Bush: Waiting to be attacked

Thanks Boult!

Sooooooo.... Buckie??
FYI: I updated the link cuz the author posted the corrected copy...
Boult :hug:

Bush´s supporters can´t deny it.... Some Bush supporters around here denied our posts in several threads... I´m sure that they CAN´T deny your thread here... :thumb: I´m thrilling to see what Bush´s supporters react after read your link here... :)
The reason for the open message to Bush was because Bush was telling his audience not to trust Democrats and that Dem prefer to wait to be attacked.

"If you listen closely to some of the leaders of the Democratic Party, it sounds like -- it sounds like -- they think the best way to protect the American people is, wait until we're attacked again," Bush said Monday at a $360,000 fundraiser in Reno, Nevada, for state Secretary of State Dean Heller's congressional campaign.
CNN.com - Bush: Democrats shouldn't be trusted to run Congress - Oct 3, 2006
I can't believe he was re-elected.

I can't believe people still support him!

This president has been exposed for the crook he is on countless times, yet people still buy into his bull shit. It's time for a revolution.
There are times when I think I should get rich and powerful so I can get away with anything. :whip:
After read in link, I bet that republican party wouldn't be powerful for long time and start losing their seats in next November due stupid debate with Bush. Of course, I hate Bush, he's fucking idiot and trying burn in my tastes. :eek:

I have agree with Boult. ;)
Ya know, all the Bush bashing is getting pathetic, and posting some BS link of propaganda from the democratic party bashing him is same thing as posting links from republican party bashing democrats. If you believe that crap, then you probly believe the BS in Moore's movie (of which people in some of the videos are sueing him for making it seem like they were anti-Bush).

I don't think Bush is a great president, but he is far from a bad president. You blame 9/11 on him and yet he was in office a little more than a year when it happened, yet that attack had been in the planning for a few years and one could say Clinton is just as much if not more to blame for it happening. You blame Bush for not getting Osama, when Clinton was offered Osama 'on a silver platter' years before, and on more than one occasion, before he went into hiding.

People say they dont like Bush because he lies, yet they think the president that was the biggest liar of them all (Clinton) was great. While I am very much against the infringement of our rights under the Homeland Security crap, I still respect Bush wanting to keep our country strong and its people to have strong family values, and think he's done a good job of bringing back our military from the near annihilation that the Clinton regime imposed on it.

In regards to the war in Iraq, I don't think we should be there either. We finally got rid of their fascist leader for them and have been building up their schools and police force, which is all good, but our soldiers shouldn't keep dieing for them. At least I know that our soldiers understand why we're there trying to help (all except those who shouldnt have been in the military in the first place and only joined for college money and never intending to fight).

My grandfather served in the army in WWII, my father was in the US Marines, and my sister and her husband were also both in the Marines (VMA-311 Tomcats Harrier Squadron) and each served 2-3 tours in the gulf and on land in Iraq. I have a lot more faith in what they say about it having been there fighting for us, than I will ever have in what CNN or some liberals try and make us believe. It seems like everyone forgets the stories such as the US officer who gets choked up and tears in his eyes when Iraqi kid gives him a drawing of American flag and hugging him and thanking him for being there.

Personally, I hate the news because it's depressing and always the same BS. However, if I do want to follow something going on, I will check multiple sources. I will watch both CNN and Fox news, not just one or the other. If all you ever watch is one of them, you'll surely be biased. I am not democrat or republican, but independent and vote on track record and beliefs. I have many liberal beliefs, but when it comes to government and economy, I tend to lean towards conservative because family values are important to me, as well as a strong military defense. Also, because while I see all politicians as liars, I see democratic politicians as hippocrits (one example was Kerry speaking out against SUVs while he owned one and tried to lie about it) and that they are well known for spending money on worthless programs like studying cow farts instead of spending on programs for the poor like they always preach about.

People say 'Tax the rich!' yet the rich are already paying most of the taxes. Something like the top 20% of wealth in the country pays like 90% of the taxes the government takes in. When they get a little bit of a break to spur the economy (as even the most basic economics course will explain) every body freaks out.

Blah, I'm sorry this turned into a rant. I'm just so sick of people not educating themselves and instead believing the liars, or riding the flow of other ignorant people. How anyone can think Clinton was a good president is beyond me, yet I don't go bashing him every chance I get like you people bash Bush and blame him for crap that Clinton caused. I don't see anyone praising Bush for bringing us out of the recession that Clinton put us in, or for standing up for our country after the most heinous attack against it since Pearl Harbor. I also dont see anyone blaming congress, when they are in fact the ones who make most of the laws that people complain so much about instead of writing their congresspeople about it and doing something about it.

Why dont we all just quit bashing, and posting obviously slanted propaganda and start getting educated instead.

Sorry, my 2 and a half cents

What's so great about United States First Amendment that we get to speak freely without being censor. If we want to say something bad about Bush, we can, that our right of way. Each of us have our own thoughts about our currently President and the previous President. Clinton's sexual indiscretion wasn't as bad as how Bush put American people lives at risk, Let's not forget Sept. 11th. You said, we shouldn't complain but do something about it? How? I didn't vote for that bastard, You people did, So why don't the republicans do something about their stinky President? ;)
Ya know, all the Bush bashing is getting pathetic, and posting some BS link of propaganda from the democratic party bashing him is same thing as posting links from republican party bashing democrats. If you believe that crap, then you probly believe the BS in Moore's movie (of which people in some of the videos are sueing him for making it seem like they were anti-Bush).

I don't think Bush is a great president, but he is far from a bad president. You blame 9/11 on him and yet he was in office a little more than a year when it happened, yet that attack had been in the planning for a few years and one could say Clinton is just as much if not more to blame for it happening. You blame Bush for not getting Osama, when Clinton was offered Osama 'on a silver platter' years before, and on more than one occasion, before he went into hiding.

People say they dont like Bush because he lies, yet they think the president that was the biggest liar of them all (Clinton) was great. While I am very much against the infringement of our rights under the Homeland Security crap, I still respect Bush wanting to keep our country strong and its people to have strong family values, and think he's done a good job of bringing back our military from the near annihilation that the Clinton regime imposed on it.

In regards to the war in Iraq, I don't think we should be there either. We finally got rid of their fascist leader for them and have been building up their schools and police force, which is all good, but our soldiers shouldn't keep dieing for them. At least I know that our soldiers understand why we're there trying to help (all except those who shouldnt have been in the military in the first place and only joined for college money and never intending to fight).

My grandfather served in the army in WWII, my father was in the US Marines, and my sister and her husband were also both in the Marines (VMA-311 Tomcats Harrier Squadron) and each served 2-3 tours in the gulf and on land in Iraq. I have a lot more faith in what they say about it having been there fighting for us, than I will ever have in what CNN or some liberals try and make us believe. It seems like everyone forgets the stories such as the US officer who gets choked up and tears in his eyes when Iraqi kid gives him a drawing of American flag and hugging him and thanking him for being there.

Personally, I hate the news because it's depressing and always the same BS. However, if I do want to follow something going on, I will check multiple sources. I will watch both CNN and Fox news, not just one or the other. If all you ever watch is one of them, you'll surely be biased. I am not democrat or republican, but independent and vote on track record and beliefs. I have many liberal beliefs, but when it comes to government and economy, I tend to lean towards conservative because family values are important to me, as well as a strong military defense. Also, because while I see all politicians as liars, I see democratic politicians as hippocrits (one example was Kerry speaking out against SUVs while he owned one and tried to lie about it) and that they are well known for spending money on worthless programs like studying cow farts instead of spending on programs for the poor like they always preach about.

People say 'Tax the rich!' yet the rich are already paying most of the taxes. Something like the top 20% of wealth in the country pays like 90% of the taxes the government takes in. When they get a little bit of a break to spur the economy (as even the most basic economics course will explain) every body freaks out.

Blah, I'm sorry this turned into a rant. I'm just so sick of people not educating themselves and instead believing the liars, or riding the flow of other ignorant people. How anyone can think Clinton was a good president is beyond me, yet I don't go bashing him every chance I get like you people bash Bush and blame him for crap that Clinton caused. I don't see anyone praising Bush for bringing us out of the recession that Clinton put us in, or for standing up for our country after the most heinous attack against it since Pearl Harbor. I also dont see anyone blaming congress, when they are in fact the ones who make most of the laws that people complain so much about instead of writing their congresspeople about it and doing something about it.

Why dont we all just quit bashing, and posting obviously slanted propaganda and start getting educated instead.

Sorry, my 2 and a half cents
It goes same with u and others who bash us the liberals for not support Bush and his agenda. I agree with others Prez Bush is one of worst president ever we had.
Yes Cheri,
Im not forgetting Sept 11... that's one of my main points... like I said, Clinton is at least as much to blame, if not more. The attacks would never happened if he captured Osama when he had the chances (plural).

Yes, we do have free speech, but if you're gonna say "so-and-so sucks", at least have some truth to back it up, and not be basing it on propaganda. At least in that way, the public can be educated instead of mindless sheep believing the same thing because it seems to be popular belief. That is the whole basis of that lunatic Moore's movie. It doesn't matter that 60%+ is total BS because people that want to believe it, will watch it and spread the falsehoods to more people and never bother learning the facts, like the soldiers in it are portrayed as being against it when in fact they are now sueing Moore because they were proud to serve their country even if they did lose both their arms, and he editted the videos of them to fit his propaganda. That movie is not a documentary, even tho it pretends to be, and it seriously needs a big disclaimer that it is not factual.

In regards to sexual indescretion, do you think that's only thing against Clinton? He wasn't portrayed as pinnochio just for liking Disney..... his liason's with communists in his younger years didnt leave him with shady relations? He almost destroyed our military cutting it back to less than 30% its strength as when he entered office. The real estate scandal he was proven to be part of? The recession he put this country into that was probly the worst ever second only to the Great Depression? All the things he promised he was going to do for the poor and for education, etc to get elected, that he never had any intention of following thru with? Jees, he was even impeached! One of my best friends my whole life was a devoted democrat like his parents, and when Clinton ran a second time my friend admitted I was right about him and there was no way in hell he'd vote for him the second time.

I cant see what was so great about Clinton, when he all but destroyed the economy and made us a laughing stock to the world (I was in Europe in 98 and believe me, they were laughing), and it disgusts me to see everyone bashing Bush when he returned this country to a military strength, fixed the economy, and has a sense of family values. Bush has even given more tax breaks to the poor and middle class (along with the rich) than Clinton ever did.

I honestly cannot think of one good thing that Clinton did, and it perturbs me that people think he was so great after the devastation he caused to this country. The only thing he had going for him was charisma and his ability to 'get away with murder' squeaky clean.

Like I also said before, I dont think Bush is a great president, but I do think he's done a hell of a lot more for this country than Clinton ever thought of doing. IMHO even Jimmy Carter (great humanitarian, but lowsy president) was even better than Clinton. :dunno2:

Ah well, I hate politics anyways. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring them.
It goes same with u and others who bash us the liberals for not support Bush and his agenda. I agree with others Prez Bush is one of worst president ever we had.

What goes the same for me? Giving facts to back up what i say? I thought I did.

Bashing someone for 'not supporting Bush and his agenda', I havent done that.

What I did do was say that if you're gonna bash a president, at least give evidence for it from sources more reliable than a tabloid like the Enquirer (equivalent of a sided political site or Moore's proven-to-be-fantasy movie).

I dont bash anyone for their beliefs, but if I think that they are basing their beliefs ignorantly, I try to help them wake up. I will say tho, that liberals and hard-core conservatives are absolutist people (far-right or far-left) and that those are the type of people who see everything as Black or White, and that, makes them also the type to blindly follow a path politically based on whatever side they're on. I personally think both sides are wrong and what is right lies somewhere in the middle (grey area).
Whatever you say in all your posts...I've told y'all many many times & you probably missed those posts so I'll say it again....It doesn't matter WTF you blame, who you bash, etc...."THE GOVERNMENT FAILED US PERIOD!!!!" Boult gave alot of truth in that link. FYI There is so much the Government does not tell us Americans. They cover-up just like a murder would try to do when he kills someone. So your 2 & 1/2 cents means nothing to me nor does it to alot of other people I'm sure. You say you "hate politics anyways. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring them"?? Well now, what are you waiting for? See ya:bump:

Yes Cheri,
Im not forgetting Sept 11... that's one of my main points... like I said, Clinton is at least as much to blame, if not more. The attacks would never happened if he captured Osama when he had the chances (plural).

Yes, we do have free speech, but if you're gonna say "so-and-so sucks", at least have some truth to back it up, and not be basing it on propaganda. At least in that way, the public can be educated instead of mindless sheep believing the same thing because it seems to be popular belief. That is the whole basis of that lunatic Moore's movie. It doesn't matter that 60%+ is total BS because people that want to believe it, will watch it and spread the falsehoods to more people and never bother learning the facts, like the soldiers in it are portrayed as being against it when in fact they are now sueing Moore because they were proud to serve their country even if they did lose both their arms, and he editted the videos of them to fit his propaganda. That movie is not a documentary, even tho it pretends to be, and it seriously needs a big disclaimer that it is not factual.

In regards to sexual indescretion, do you think that's only thing against Clinton? He wasn't portrayed as pinnochio just for liking Disney..... his liason's with communists in his younger years didnt leave him with shady relations? He almost destroyed our military cutting it back to less than 30% its strength as when he entered office. The real estate scandal he was proven to be part of? The recession he put this country into that was probly the worst ever second only to the Great Depression? All the things he promised he was going to do for the poor and for education, etc to get elected, that he never had any intention of following thru with? Jees, he was even impeached! One of my best friends my whole life was a devoted democrat like his parents, and when Clinton ran a second time my friend admitted I was right about him and there was no way in hell he'd vote for him the second time.

I cant see what was so great about Clinton, when he all but destroyed the economy and made us a laughing stock to the world (I was in Europe in 98 and believe me, they were laughing), and it disgusts me to see everyone bashing Bush when he returned this country to a military strength, fixed the economy, and has a sense of family values. Bush has even given more tax breaks to the poor and middle class (along with the rich) than Clinton ever did.

I honestly cannot think of one good thing that Clinton did, and it perturbs me that people think he was so great after the devastation he caused to this country. The only thing he had going for him was charisma and his ability to 'get away with murder' squeaky clean.

Like I also said before, I dont think Bush is a great president, but I do think he's done a hell of a lot more for this country than Clinton ever thought of doing. IMHO even Jimmy Carter (great humanitarian, but lowsy president) was even better than Clinton. :dunno2:

Ah well, I hate politics anyways. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring them.
Like I also said before, I dont think Bush is a great president, but I do think he's done a hell of a lot more for this country than Clinton ever thought of doing. IMHO even Jimmy Carter (great humanitarian, but lowsy president) was even better than Clinton. :dunno2:

Ah well, I hate politics anyways. Guess I'll just go back to ignoring them.

How did Bush done a hell of a job when all he did was lie and lie to American people? Lies to cover the real motives what really happened on Sept. 11th He couldn't even look us in the eye with a straight answer instead he thinks this is what happened, but it doesn't sound right, the puzzle doesn't fit. What about when United States was under terrorist attack, Bush sat down in the classroom in Florida for 20 minutes, he could have gotten off his ass and left in a hurry, the moment when United States was under attacked. I would have. What about tons of money being spend on a war that has nothing to do with us? American Soilders being dragged in the middle of Bush sloppy mess and they're paying a price to save what? a country that doesn't even belong to America. We had no business even invading Iraq to begin with, We should have gotten Al-Qaeda, not Saddam first. So, don't sit here and tell me Bush done a hell of a job when he hasn't done a jack shit for our country. He knew a head of time about the attack on America, he did nothing to prevent it. So pretty much he is really at fault more than Clinton is, We were attacked under Bush's term.