Are you waiting for stem cells or something to improve hearing?

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Why do you say that?

I say that due to different methods help out different individuals...with hearing aids and such.

Just like with you.. certain medication helps you, but may not help others..

No specific individual will be content with what every one agrees with..

All that matters, is what they agree and are content with. Not with what ever society agrees with,

Ashamed .....That people do not understand the needs and wants of what others are comfortable with.

Ashamed that they are criticized.

I remember reading those.

In the first link he talked about one specific frequency (1000 Hz) where he comes close to "normal" (his use of quotes, not mine) hearing. No evidence of him thinking that with his hearing aid he hears like a hearing person (meaning to say he hears everything like a hearing person).

The 2nd link links to a poll...nothing to do with deafdude. Just a poll. Though elsewhere in the thread there is a curiousity factor on wondering what it is like to hear normally. Though that's not the same thing as thinking one hears normally with his/her HA.

Enough of that. We're not here to discuss about a person through these arm chair analyses. Rather unbecoming.
Er, yes, they have supported in what I've been saying. They are getting specific with stem cells biotechnology in the areas they want treated and thus are seeing potential possibilities on preferred pathways to treat hearing loss or even other conditions for treatment.

Now, are you trying to purposely miscontrue in what I've been saying here regarding adult stem cells? I have NEVER said that taking adult stem cells from, say, the liver or bone marrow or whatever, to treat a specific area, say, the cillia or hearing nerves in the ear in the hope to regenerate the damaged area. No. What I have said is the use of our own adult stem cells that are found in specific areas of our body have the ability and potential to treat a particular area in our body thus giving a literal sense that we have the ability to "heal thyself." Of course, with the help of biotechnology, that. is.

The links I provided do support in what I've been saying all along and that adult stem cells, especially our own, have the potential to treat and regenerate (or restore) certain cells to restore or improve vision, hearing loss, slow or reverse Parkinson, Alzeheimer, Leukemia, and even eradicate certain conditions that people suffer from and so on. The possibilities are astounding. In this case, the discussion revolves around stem cells and the potential to improve/restore/cure hearing loss. Just as this link support in what I've been saying all along. I've not said otherwise.
BioEdge: Stem cells may help hearing loss

You do realize, don't you that the article you linked is talking about embryonic stem cells, not adult stem cells? You seem to be confused regarding the basic biology of what you are attempting to state.
I see no evidence from him suggesting that he thinks that way. Do not judge him in the manner you are trying to present him as.

Please don't end a sentence with a preposition.
I say that due to different methods help out different individuals...with hearing aids and such.

Just like with you.. certain medication helps you, but may not help others..

No specific individual will be content with what every one agrees with..

All that matters, is what they agree and are content with. Not with what ever society agrees with,

Ashamed .....That people do not understand the needs and wants of what others are comfortable with.

Ashamed that they are criticized.

You do realize, don't you that the article you linked is talking about embryonic stem cells, not adult stem cells? You seem to be confused regarding the basic biology of what you are attempting to state.

Yes but it was the wrong artlcle.

This is the correct one. I meant to include the mouse model and how it can provide a "blueprint" (note the quotes) for a human model.
Adult Stem Cells Enhance Hearing Recovery, Say Researchers

Not confused with basic biology. Hardly. Just a cut and paste problem.
Please don't end a sentence with a preposition.

Please understand, this is not your place nor the proper forum to discuss those things even though discussions here are done in an informal manner. It's readily apparent in what you're trying to do. You have been noted and warned. I do not need to say this again. :)
You were the one who asked for the links, so I provided them.

Yes, and thank you. Still, as I have pointed out, I see no evidence of DD's thinking he'd hear better with hearing aids like what a normal person's hears.
I didnt know it was actually possible for profoundly deaf people to hear down to 20db with hearing aids.

It's not possible. deafdude is mistaken if he thinks it is.

Hear Again, you don't know that for a fact. Everyone, whether unaided, or with HAs, or with CIs, hears at different levels. You should be prepared to provide links to back up your statement. I'd like to see it.
Please don't end a sentence with a preposition.

Geez, what exactly did you step on? OMG! I just ended a sentence with a preposition! OMG! OMG!

Very droll but unwarranted and, again, unnecessary in this forum. Learn not to do that next time, Jillio, by criticizing other people supposedly "bad" grammar. You of all people should already know that. :hmm:
Hear Again, you don't know that for a fact. Everyone, whether unaided, or with HAs, or with CIs, hears at different levels. You should be prepared to provide links to back up your statement. I'd like to see it.

It's ironic you should say that when you were the one who asked me in a different thread why I continued using realtime captioning and a BrailleNote despite how well I hear with CIs.

Please do not tell me what I should or shouldn't do unless you are a mod. Thank you.
I say that due to different methods help out different individuals...with hearing aids and such.

Just like with you.. certain medication helps you, but may not help others..

No specific individual will be content with what every one agrees with..

All that matters, is what they agree and are content with. Not with what ever society agrees with,

Ashamed .....That people do not understand the needs and wants of what others are comfortable with.

Ashamed that they are criticized.

You do not need to tell me something I am well aware of.

Next time, I would appreciate you sending me a PM to ask for clarification as to the meaning of my post. Thank you.
It's ironic you should say that when you were the one who asked me in a different thread why I continued using realtime captioning and a BrailleNote despite how well I hear with CIs.

Please do not tell me what I should or shouldn't do unless you are a mod. Thank you.

What I asked about in another thread has nothing to do with this thread. Stick to the subject at hand. My other post was not an accusation of any kind, I was asking out of curiousity the purpose behind using the BrailleNotes since I've never used that.

And for all that you have stated about how well you hear with your CIs, that is based on YOU and you only. You've said so yourself repeatedly. Repeatedly. Therefore, it isn't appropriate to tell deafdude or others how well others can hear without some links to back that up.

Lastly, you have asked repeatedly of others to provide links for their statements. I guess that must apply to you only, since you're telling me I can't ask you for links to back up your statements. My bad. :roll:
What I asked about in another thread has nothing to do with this thread. Stick to the subject at hand. My other post was not an accusation of any kind, I was asking out of curiousity the purpose behind using the BrailleNotes since I've never used that.

And for all that you have stated about how well you hear with your CIs, that is based on YOU and you only. You've said so yourself repeatedly. Repeatedly. Therefore, it isn't appropriate to tell deafdude or others how well others can hear without some links to back that up.

Lastly, you have asked repeatedly of others to provide links for their statements. I guess that must apply to you only, since you're telling me I can't ask you for links to back up your statements. My bad. :roll:

Whatever you say AlleyCat.
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