Aussie student in OK shot and killed "for fun"

Not always true, I didn't get the best education, took years before I actually landed a dream job. I hung with troubled kids, pot heads but I never got in trouble nor have I ever used drugs. I don't drink...never have and never will, but I kept my ass clean and straight.... Thanks to my dad who put a scare into me at a young age.
" If you ever get arrested for something you didn't do, you can call home and ill get you out. If you did something to get arrested for, Don't bother calling ! " and I believed him with my heart as he was serious as a heart attack. Since that day I abided by his rule and that was just when I started going to friends riding my bike over to their houses. These were good kids, before our group started high school and then started hanging with the "cool" kids. I stayed by my true friends, but did hang with their friends who were a bit more adventurous than us and they got in trouble, but I knew right from wrong and if I felt uncomfortable around them or things they were doing I left. So its all in the mentality of the kids, they know right from wrong and they chose the greater of 2 evils.

Well, your situation isn't always same as other teens.

In 60 years ago, the public education was excellent, the unemployment rate was low so we have less inmates and prison. The public education has went down in many larger cities, job loss in urban area and the government launched drug war program in 1970's that caused skyrocketing of inmates and more prison now.
Focus on the good people of America who help those in need.

I know but unfortunately all the horrible news get the most attention of TV.
The news media needs to stop giving the criminals so much attention. I bet the criminals loves to see how they out smarted the cops on the news. One of the punks that killed the Aussie student posted it on his face book! The SOB!
Just to add something, I put my daughter through private school (grade school) but she went to a public high school. She is a great kid. In high school she had some less than acceptable friends that were ok, but they talked to their parents like trash. One parent came to pick up her friend after a sleep over one weekend, and there was some words ( between mom and friend that stayed ) I don't recall what it was about but the friend was calling her mom names and cussing like a drunken sailor to just wow. When they left, I turned to my daughter and told her. Its ok to have friends, but she is smart enough to know right from wrong, I relayed what my dad once said to me and how I grew up, I also told her if she EVER talked to me like that I will put my boot in her ass and she wouldn't make it out the door fast enough! She swore up and down to never be like them, and she has stuck to her words to this day. It all starts with parenting, I never had to spank her but I have been very firm and protective of her raising her alone. She has become a fine young woman.
Just in todays world, the parents are not doing their job of raising their child properly and letting them run wild. Like these 3 that killed the young man...where were their parents? Ant the parents claim their kids were good kids, didn't do any wrong, yet they said they knew they were in a gang, the crips and still think they did no wrong yet had a history of run in with the law? Its beyond me.
We have way too many criminals in prisions in the United States. We need to get rid of the frosting excess of the cake.
Correct, the life...murders...ect... with no parole and worthless to society need to be executed, its a waste of money. Those of lesser crimes need to work and give back to society, get rid of prisons and open factories, since you don't have to pay a prisoner=cheap goods !
Make them labor their asses off giving back to the economy, beautify the areas...ect... work them so hard they wont want to get in trouble again, they wont want to go back. And feed them the worst tasting meals you can get. No tv, no radio, no gym, no games, a blanket and concrete floor. WHat is it with all the luxuries they get? They don't deserve to be treated like a king in prison.
I know but unfortunately all the horrible news get the most attention of TV.
The news media needs to stop giving the criminals so much attention. I bet the criminals loves to see how they out smarted the cops on the news. One of the punks that killed the Aussie student posted it on his face book! The SOB!
Those are the ones worthless of anything.
Well, your situation isn't always same as other teens.

In 60 years ago, the public education was excellent, the unemployment rate was low so we have less inmates and prison. The public education has went down in many larger cities, job loss in urban area and the government launched drug war program in 1970's that caused skyrocketing of inmates and more prison now.
It can be reversed but the government wants it this way. Its their way to control population and brainwash the people, since un-educated people are easier to manipulate into believing anything they say.
It can be reversed but the government wants it this way. Its their way to control population and brainwash the people, since un-educated people are easier to manipulate into believing anything they say.

what good is it if too many people are in prisons, bleeding government dry?

that's why "government conspiracy theories" always never makes any sense.
Just to add something, I put my daughter through private school (grade school) but she went to a public high school. She is a great kid. In high school she had some less than acceptable friends that were ok, but they talked to their parents like trash. One parent came to pick up her friend after a sleep over one weekend, and there was some words ( between mom and friend that stayed ) I don't recall what it was about but the friend was calling her mom names and cussing like a drunken sailor to just wow. When they left, I turned to my daughter and told her. Its ok to have friends, but she is smart enough to know right from wrong, I relayed what my dad once said to me and how I grew up, I also told her if she EVER talked to me like that I will put my boot in her ass and she wouldn't make it out the door fast enough! She swore up and down to never be like them, and she has stuck to her words to this day. It all starts with parenting, I never had to spank her but I have been very firm and protective of her raising her alone. She has become a fine young woman.
Just in todays world, the parents are not doing their job of raising their child properly and letting them run wild. Like these 3 that killed the young man...where were their parents? Ant the parents claim their kids were good kids, didn't do any wrong, yet they said they knew they were in a gang, the crips and still think they did no wrong yet had a history of run in with the law? Its beyond me.

Our parent is strict but my sister got arrested 3 times on misdemeanor charge with shoplifting - all was juvenile case. She didn't have good education and she was bullied badly at public school so she had to dropped out and took GED and passed it.

Have good parenting only will not help anything, you need have good education and job combined.
Correct, the life...murders...ect... with no parole and worthless to society need to be executed, its a waste of money. Those of lesser crimes need to work and give back to society, get rid of prisons and open factories, since you don't have to pay a prisoner=cheap goods !
Make them labor their asses off giving back to the economy, beautify the areas...ect... work them so hard they wont want to get in trouble again, they wont want to go back. And feed them the worst tasting meals you can get. No tv, no radio, no gym, no games, a blanket and concrete floor. WHat is it with all the luxuries they get? They don't deserve to be treated like a king in prison.

What about inmates get life imprisonment on drug charge? execute them?

In Thailand, you can sentence to death for drug case and their prison was extremely terrible - very poor sanity.

Most inmate population are related to drug conviction, so small numbers are murderers.
It can be reversed but the government wants it this way. Its their way to control population and brainwash the people, since un-educated people are easier to manipulate into believing anything they say.

That is so dead on dude. it's not conspiracy's a fact. The info is there...and all anyone has to do is look. *sigh* Ain't it a bitch.
Our parent is strict but my sister got arrested 3 times on misdemeanor charge with shoplifting - all was juvenile case. She didn't have good education and she was bullied badly at public school so she had to dropped out and took GED and passed it.

Have good parenting only will not help anything, you need have good education and job combined.

Not always true.
Don't have to have a job, what kids under the legal working age limit do? not many unless you consider household chores to be a job, earning an allowance. Only 1 kid here was of legal working age over 16 and that is very limited now since most places you have to be 18 or 19 now.
My daughters friends back at the time I mentioned above, went to the mall with my mom ( grandma) and they met up at the mall. The kids didn't want my mom ( some old lady) hanging with them so my mom went to do her shopping. Later my mom got an emergency cell call from my daughter as she was being held ( the whole group was being held) because her friend stole something. Well, my mom had them view the tape to see who it was, got my daughter released and left, the other kids were on their own for their parents to arrive. I talked to my daughter and said these are not friends you want, because they will ruin your life, because all were pointing fingers at the other, so everyone was getting blamed and I told her... You get a police record it will haunt you for life. She since then left those so called friends behind, and her new friends are wonderful ! I am proud of her for what she accomplished in life both in career and social. you talk to your kids and you set their paths in the right directions, if they veer from it, you guide them as a parent. I don't see many parents today doing this. Pull your damn pants up, what are you a male prostitute? Id drill my kid and Id staple them to his ass if I had to to make a point (sarcastic again) Really, take a belt and bust their ass, either wear it or Ill bust your ass with it. I bet those pants stay up.
What about inmates get life imprisonment on drug charge? execute them?

In Thailand, you can sentence to death for drug case and their prison was extremely terrible - very poor sanity.

Most inmate population are related to drug conviction, so small numbers are murderers.

They aren't murderers. Most of them are poor little potheads. No one is saying that anyone should execute them. But murderers are a whole different ball game. No where in the same ball park.

Countries like Thailand are pretty harsh on some things, but extraordinarily lenient on things like child prostitution, which I think is just sick. How effed up is it to think it's ok to have sex with a kid as young as 5 or 6 years old?
Not always true.
Don't have to have a job, what kids under the legal working age limit do? not many unless you consider household chores to be a job, earning an allowance. Only 1 kid here was of legal working age over 16 and that is very limited now since most places you have to be 18 or 19 now.
My daughters friends back at the time I mentioned above, went to the mall with my mom ( grandma) and they met up at the mall. The kids didn't want my mom ( some old lady) hanging with them so my mom went to do her shopping. Later my mom got an emergency cell call from my daughter as she was being held ( the whole group was being held) because her friend stole something. Well, my mom had them view the tape to see who it was, got my daughter released and left, the other kids were on their own for their parents to arrive. I talked to my daughter and said these are not friends you want, because they will ruin your life, because all were pointing fingers at the other, so everyone was getting blamed and I told her... You get a police record it will haunt you for life. She since then left those so called friends behind, and her new friends are wonderful ! I am proud of her for what she accomplished in life both in career and social. you talk to your kids and you set their paths in the right directions, if they veer from it, you guide them as a parent. I don't see many parents today doing this. Pull your damn pants up, what are you a male prostitute? Id drill my kid and Id staple them to his ass if I had to to make a point (sarcastic again) Really, take a belt and bust their ass, either wear it or Ill bust your ass with it. I bet those pants stay up.

You missed my point - I'm talking about adults - they didn't have a good education as childhood and they can't find a job, so got involved in criminal life. :ugh:

For troubled teens, they need send to camp, volunteer job or activity groups.
They aren't murderers. Most of them are poor little potheads. No one is saying that anyone should execute them. But murderers are a whole different ball game. No where in the same ball park.

Countries like Thailand are pretty harsh on some things, but extraordinarily lenient on things like child prostitution, which I think is just sick. How effed up is it to think it's ok to have sex with a kid as young as 5 or 6 years old?

I guess it is their odd culture. :ugh:
What about inmates get life imprisonment on drug charge? execute them?

In Thailand, you can sentence to death for drug case and their prison was extremely terrible - very poor sanity.

Most inmate population are related to drug conviction, so small numbers are murderers.
Like I said, lesser charges, if they didn't murder then work them to death, why sit and waste taxpayers money...add to the pot.
You missed my point - I'm talking about adults - they didn't have a good education as childhood and they can't find a job, so got involved in criminal life. :ugh:

For troubled teens, they need send to camp, volunteer job or activity groups.
Missed my point, Parenting = good adults.... starts from the bottom of the food chain.
Like I said, lesser charges, if they didn't murder then work them to death, why sit and waste taxpayers money...add to the pot.

You have deal with constitution restriction - both of federal and state about dealing with punishment and prison time.

I believe that slavery is taboo, including to prisoners as well.

What happen if victim's families don't want murderers to executed? Some of them prefer life imprisonment.