Birth Control and Teens


New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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We see many endless threads on abortions.

So what would you do to ensure your teenage daughter from getting pregnant? Or having your teen son getting someone pregnant?

By saying this, I am talking about educating children on waiting til they are married. As we know a lot of teens are sexually active regardless of what their parents say. Hence they are not all angels.

How do you feel about parents that put their daughters on birth control or condoms. Or giving your son condoms. Health dept will do it for free without parential consent.

I believe it is ok. Teaching teens to practice safe sex is NOT giving them permission. It is teaching them to protect themselves from STD and unwanted pregnancy.

I rather to know my children will practice sex safely than them doing it without protection.

It is almost impossible to stop teen sex. Statistic shows a lot of teen have sex before finishing High School.

Please discuss.
We see many endless threads on abortions.

So what would you do to ensure your teenage daughter from getting pregnant? Or having your teen son getting someone pregnant?

By saying this, I am talking about educating children on waiting til they are married. As we know a lot of teens are sexually active regardless of what their parents say. Hence they are not all angels.

How do you feel about parents that put their daughters on birth control or condoms. Or giving your son condoms. Health dept will do it for free without parential consent.

I believe it is ok. Teaching teens to practice safe sex is NOT giving them permission. It is teaching them to protect themselves from STD and unwanted pregnancy.

I rather to know my children will practice sex safely than them doing it without protection.

It is almost impossible to stop teen sex. Statistic shows a lot of teen have sex before finishing High School.

Please discuss.

I'd much rather offer it to my children and be absolutely sure that they've got the education and skills to be safe rather than assume they're getting what they need (birth control and condoms for females, condoms for males, as well as STD testing) behind my back.

I was 13 or 14 when I got birth control without my parent's knowledge. I was self-educated enough to find a clinic that would let me come in alone, would not charge me full price for the exams or for the rx, so on and so forth.

I don't think most people that age, or even a few years older, are. A few of my young cousins, compliments of them asking me anything from 'do i need EC(emergency contraception) after x unprotected sex act' to 'where can i get an abortion' are proof enough for that- especially since they are 16+ at the time.. are proof that it needs to be talked about and not assumed.

Virtually everyone in the world has sex. Why's it wrong to make children and teens aware of that and maybe save their lives?
I've been on birth control since I was 16. It was mostly due to really bad periods but at the same time I knew I was getting older and my feelings could change at any time about remaining abstinent so to be on the safe side I went on birth control which also helped with my skin, and period, and now it helps me be safe from accidently getting pregnant. My bf and I are now broken up/on a break but when we did have sex we almost always used condoms, i made him, and only once did we have an accident that we were unprotected as we had been drinking, but again i was still on the pill.
i agree with both post above. :)

Aleser thanks for reminding me of the female condom.
I believe education and teaching the new generation on preventions.
I agree with everyone else. I will need to start thinking about that soon. My mom took me to the dr to get me pills when I was 17 or 18 and I thank her for that.
I have already started this dialogue with my daughters. They dont want to hear it of course but I keep bringing it up so by the time they are ready they will remember that their Mom is open minded and want them to be safe and protected in every way so will be willing to get them on the pills or whatnot. It is not an easy subject to discuss in length with them as they are easily embarrased and shy about this topic but I want them to remember tidbits of our talks in back of their heads and that I am not a judgemental type.

Of course I talked about abstinence but thena gain I am not going to be fooling myself thinking that they wont have sex until they get married! I basically told them it is very important that they wait for that SPECIAL guy, not throw it away on some jerk. I pray that they will meet nice boys, not bad boys!
I've been on birth control since I was 16. It was mostly due to really bad periods but at the same time I knew I was getting older and my feelings could change at any time about remaining abstinent so to be on the safe side I went on birth control which also helped with my skin, and period, and now it helps me be safe from accidently getting pregnant. My bf and I are now broken up/on a break but when we did have sex we almost always used condoms, i made him, and only once did we have an accident that we were unprotected as we had been drinking, but again i was still on the pill.

I am glad to see that you are empowered and intent to protect yourself at every cost - being on the Pill does not always prevent pregnancy 100 percent of time. My sister was on the Pill yet got pregnant with twins last year! Boy she was stunned but thank god she was 24 at that time and went on to marry her sweetheart.
I've taught my son how to have sex responsibly and safely, if I tell my son not to have sex until marriage like he would listen to me? Teenagers are going to have sex, rather we don't want them to. My son also has condoms, it doesn't mean I am promoting him to have sex or it's okay to have sex, It is only to ensure safety from STDs and pregnancy if he ever comes down to having sex in the future. I rather him to be safe than sorry.
I have started the same dialogue with my daughter. She thinks it is gross now. But I rather to educate her now than to wait til it is too late. My son have a couple more years and I will do the same.
I've taught my son how to have sex responsibly and safely, if I tell my son not to have sex until marriage like he would listen to me? Teenagers are going to have sex, rather we don't want them to. My son also has condoms, it doesn't mean I am promoting him to have sex or it's okay to have sex, It is only to ensure safety from STDs and pregnancy if he ever comes down to having sex in the future. I rather him to be safe than sorry.

Right- it is important for boys to know that they have to carry around condoms and use it every single time - not expect girls to take care of it - many girls would say Im on the Pill - then the boy expect it to be okay. How do he know if the girl is following the Pill faithfully? Better to use condoms every time!
I have started the same dialogue with my daughter. She thinks it is gross now. But I rather to educate her now than to wait til it is too late. My son have a couple more years and I will do the same.

I agree! HOw old is your daughter? My girls are 12 and 13 - I started it 2 years ago - never too early - I would watch TV shows or movies with them and bring up issue casually, pointing out to specific situations, etc so they would get a lecture without knowing that they got a lecture :)
I agree! HOw old is your daughter? My girls are 12 and 13 - I started it 2 years ago - never too early - I would watch TV shows or movies with them and bring up issue casually, pointing out to specific situations, etc so they would get a lecture without knowing that they got a lecture :)

Mine is 11 now soon to be 12. She is in Jr. High. I started talking to her last year.

As she get older I will throw in more and more details of sexual ed.
Actually she learned about some of it a while back.

"good touches and bad touches" a long time ago. As well as my son.
It is also important.
Actually she learned about some of it a while back.

"good touches and bad touches" a long time ago. As well as my son.
It is also important.

I am not too crazy about Lifetime movies but I find some of them very educational for girls - such as teen pregnancies, molestations, rape, etc so that way the girls watch it with me and learn a few things.
Some people think birth control just gives their child permission to have sex.

Anyone here thinks that?
Some people think birth control just gives their child permission to have sex.
Anyone here thinks that?

Yeah, some people think that. It's either that or their kid will hide from their parents doin' sex with their significant other.
Yeah, some people think that. It's either that or their kid will hide from their parents doin' sex with their significant other.

They will sneak and hide regardless of what parents or educators say and have. S-E-X.

Do you personally think birth control gives permission to have sex?
Some people think birth control just gives their child permission to have sex.

Anyone here thinks that?

No, It is only to ensure safety from STDs and pregnancies. It's better than not having protection at all when sex comes down to it. :)
They will sneak and hide regardless of what parents or educators say and have. S-E-X.

Do you personally think birth control gives permission to have sex?

Certainly, It doesn't matter how or where they (the teens) learn it from. They will have sex, regardless. If we are the ones that tells them not to have sex or to forbid them to do it, It will only fuel the fire for their curiosity. The more it is made, the more curious they will come to it and do it anyway.

Some argue that giving the teens birth control may give a 'green' light for them to have sex but on the other hand, some argue that it is for the best of their welfare.

As for me, I don't think it is entirely based on the permission to give them the 'green' light for having sex. Here's what I think - By giving them birth control only means that we are giving them the choice by either having sex or not and also to ensure that they are aware of the risks that comes with it. We just cannot be idle and let them on the loose just because we are not the one to talk about the sexual health issues with them. Of course, it is not a comfortable issue for a teen to talk to a parent about it but in the long run, they will see it when they get a bit older.
Certainly, It doesn't matter how or where they (the teens) learn it from. They will have sex, regardless. If we are the ones that tells them not to have sex or to forbid them to do it, It will only fuel the fire for their curiosity. The more it is made, the more curious they will come to it and do it anyway.

Some argue that giving the teens birth control may give a 'green' light for them to have sex but on the other hand, some argue that it is for the best of their welfare.

As for me, I don't think it is entirely based on the permission to give them the 'green' light for having sex. Here's what I think - By giving them birth control only means that we are giving them the choice by either having sex or not and also to ensure that they are aware of the risks that comes with it. We just cannot be idle and let them on the loose just because we are not the one to talk about the sexual health issues with them. Of course, it is not a comfortable issue for a teen to talk to a parent about it but in the long run, they will see it when they get a bit older.

It is not easy to talk about sex with my children. But it has to be done. I'm very fortunate that my daughter is open and honest with me.
She askes a lot of questions and I'm surprised by what she already knows.
And she is only in 6th grade.