
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Did you ever wear women's panties or makeup? :shock:

Why the heck are you asking me that???? OVER MY DEAD BODY!
I am laughing so hard !! Tearing my eyes !! I better stopped now...
Miss*Pinocchio said:
WHY I CAN"T HAVE SEQUOIAS AND MMA, why give them awayyyyy,
that ain't fair???!!!!??

WAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :cry:

OH NO!!!! I said that? Nooo, I didn't mean it...
MODS, let me erase that. or Rephase that, I must have been drunk...

I am making a fool of myself, oh no!!!

Help me, MODS!!!! :Oops: :Ohno:
sheesh, zesty is avoiding, that's her loss and I'll respect her for that. MissP, u talk way too much, also. I just returned from work and just read the forums, geez.
zesty said:
where are you mma fan!!?? hope you didn't get SPOOKED BY US!?!? :ugh:

Hey there...sorry I'm here. I left earlier today to go to school. Don't worry ya'll didn't scare me away. :)
Sabrina said:
:applause: FYI: her name is Kathy Doubtfire, she is widow and lonesome. She loves to have you to soak her feet every night. She is awesome to homemade pies, roast beef, turkey with stuffing, etc... She does knitting alot of stuffs like socks, scrafs, sweaters, etc..

She is excellent to washing you clothes, sheets, rubbing your bathtub... Give her a call.. 781-321-5555.

Her email address is

She is perfect for you. She would be delight to hearing from you. Better hurry up to make the reservation flight to visit her. You may move and live with her next week ! She lives up north of California mountains.

I do not have any information about her skill in the bed. I am sure that she can find a way to make you orsgram. Remember, I told you if you have any problem with kathy. Give a call Dr. Meg to make an appointment. Dr Meg will come over your bedroom to assisant both of you.

Thanks for the laughs. :)