Are you waiting for stem cells or something to improve hearing?

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No. Nothing flawed about the idea of using one's own stem cells to treat his/her hearing loss. This is as if you are saying it cannot be done when it comes to a very specific type of treatment for a specific location in the body.

I've pointed this out clearly with several links previously on how this type of biotechnology is making advancements. It's you who are sadly not acknowledging that this has the potential to be done when it comes to restoring hearing loss someday.

Yes, you have supplied "links", but in no way do they support what you are saying.
nope i'd rather have something that has been available for use longer i.e. hearing aids or CI if it comes to the point that hearing aids don't work....

I couldn't agree with you more Alicia. If I had to pick between accepting stem cell treatment vs. CIs, I'd pick CIs hands down.
I couldn't agree with you more Alicia. If I had to pick between accepting stem cell treatment vs. CIs, I'd pick CIs hands down.

You know what CIs are like, I don't. I will never know what CIs are like unless I get them. However stem cells is much more exciting since it will allow me to hear some sounds unaided. Not only will I keep my residual hearing, I will improve that and get more benefits from HAs and also hear something unaided.

For those who would choose CI over stem cells, that's your choice and I won't argue with this. I feel stem cells has so much more potental and is newer and better technology and it gives you the real thing. Ive never really been able to hear unaided in my life so hearing unaided(even with around 50db HL) is really exciting! :D
You know what CIs are like, I don't. I will never know what CIs are like unless I get them. However stem cells is much more exciting since it will allow me to hear some sounds unaided. Not only will I keep my residual hearing, I will improve that and get more benefits from HAs and also hear something unaided.

For those who would choose CI over stem cells, that's your choice and I won't argue with this. I feel stem cells has so much more potental and is newer and better technology and it gives you the real thing. Ive never really been able to hear unaided in my life so hearing unaided(even with around 50db HL) is really exciting! :D

I feel the same about the stem cells. I probably won't live long enough, but I do think the potential for stem cells is something that should not be discounted.
I feel stem cells has so much more potental and is newer and better technology and it gives you the real thing.

CIs may provide artificial hearing, but I'm hearing the best I ever have which is good enough for me. :cool2:

How do you know stem cell technology is better when no one has been able to take advantage of it yet?
I didnt know it was actually possible for profoundly deaf people to hear down to 20db with hearing aids.
I dont think stem cells would work that great. But only time will tell.
I am agreeing with you and I am a big believer in technology. Thanks for the links you posted. I also believe stem cells will be a major player in the next few years and within 10 years we will see treatments done to improve hearing.

Don't discuss other's quality of life, just discuss your own. I will say that I am thankful for great HA technology that has given me access to more sounds/speech. I will be thankful for great stem cell technology that will further improve on my hearing.

The truth is no one yet knows when clinical trials will begin for restoring hearing or to what extent hearing will be restored. It may be possible that a 20db restoration on hearing will be achieved in 10 years but could take 50 years for hearing to be restored to normal or even 100%. I am going to be realistic and ask for 20db improvement in my hearing. It's great if I get more than that but the first 20db matters the most as this is the point where my audiologist said I will hear perfect with HAs.

For instance, I hear at only 40-45db at 1000Hz but with a 20db improvement and with more powerful HAs down the road, im looking at hearing 10-20db at 1000Hz aided. Normal hearing is 25db or better. Of course id like more but I certainly won't be disapointed hearing better than 25db. An improvement is an improvement :D

Deafdude seems to think with better hearing aids he'll hear like a normal person. But the fact is he is profoundly deaf and doesnt seem to accept or acknowlegde that

No one hears perfectly with HAs. Even people with "normal" hearing don't hear everything.

Also is it guarateed to work.. and HOW long would it work for...

Until the time comes, we'll know. It's a matter of finding a way to "turn on" ear hair cells, the nerve, cilia and so on in order to regenerate those tissues and restore hearing loss, just like what mature birds can do. In the womb these activities were "turned on" during development and at some point gets turned off once the development is complete. It is very interesting to watch the evolving knowledge in biotechnology in the hope to treat hearing loss.
Yes, you have supplied "links", but in no way do they support what you are saying.

Er, yes, they have supported in what I've been saying. They are getting specific with stem cells biotechnology in the areas they want treated and thus are seeing potential possibilities on preferred pathways to treat hearing loss or even other conditions for treatment.

Now, are you trying to purposely miscontrue in what I've been saying here regarding adult stem cells? I have NEVER said that taking adult stem cells from, say, the liver or bone marrow or whatever, to treat a specific area, say, the cillia or hearing nerves in the ear in the hope to regenerate the damaged area. No. What I have said is the use of our own adult stem cells that are found in specific areas of our body have the ability and potential to treat a particular area in our body thus giving a literal sense that we have the ability to "heal thyself." Of course, with the help of biotechnology, that. is.

The links I provided do support in what I've been saying all along and that adult stem cells, especially our own, have the potential to treat and regenerate (or restore) certain cells to restore or improve vision, hearing loss, slow or reverse Parkinson, Alzeheimer, Leukemia, and even eradicate certain conditions that people suffer from and so on. The possibilities are astounding. In this case, the discussion revolves around stem cells and the potential to improve/restore/cure hearing loss. Just as this link support in what I've been saying all along. I've not said otherwise.
BioEdge: Stem cells may help hearing loss
Deafdude seems to think with better hearing aids he'll hear like a normal person. But the fact is he is profoundly deaf and doesnt seem to accept or acknowlegde that

I see no evidence from him suggesting that he thinks that way. Do not judge him in the manner you are trying to present him as.
I see no evidence from him suggesting that he thinks that way. Do not judge him in the manner you are trying to present him as.

You may want to look at deafdude's post history. There is plenty of evidence to support Lissa's claim.
Some may be suprised by how well they hear with hearing aids with their specific hearing loss...

got to remember each individual is different.

Shame on ya'll!!!
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