:eek3:You paid that Beejive and while that has ability to use AIM, Yahoo, and MSN on T mobile, as no longer SMS for AIM.

I haven't yet purchased the Beejive, I'm just running the trial license. You mean if I have T-Mobile BB the AIM will use data now with the upgrade?
It works for sprint!! My Sprint bb Curve have BB OS hee hee hee

It works nicely!

Don't be chicken on upgrading BB OS!! Just go for it!!


Believe me - I would have been one of the first to upgrade to 4.5 on the BB 8830. right now blackberry and sprint does not support 4.5 on the 8830!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!!! IT will upgrade to other BB's to 4.5 but its not available to 8830. IF you can find evidence that blackberry and sprint supports 8830 v4.5 and point me to the download area for the BB 8830 - let me know and I'll send you a case of your favorite drink. :D:lol:
Believe me - I would have been one of the first to upgrade to 4.5 on the BB 8830. right now blackberry and sprint does not support 4.5 on the 8830!!! GRRRRRR!!!!!!! IT will upgrade to other BB's to 4.5 but its not available to 8830. IF you can find evidence that blackberry and sprint supports 8830 v4.5 and point me to the download area for the BB 8830 - let me know and I'll send you a case of your favorite drink. :D:lol:

OS For 8330 & 8830 Found Online!!! | »

My favorite drink is Diet Coke. :ty:
:eek3:You paid that Beejive and while that has ability to use AIM, Yahoo, and MSN on T mobile, as no longer SMS for AIM.
You are correct, but best choice is 30.00 bucks or somethings for transfer license from device to other device for lifetimes, isn't that super-deal?

Where is Beejive? I never get it.
visit their site: beejive
Seriously, I'm kidding. I'm here to help everyone, so no need to send me anything.


Cool dawg -- so far the upgrade is working good on my 8830 and my wife's 8830. Much better ! I noticed smoother apps switching, Added features, better font reading, 8 GB microsupport instead of 4, it has a voice recorder app. HMMM i can hears the gears turning in my head - how can i use the vioce recorder - If I am with a person and have hard time understanding what they said and no paper available, i could record the convo and then ask a hearing person to listen and interpret at a later time.:P

Seriously- If you are in the area same as me - ill get you a drink :wave:
Cool dawg -- so far the upgrade is working good on my 8830 and my wife's 8830. Much better ! I noticed smoother apps switching, Added features, better font reading, 8 GB microsupport instead of 4, it has a voice recorder app. HMMM i can hears the gears turning in my head - how can i use the vioce recorder - If I am with a person and have hard time understanding what they said and no paper available, i could record the convo and then ask a hearing person to listen and interpret at a later time.:P
Seriously- If you are in the area same as me - ill get you a drink :wave:

That is a great idea! I can't believe I didn't think about that! Thanks for the suggestion.
Hey people good new at&t are now drop to 4.5 get ready very soon people who own 8300 get ready !
OS 4.3 for me, I don't want upgrade to OS 4.5, except for official release by Verizon due high risk of camera defective.
which carrier are you on, johnsonkid? i have a t-mobile 8100 that I downloaded another carrier OS and deleted one file to work on my BB. works perfectly for me :)

you all can install another carrier OS for same device as long as you delete the vendor.xml file after installing the OS on your PC. that what I did on mine.

Just be extra sure which model your device is cause there is a few BB that are easy to confuse with each other. I have a 8100 but most peoples have either 8110 or 8120.

Good luck to whoever upgrades their devices :) just don't forget to back up your BB first!
just don't forget to back up your BB first!
May I add my comment. Don't forget go to downloading current version OS as back up, what if site is shutdown for while or remove it from site or replace new version on old version.

just got message now for att 8310 now need to update for 4.5 !!!!!

cheack and get ur a** to update