'Big Fat Black Lady' Angered by Gas Station Receipt

The gas stations I went to always asked which car was mine. They rarely describe me on receipts. Actually never. This is the first time I've heard this being done.

And in restaurant, they do ask our name and write it down on receipts.

I think it also may have to do with not able to spell her name.

that true!!
Maybe she should write, stupid, ignorant, rude clerk, and give the receipt back.:lol:
LOL. That'll definitely work. I wish someone would write on my receipt deaf dumb girl with a butt like _______. It won't be nothing pretty. I would have showed him where he could have put the receipt.
the color of skin is easier to remember than the color of clothes. the gas station you frequent to - can you remember the color of shirt he wore on that day when you went for refill?

as for me - all I remember is.... my gas attendant is "tall brown. Indian. thin." :lol:

The woman didn't object to the "black" reference. She objected to the "big and fat" reference. And I don't blame her.

Plus, clothes are an unreliable way to identify someone. People change their clothes frequently. I doubt that she would have come in on another day wearing exactly the same outfit.
LOL. That'll definitely work. I wish someone would write on my receipt deaf dumb girl with a butt like _______. It won't be nothing pretty. I would have showed him where he could have put the receipt.

I wouldn't like that too, in fact I did have a friend who told me "I ran into your sister and your mom. Your mom have a BIG butt"


I forgave him.

rule of thumb, find positive characteristic trait about the person, not the negative. He could just say just say curvy hip (which she have, not a big butt).
If this had happened at Walmart, the cashier would have been fired for ethics violation and/or racial profiling which is against Walmart policy.

As for the clerk, he should have gotten the license plate number as I am sure he probably noticed she was short $10 after she had paid and got into her vehicle, BUT Kudos to the clerk for at least being honest and giving her $10 back. I think this was an honest effort gone wrong.
rule of thumb, find positive characteristic trait about the person, not the negative. He could just say just say curvy hip (which she have, not a big butt).

It's only negative if you take your friend saying your mom has a big butt in that way.

This whole thing's really being blown out of proportion. While the clerk could have been more sensitive, he didn't do anything illegal or unethical and, in fact, did a nice thing by holding the $10 when he could have pocketed them or left it in the register-something that most people wouldn't.
Bramus, in our cullture the worst thing that you can say about a woman is that she's fat. The connotation is that she is a poor, slovenly pig. Even if the woman is not poor or slovenly, she is not the anorexic models that are all over the media which she should emulate. I'm not saying that the clerk knew this or intended this. I'm sure that is how the "fat black lady" interpreted it, though. When I clued my teen age son in on this, he was surprised.