Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

I support the re-election of President George W. Bush.

I don't agree with him 100 percent but I believe he is a leader with good moral character.

Pro: He recognizes the depth and breadth of the terrorism threat and will continue firm against the terrorists and their supporters.

Pro: He supports innocent babies right to life.

Pro: He cuts taxes.

Pro: He wants to put judges on the bench who will not try to make law thru their decisions but interpret law, as they are supposed to.

Pro: He supports school choice for parents.

Con: He is too lenient about protecting our country from illegal immigration.

Con: He is too easy-going with his political opponents.
Bush is an anti-organic foods supporter and support logging the national forests to open more roads. Kerry is an organic foods supporter and against logging the national forests to preserve the mother nature.

So screw Bush and vote for Kerry.
Reba said:
I support the re-election of President George W. Bush.

I don't agree with him 100 percent but I believe he is a leader with good moral character.

Pro: He recognizes the depth and breadth of the terrorism threat and will continue firm against the terrorists and their supporters.

Pro: He supports innocent babies right to life.

Pro: He cuts taxes.

Pro: He wants to put judges on the bench who will not try to make law thru their decisions but interpret law, as they are supposed to.

Pro: He supports school choice for parents.

Con: He is too lenient about protecting our country from illegal immigration.

Con: He is too easy-going with his political opponents.

:rifle: George "Chimp" Bush....I do respect your perspective...but didnt you realize Bush really WASTED his time FOCUSING on IRAQ...Did he have chance to realize this he need to improve the America's economic? I dont think so...I have been researching political carefully...he did good job with cutting taxes but I knew many people are outraged by his action...I used to support him but he broke our trustworthy...He put more people on street as he FAILED to create millions of job. Based on reseach via cnn.com he caused 3.9 million people lost job it is WORST record since President Hoover...and shame on Bush he refuse to give lecture at NAACP...shame on him...where's his firm role....he need to be DETHORNE for good...I dont care what Kerry have to say...all we need is a good leadership who will keep their word....Action speak louder than word (keep in mind smile). We always see President Candiates manipulate people to vote for him and PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE...where are promise? Bush the Chimp failed to achieve the peace at Iraq...I got cousins there...I knew their reaction...they wont revote Bush.....And news delcared this Bush are working hard to keep US Soldiers at Iraq to avoid them to vote Kerry because they are getting sick of Bush's full of trashes on Iraq plus where the prove of Weapon of Mass Destruction...UN inspector did investigate there are none of them...and look at CIA director resigned...there are BIG GOVERNMENT COVER UP under Bush Administeration which including some connection from Clinton...Clinton failed to clean up some mess...so Bush want to blame on Clinton...just keep in mind...smile
Bush is a lunatic.

"GOD told me to strike at al Quaida and I struck them and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem of the Middle East. I'm the commander; I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I own anybody an explanation. There will be no more protests if body bags return home. You don't get everything you want. A DICTATORSHIP would be a lot easier. If this were a DICTATORSHIP, it would be a heck of a lot easier. A DICTATORSHIP would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the DICTATOR."

"What's all this whining about the environment? They're always talking about 'stop the clear cuts.' I mean do the math people. If we were out of trees then we wouldn't have any clear cuts to be complaining about now would we?"

Truly frightening.
about bush or kerry

Ummm.. i dont know who to vote cuz i am behind news about them.... but i do hear bout one of them wants to cut the disablities income and things like that and make it harder on people i have noticed those kind of presidents care bout rich people, rich people are not important people they can afford anything but people who cannot they need more help than Rich people,

If anything happens with the disablies income i am going PROTEST!!! Because we are deaf we need help life isnt easy for us all.. There is alot of discrimiations.

For example... Machinerys or Vehile Worker....I know cannot hear whats going on with the Machinerys or the vehicle... Could also have an Assistance to watch out for the person. Or the person can be an assitance. Or even Set up a Moniter that alerts you that something is wrong with the job that is working on.. then there would be no discrimations but oh they care about people who can hear phuck that.

I sometimes wonder and wishes that there is only a planet of people who is deaf... Even tho a planet of people who are deaf and hearing people who are friendly and nice and respectful and helpful and cares about otehrs than being stuck up in the A$$. Geez what a wacky world we are living in :(
