Aussie student in OK shot and killed "for fun"

Either way, county... not the state of Arizona. =P
All you have to do is google him and there's TONS of links about the budget cuts he's made. Like the food and making only 2 deliveries instead of 3, no salt and pepper... lol that one is kind of funny... but it's the little things that cost a lot over time if you add them up. =P

Well, he's scrutinized by federal court over civil rights violation.

His jail got some state money.
I think when you commit crimes, you don't deserve all that stuff that they get. A lot of people go back to jail because they're comfortable there. They get cable TV, A/C, pretty decent food, friends, and you have like zero responsibility for the most part. You become a felon you usually lose your right to vote or serve on jury duty, so why should they get all these little pluses like cable and stuff like that some hard working American's can't even afford because they're paying for these people to have it. I don't think it's right at all.
I think when you commit crimes, you don't deserve all that stuff that they get. A lot of people go back to jail because they're comfortable there. They get cable TV, A/C, pretty decent food, friends, and you have like zero responsibility for the most part. You become a felon you usually lose your right to vote or serve on jury duty, so why should they get all these little pluses like cable and stuff like that some hard working American's can't even afford because they're paying for these people to have it. I don't think it's right at all.

When prisoners transfer to state prison, it is a lot of changing and there are more violence in state prison.

I watch TV documentary about Maricopa County Jail - controlled by Joe Arpaio have high number of violence and human rights violation, before federal court got involved.
That's ridiculous... I don't understand how you could just "kill for fun." What the hell has gotten in the minds of kids these days??? Jesus... -_-

Sadly, I think it's because we have a dearth of evil little buggers being born into the world. I read about a case of an 8 year old boy in India at Crime who had been killing since he was 4. He murdered his baby sister and his baby cousin and one other neighbourhood child before it was realized who was doing the murders. Some people are just born evil.:|
Sadly, I think it's because we have a dearth of evil little buggers being born into the world. I read about a case of an 8 year old boy in India at Crime who had been killing since he was 4. He murdered his baby sister and his baby cousin and one other neighbourhood child before it was realized who was doing the murders. Some people are just born evil.:|
The bad seed. :(
People can stop argue how to punish the punks until the cow come home but it not going to do a damn good. It's up the court what happen at end of the trial. I want to know what has happen to people that they have no value for another person life and feel it's OK to go out and hunt people down in cold blood for fun! No one has said how this has to feel to the family of the young man that was killed. The emotional pain is beyond what anyone of us can understand unless we lost a love one to a senseless crime. My heart goes out the family .
Yes, the pain that poor family feels--unimaginable. :(
Yes, the pain that poor family feels--unimaginable. :(

I know , it bring tears to my eyes thinking about it. And to think that this happen in my country does not made me feel proud to be an American right now.
I know , it bring tears to my eyes thinking about it. And to think that this happen in my country does not made me feel proud to be an American right now.
Focus on the good people of America who help those in need.
No, that's not false, go to state prison is risky and dangerous.

My mother's uncle went to state prison for 20 years for gunning and fled in 1960's and he said life in prison was HELL, so he was attacked about few times weekly. You can be attacked or killed for no reason.

Trust me, you will do not want go to state prison, it is horrible.

That why I said life imprisonment is harsher because you have deal with surprise attack and possibility killing everyday (for rest of your life), also you have to follow all of guard's order.

That's no fun.
Serves them right, but they are still alive unfortunately sucking up taxpayers money.
I have been to some max. security prisons with friends/family to visit someone several times in my younger years ( crazy stupid friends I don't hang with anymore) but they were very nice inside... hell, I would want to stay there and have fun with But in reality, they were living on cloud 9 just with some run ins if they messed with the wrong people in prison. Ive had some say they really liked it there, some even commit a crime when they get out, just to go back... and that's a fact.
When prisoners transfer to state prison, it is a lot of changing and there are more violence in state prison.

I watch TV documentary about Maricopa County Jail - controlled by Joe Arpaio have high number of violence and human rights violation, before federal court got involved.
Not all prisons are the same, some are rough some are relaxed. MOST are relaxed.
Serves them right, but they are still alive unfortunately sucking up taxpayers money.
I have been to some max. security prisons with friends/family to visit someone several times in my younger years ( crazy stupid friends I don't hang with anymore) but they were very nice inside... hell, I would want to stay there and have fun with But in reality, they were living on cloud 9 just with some run ins if they messed with the wrong people in prison. Ive had some say they really liked it there, some even commit a crime when they get out, just to go back... and that's a fact.

Death penalty and appeal cost taxpayers too, they are more expensive than life imprisonment.
Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

You need look at education and job - lack of education and job = more criminals.

The recidivism rate is nearly 70% - it means 30% inmates got out of jail don't recommit crime.
In general, all states are different.

Yes, like New York - not bad but California is worst.

In my state, nearly all murderers go to maximum security prison - it is one of most dangerous prison.

The prison has different security level from work camp to supermax.
Death penalty and appeal cost taxpayers too, they are more expensive than life imprisonment.
Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

You need look at education and job - lack of education and job = more criminals.

The recidivism rate is nearly 70% - it means 30% inmates got out of jail don't recommit crime.
Not always true, I didn't get the best education, took years before I actually landed a dream job. I hung with troubled kids, pot heads but I never got in trouble nor have I ever used drugs. I don't drink...never have and never will, but I kept my ass clean and straight.... Thanks to my dad who put a scare into me at a young age.
" If you ever get arrested for something you didn't do, you can call home and ill get you out. If you did something to get arrested for, Don't bother calling ! " and I believed him with my heart as he was serious as a heart attack. Since that day I abided by his rule and that was just when I started going to friends riding my bike over to their houses. These were good kids, before our group started high school and then started hanging with the "cool" kids. I stayed by my true friends, but did hang with their friends who were a bit more adventurous than us and they got in trouble, but I knew right from wrong and if I felt uncomfortable around them or things they were doing I left. So its all in the mentality of the kids, they know right from wrong and they chose the greater of 2 evils.
We have way too many criminals in prisions in the United States. We need to get rid of the frosting excess of the cake.