Battered Pregnant Woman Denied Divorce

Dennis said:
You angry people are all missing the REASON behind the decision.

This woman has NOT proven who the father is. The state will not grant divorce UNTIL the child's paternity test is finished. Why? Because:

a) Child Support payments
b) The woman HERSELF is on welfare
c) The man she CLAIMS is the father is also in jail

There is no issue whether or not her current husband is a "batterer." The issue is of YOU CANNOT USE DIVORCE TO GET MONEY FROM THE WRONG FATHER!

In the case of her already born children, paternity is already established. In the case of the unborn child, the state has to assume that the child is the husbands -- but it allegedly is not in this case. Hey, that means this woman committed adultery, which may or may not be a crime in WA. What does that mean? The state HAS TO KNOW FOR SURE before they finalize the divorce.

So, it looks like justice was done to me, people.

It not the point , the point is the judge is taking away her right to get a divorce, its about her and her rights not about the money for child support....I think every person in this world has the right to file a divorce and no one should tell this person that they shouldn't....We have the freedom to do whatever we please as long its not against the law....

If the woman wants a divorce, she can do so by all meaning, then after the baby is born, he can always go back to court to fight for the child if he is the father....

Most divorce cases usually final within a year, a baby doesn't live in mother's womb more than 10 months....
Yes, I second that, Angel.

It has nothing do with child support.

His lover would demand the blood test to prove that he´s father as what the lady claim.

The child support is not mention but the lady WANT a divorce and start a new life with her lover.
And her lover is in jail also! :ugh: ...

I hope this woman know what she is getting herself into!...
I would go away to make fresh new life with children when I were her. I do for my children´s sake.
The judge should granted the divorce then order the DNA test after the baby is born and then order a child support for the child's father. Who ever the father is will ended up the child support payment. As you see she already have a children from her husband but once they get divorced he will have to pay for the child support of 2 maybe 3 if the child been tested and if not then he lucky to pay for child support for 2 children.
Pomeranian said:
The judge should granted the divorce then order the DNA test after the baby is born and then order a child support for the child's father. Who ever the father is will ended up the child support payment. As you see she already have a children from her husband but once they get divorced he will have to pay for the child support of 2 maybe 3 if the child been tested and if not then he lucky to pay for child support for 2 children.

:gpost: :werd: ..Exactly, Well said there Pomeranian!!! you go girl! :thumb:
There are 2-sides to every story. I wouldn't be so quick to judge these couple and just hope the best for them to stay healthy and safe!
Deaf258 said:
There are 2-sides to every story. I wouldn't be so quick to judge these couple and just hope the best for them to stay healthy and safe!

Pomeranian said:
The judge should granted the divorce then order the DNA test after the baby is born and then order a child support for the child's father. Who ever the father is will ended up the child support payment. As you see she already have a children from her husband but once they get divorced he will have to pay for the child support of 2 maybe 3 if the child been tested and if not then he lucky to pay for child support for 2 children.

It all depends on what the state law is. A friend of mine married a woman who had 2 children from a previous marriage. Within 2 years, they were divorced. My friend is required to pay child support for the 2 children even though he isn't the father.

I mention that because it could be similar to this situation. What if state law requires him to pay child support (whether he is the father or not) because they were married? That is why I believe the law in regards to divorce is in place and is being applied here.
My neighbour was a drunkard who beated his wife during the 4 months of her pregnancy and she loss her child, and nearly lost her own life too..disgusting!How can they be so pitiless?? so emotionless...stone-hearted? or ignorant? or immature=they are bastards!
spousal abuse

This is just too much of Spousal Abuse because the woman is so weak at that time of pregnancy, and the man just took ignored her state, and beat her..this world is too cruel, really, there should be practical ways to combat SPOUSAL ABUSE!!
Does divorce really protect the woman from physical attack by the ex-husband?

If the judge disapproves the divorce (temporarily), isn't the husband still in jail? Doesn't he still have a restraining order against him?

Suppose it turns out that the baby really was fathered by the husband?

Will this woman be safer with her druggie-in-jail boyfriend? Or will he just become restraining order #2?

It's a sad mess that goes beyond the judge's decision. :(
Reba said:
Does divorce really protect the woman from physical attack by the ex-husband?

If the judge disapproves the divorce (temporarily), isn't the husband still in jail? Doesn't he still have a restraining order against him?

Suppose it turns out that the baby really was fathered by the husband?

Will this woman be safer with her druggie-in-jail boyfriend? Or will he just become restraining order #2?

It's a sad mess that goes beyond the judge's decision. :(

This is true. To answer your questions, though. In most cases, divorce does *not* protect the woman. According to reports, a violent husband gets even more violent once the woman decides she's had enough and wants to end the marriage. Also, in the case of the boyfriend, it really sounds like this woman should stay out of relationships until she gets enough counseling to figure out what it is that attracts her to these violent, messed up men.
OMG!!! I totally disagree! I agreed with few other ADers (I am on my Sidekick and its a bit slow pokeie *LOL* ) anyway, she had her right to file it and be safe for herself and her baby. If I was her in shoe, ill pack up as much as I can and leave outta of there and stay with someone for a while. I feel bad for that mommy to be!
Hey, I understand the situation. The judge is wrong person to blame to. The judge job under his/her oath to comply all the law set forth by the lawmakers, like Senator, House of reps, etc. Judge can be disbarred from the bench if he or she violates any law. That is the problem that every judge faces even if they knew it does not make any sense to them. So, the best solution is not rock the judge's bench, It is the lawmaker of your own state. You can write them and tell them that you can't believe that they didn't do anything about this, nor didn't make any exception to the law(s).

The problem this judge faced as I see, if he/she grants divorce decee, that means the case, and the agreement has closed up permanently. And that it can not reopen no matter what. So, it is unwise to grant the divorce until all the loose ends plugged in. If there is clause in the law that makes the exception then that is whole different story.