can deaf people become astronauts? why or why not? i am doing a research project.
please let me know
thank you
first tell us what are the requirements to be an astronaut, the job description then we'll or at least I will give an answer.
can deaf people become astronauts? why or why not? i am doing a research project.
please let me know
thank you

yes. I was a former astronaut. all it took was one psychedelic substance to make a trip.
Yes, you can! Then we'll be able to make communicate easy in space without audio required.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Rockets use solid (gel) fuel or liquid fuel (main engines). They aren't turbocharged because there's no air in space.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Rockets use solid (gel) fuel or liquid fuel (main engines). They aren't turbocharged because there's no air in space.

Shhhh... Maybe they are Deaf rockets and don't know this yet.

Seriously though, considering liguid rocket engines use liquid oxygen. I would say that is the same thing as turbocharged! :D
no definitly not. The russians first sent dogs into space cuz of their superior hearing
I thought they weren't sending astronauts up into space anymore? Or is that just here in America?
I thought they weren't sending astronauts up into space anymore? Or is that just here in America?
America's space shuttle program has ended. There are still American astronauts but they have to hitch rides with other countries now. That is, they can ride the Russian spacecraft to the space station, for a fee.
I have to say no. Because when I was a kid, I used to dream of being a astronaut. But when I told people that, they told me that was unrealistic, how I couldn't do it and all that. It was the first of many dreams (being in the air force, pilot, etc) crushed and career paths I was discouraged from all due to my being HOH.

Eventually I wound up working in a field that was waaaaayyyy down my list. :( Probably one of the reasons why I wound up living like Spock from Star Trek, actively suppressing emotions since my life kept being such a kick in the head from everyone else...
SpaceX is working with NASA to build a private rocket that will be cheaper to operate than the Shuttle. Virgin Galactic will also start flying the SpaceShip2, probably in 2012.

Private, commercial space is really starting to pick up. In another 10-15 years, there will be hundreds or thousands of private-sector astronauts.

And anyone will be able to buy a ticket for a ride and become an astronaut (defined has having traveled to a certain altitude or higher above the earth).

Being paid for "astronaut-ing" is a different category, of course. :)

SpaceX - Space Exploration Technologies Corp.

Welcome | Virgin Galactic
Isn't a deaf astronaut actually an astrodeaf? :D
I work in Mission Control Houston and I can tell you that would be a no. I actually need a waiver in order to work there because I am profound on my right and mild on my left. Because I wear a hearing aid and can listen to the audio loops, I am still able to perform the job. If I was completely deaf, I would not be able to do it. It's not discrimination, just the nature of the job as you need to be able to hear and talk to people around the world (and with the crew in space).