Brain responses differ in gay, straight men


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Oct 19, 2003
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Brain responses differ in gay, straight men
Study: Homosexuals react to male sex hormones like women

WASHINGTON - The brains of homosexual men respond more like those of women when reacting to a chemical derived from the male sex hormone, new evidence of physical differences related to sexual orientation.

The finding, published in Tuesday’s issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows differences in physiological reaction to sex hormones.

Researchers led by Ivanka Savic at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, exposed heterosexual men and women and homosexual men to chemicals derived from male and female sex hormones. These chemicals are thought to be pheromones, molecules known to trigger responses such as defense and sex in many animals.

Whether humans respond to pheromones has been the subject of debate, although in 2000 American researchers reported finding a gene that they believe directs the human pheromone receptor in the nose.

Biological basis to sexual orientation?
In the Swedish study, when sniffing a chemical from testosterone, the male hormone, portions of the brains involved in sexual activity were activated in gay men and straight women, but not in straight men, the researchers found.

When they sniffed smells like cedar or lavender, all of the subjects brains reacted only in the olfactory regions that handles smells.

The result clearly shows a biological involvement in sexual orientation, said Sandra Witelson, an expert on brain anatomy and sexual orientation at the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

The research was funded by the Swedish Medical Research Council, the Karolinska Institute and the Megnus Bergvall Foundation.

Personally, I'm glad to see they are studying this. It would be nice to be able to shut up those who are homophobic and intolerant. It really would.
good grief? they should use the money to find cure for cancer and other stuff... instead of wasting time and money to see what wrong with

And why some men have sex with children, why some men have sex with animals, why some men have sex with hookers, why some men buy porns...
why some men rape women??? Why some men cheat?

Tell me something about their brains....
Miss*Pinocchio said:
good grief? they should use the money to find cure for cancer and other stuff... instead of wasting time and money to see what wrong with

And why some men have sex with children, why some men have sex with animals, why some men have sex with hookers, why some men buy porns...
why some men rape women??? Why some men cheat?

Tell me something about their brains....

Like usual, you are mixing apples and oranges. One has nothing do with the other.
next research should be on Michael Jackson,,,
I guess we should sympathize him
why his brain ain't function right,
huh? no jail time for him. :fingersx:
I have read this online... find it interesting for everyone BUT some people are phobic.. oh well
ms P shut your phobic mouth please...

i'm glad thier doing this and they are also doing it EVERYWHERE finding cures finding information and etc.

as for the studies its good to learn something different abt each brain functionality as opposed to having phobic attidutes like yours!
I recommend that we nominate Miss P. as a subject for a study on her brain. Maybe she will revel in all that attention.
kuifje75 said:
I recommend that we nominate Miss P. as a subject for a study on her brain. Maybe she will revel in all that attention.

Waste of time and energy, I'm afraid. You study something in order to understand it, or to try to fix it. Ignorant people have atitude problems, and there's not much an outside person can fix about that. The person themselves has to want to change, and I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. I'd smother to death waiting in the mean time.
Well don't worry, I am the only one here
who is against homosexual.

I guess that is the purpose of making this thread...
to attack me...

and make me the bad guy... and you guys the victims...

so you guys can get your rights... by using me as a bad guy.

Well anyway.... good luck.

hey Miss P - is it true the reason why you keep attacking the gay peeps is because you're really secretly a lesbian and in deep denial?
DreamDeaf said:
hey Miss P - is it true the reason why you keep attacking the gay peeps is because you're really secretly a lesbian and in deep denial?

No I just like to challenge...
I don't care if I win or lose...
I like to debate...

I like to debate or challenge
atheists, homosexual, or anybody who is different.

I am bored...
I am glad that some of you guys are gay or atheist...

I just want to manipulate... and stimulate my brain and stuff. :D
Miss*Pinocchio said:
No I just like to challenge...
I don't care if I win or lose...
I like to debate...

I like to debate or challenge
atheists, homosexual, or anybody who is different.

I am bored...
I am glad that some of you guys are gay or atheist...

I just want to manipulate... and stimulate my brain and stuff. :D
nah yr just a wannabe attention seeker! :roll: get bent will u!
Miss*Pinocchio said:
No I just like to challenge...
I don't care if I win or lose...
I like to debate...

I like to debate or challenge
atheists, homosexual, or anybody who is different.

I am bored...
I am glad that some of you guys are gay or atheist...

I just want to manipulate... and stimulate my brain and stuff. :D

Really? And all this time, I figured YOU were the different one... after all, you're the only one that manages to work gays into almost each posting - that's why I think you are still closeted.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
next research should be on Michael Jackson,,,
I guess we should sympathize him
why his brain ain't function right,
huh? no jail time for him. :fingersx:

That tells us that u have a thing for child molster??
Miss*Pinocchio said:
No I just like to challenge...
I don't care if I win or lose...
I like to debate...

I like to debate or challenge
atheists, homosexual, or anybody who is different.

I am bored...
I am glad that some of you guys are gay or atheist...

I just want to manipulate... and stimulate my brain and stuff. :D

Miss P...Are you on drugs? You are making absolutely no sense.


Seriously, Miss P. Debating issues is fine, but what you want is not to debate, but to hurt people, and this is wrong. What is worse, you only do it because you're BORED? Get a life. You might actually find that doing something positive is a much better thing for yourself and those around you.
DreamDeaf said:
Really? And all this time, I figured YOU were the different one... after all, you're the only one that manages to work gays into almost each posting - that's why I think you are still closeted.
:werd: Whoo u go DD its time someone told her off for ocne like oceanbreeze and i dont blame u guys for feeling the aggravation even tho we can use the ingore button but still the time has come for her to wake up and if she dont get lost!