Body parts found in leaking FedEx package


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Jun 18, 2003
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Sunday, November 9, 2003 Posted: 1411 GMT (10:11 PM HKT)

KIRKWOOD, Missouri (AP) -- FedEx workers discovered a shipment of two human legs and an arm when one of the boxes was found leaking at a company depot, police said.

A Las Vegas donor research company sent the limbs to a man who sells body parts to doctors for use in research projects, Kirkwood police spokeswoman Diane Scanga said. The FBI, state agencies and local police determined no laws were broken, she said.

The shipment was discovered Wednesday when one of the boxes was found leaking at a FedEx depot in nearby St. Louis. Workers learned each package contained a limb, wrapped in dry ice.

Police refused to identify the man, who was issued a warning for apparently operating an unlicensed home business.

It is against FedEx policy to ship body parts, said Howard Clabo, a spokesman for the Memphis-based company.

:hitit: I was shocked to read this...must have given those sorters at FedEx a big scare!
:shock: EWWW!! That city is south of St Louis... I am surprised not hear about that! I should run down and get newspaper about it because I am in St Louis. :shock:
icky.. i cant imagine.. wtf do u wanna ship body parts for.. and how did they get unattached from their owner? :confused: ick ick ick :D
:shock: MizzDeaf told me abt that the other nite when she saw this thread and the article -- i was like whoa whoa whoa -- the sender im surprised isnt going to face charges for shipping body parts via FedEx

Pinkster -- there are ppl who has made it clear on their living wills that they want to donate their body to science, to others who needs body parts/organs and etc so i guess that person's limbs that were found in the package was donated but now theyre useless to be of any good

still is a gross thought and prolly did scare the fed ex ppl who had to open the package to find the body parts there when it was totally unexpected -- if it was the policy of fed ex to not be shipping body parts im surprised this package has managed to get past the security measures before being found to be so leaky but then again drug runners has managed to defeat security by being more savvy on shipping packages via fed ex
exactly and im making a major facial expression on this and just had a cup of coffee, made me feel gurgly sheesh! Still the thought and living wills combine, no one should be sending stuff THAT way! just deliver it via medical way not the fed ex way OMG! im just still IN SHOCK of this!..........
That guy would have been better off selling those body parts on eBay! :thumb:
Sweet_KJ said:
LOL But then again, they still need to ship it! ;)
True... but I'm sure it would be less messy since it's not a bunch, just one limb! Hehehe!