bad news

Fei and the family will be in my prayers. I'm somewhat relieved that it was a seizure and not something more serious. Seizures are very frightening but I'd take one over a heart attack or a stroke any day (and the symptons you described could have been those too). If she is on that many medications, it very well could have been an interaction with 2 or more of the medicines. A lot of drugs are not meant to be mixed with other drugs..and a lot of times the doctors catch this before it happens (and many pharmacies will catch it too if you have them filled at the same place).
I will keep ya and ur grammy in my prayers.. Hope she will get well and know which medicine not to take and stay healthy. :)
UGH medication that can cause suziure smh
i hope grammy will be ok soon

your family are still in my prayer smile
wow I read your story and it scary. I have been there which is my ex boyfriend was surzie (sp) and I was so scary and yelled really HARD!!! alots and also plus I was cried alots cause I dont know what to do cause he is diabetes that his body from head to toes so sweat so call 911 and they came to check his blood and bring him to hopstial very fast and also I called my mom at the work and she on the way to see us cause of doctors talk to us which I couldnt understand so my mom come right away and use sign lanauges to us but my ex bf still dont remember at all till getting there to remember so now remember everything like my name, my mom's name and others. then later I told him what happened and he said oh wow dont remember what happnened. he went hopstial twice so now he didnt go hopstial for about 2 yrs whew!!! :) .. as I always watch after him to make sure if he is ok cause he do sometime went low. but he is doing great so far :)

I hope so your grammy get better soon :)
sorry to hear about your grandma. Glad she is okay now. At least, you were there for her and safe her life. That's a good thing!!
fei ku said:
aww thanks! :hug: before she had seizure....she have over 20 medicines to take for her healthy reason and my guess are two is maybe take too much medicines cause her like that OR two: maybe cuz of her age...cuz she is over 60's BUT there must have a reason to cause her having seizure... :dunno:

Fei Ku,

Over 20 meds??! That is nuts! Is there a reason for all that many besides helping the doctor and pharmacist pay for their Mercedes? In other words, who is benefitting here?
update some more

Sorry u guys.....the goody news is that grammy is on stable and improving now....I have been here at her apt for one week and watch her so far she is doing goody....all of those medicines are for her memory, depress, asthma, all of those stuff that why she had too many medicines but right now she is taking a few medicines maybe less 10 to take one by one slowly.....not cause anymore plm and plus goody thingy that she have some medicine that wud lift her moody up......she seems happy so far next week will be three times to visit her during daytime while parents gone to work and during night time one of them will sleep over here to watch grammy taking a turn thro.....very exhausted but still hang in there lol thanks for all of ur concern and pls keep pray for her :group hug: the reason why she have a lot of medicines was cuz she smoke almost rest of her life but lucky it hitted her head two yrs ago or so when she ended up in hospital and doc told her to quit cold turkey and she did her body withdrawn a lot so far she don't smoke for 2 or 3 yrs now.....soo still pray for her thro *smiles softly*
Thats great news! Im glad that your grandma improved. I will keep her in my prayers no matter what it is ;) :grouphug: