Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

I am tired of both Pro-life and Pro-choice groups at a big rally. I believe that we should not be involved either side. It is the best for us to leave all women alone to make their own choice. It is a big waste of time to fight each other telling them who is the right or wrong. Come on, just leave them alone and don't fight each other. They forgot to repect each other and have the right to express their own choice.

Don't worry, I got A++ from biology class since others aren't.

Of course, women has rights to choice, not other's business.
Wow, I can't believe there's lot of people have so dirty attitude agianst the animals which God gave to us. That is why I became vegetarian, I believe those animals should be honor, not take the meat from the animals and trashed "it" in the garbage. Animals IS NOT TOYS.

The only different I see between animals and humans is the brain function. All of each species that are created have very different body function than each other. There is no way for humans to act like pig, there is no way for spiders to act like dog, there is no way for birds to act like fish, etc etc etc, it's only our species that are different.

Totally agree with you! :D and thanks btw ;)

Who told you that only Atheist believe that animals are the same humans? I know there is atheist that eat meat and careless about the animals.

Think over before you speak.

Excuse me, don't forget God create the animals too. God didn't create animals for us to trashing them.


Gosh, it always make me so angry when people act like the animals are just things, I believe the human was not the first thing that ever created human in earth, I believe there is VERY small living object around the earth, then it evolution into varies of species, and there, humans became exist. I believe God make the evolution.

Those people who believe animals is just things, no soul, no feelings, no love, etc etc etc are not respecting God's creation.

Sorry I sounds so harshy on this post, but I always wish I could punch some people's face for treating their animals like shit.

Oh yeah, I am going to revenge those people who think only Atheist believe that animals are the same as humans. Here is my quote:

Those people who believe that we are not animals are just scare to make us look like ridicilious.

There's varies of christian do know that human is part of animal.

Other members like Maria and Reba aren't agree with them but define for spirit instread.
Both my guide dogs and my rescues all have spirit too. The only thing they lack is our intelligence but I don't know why high intelligence is such a big deal as human's high intelligence causes him to create things that are destroying our planet.
It's also intelligent folks working to save the planet. It's intelligent people who gave this world candles, lights, buildings, everything we know. Intelligence is essential.
It's also intelligent folks working to save the planet. It's intelligent people who gave this world candles, lights, buildings, everything we know. Intelligence is essential.

Aww thanks :) Yeah earth is very important for us, the people.
I'm strongly pro-life because of descendants and abortion survivors.

Yes, abortion can cut descendants off, no matter how many people in one descendant. Abortion can be prevented by conflict any reason and children will be lucky to be alive. I dont believe in "each child should right to be wanted" or it will makes me to think - "... to be wanted and if not wanted, destory it." It's just unlove thing. keep that mind, if we are in our mothers' wombs and we WILL have 1/3 chance to be aborted. uh-uh. NOT SO GOOD. :/ It's just own my opinion..

for my other opinion, I disagree about humans are animals because it will make me feel like we are not worthy as an animal is. BECAUSE... why many humans look down on low animals but not the humans? Look at the pasts, humans treat each other like an animal. it's annoys me.. :/ But, again, it's my own opinion.
I'm strongly pro-life because of descendants and abortion survivors.

Yes, abortion can cut descendants off, no matter how many people in one descendant. Abortion can be prevented by conflict any reason and children will be lucky to be alive. I dont believe in "each child should right to be wanted" or it will makes me to think - "... to be wanted and if not wanted, destory it." It's just unlove thing. keep that mind, if we are in our mothers' wombs and we WILL have 1/3 chance to be aborted. uh-uh. NOT SO GOOD. :/ It's just own my opinion..

for my other opinion, I disagree about humans are animals because it will make me feel like we are not worthy as an animal is. BECAUSE... why many humans look down on low animals but not the humans? Look at the pasts, humans treat each other like an animal. it's annoys me.. :/ But, again, it's my own opinion.

Animals are not worthless, I believe they do have soul. Oh and finally saw your post around here ;)
Wow, I can't believe there's lot of people have so dirty attitude agianst the animals which God gave to us. That is why I became vegetarian, I believe those animals should be honor, not take the meat from the animals and trashed "it" in the garbage. Animals IS NOT TOYS.

The only different I see between animals and humans is the brain function. All of each species that are created have very different body function than each other. There is no way for humans to act like pig, there is no way for spiders to act like dog, there is no way for birds to act like fish, etc etc etc, it's only our species that are different.

Totally agree with you! :D and thanks btw ;)

Who told you that only Atheist believe that animals are the same humans? I know there is atheist that eat meat and careless about the animals.

Think over before you speak.

Excuse me, don't forget God create the animals too. God didn't create animals for us to trashing them.


Gosh, it always make me so angry when people act like the animals are just things, I believe the human was not the first thing that ever created human in earth, I believe there is VERY small living object around the earth, then it evolution into varies of species, and there, humans became exist. I believe God make the evolution.

Those people who believe animals is just things, no soul, no feelings, no love, etc etc etc are not respecting God's creation.

Sorry I sounds so harshy on this post, but I always wish I could punch some people's face for treating their animals like shit.

Oh yeah, I am going to revenge those people who think only Atheist believe that animals are the same as humans. Here is my quote:

Those people who believe that we are not animals are just scare to make us look like ridicilious.

Yup, I'm atheist that eat ALOT of meats. :)

I love to eat fried chicken finger, seafood, ground beef and steak.

Most atheist does eat meats.
What? What are you talking about animals? Of course, we are animals because we are part of mammals!
Yep, I believe that every child is God given gift for their talents. Children are precious! And, even unborn babies, too. Life is a gift, not choice. ;)

No, it´s female and male (humans), not God who make their decision either they want to create a baby together or not. It´s people´s choice, not God.
Hahaha Yeah, right. But, they don't talk like humans do or even know how to do things with hands. Animals just eat, sleep and potty -- that's all they ever do. That's why it is different from humans.

Oh yes, animals can talk. They have their own languages like we have our own languages.

Can animals invent many things like people do ? Who invented houses, cars, computers, and all that ? Animals invented those things ? Nah. I am sure you understand what I talk about. :)

Oh yes, animals can do many things like build their own homes, hunt for the foods to feed their families, etc.
Ants make their own underground home, mole digs to find foods, chickens look for holes on grass to pick up the worms, pengiuns decide to gather all group to keep warm, bees make their own honeyhouse, bears find their own caves to sleep in, birds invent their own nest on the tree, spiders made their own web, catipellar(sp?) wrapping themselve turn into a butterfly, there is many things that animals DO invented on their own. We are just like them, we invent on our own for our needs. Animals don't need computers, cars, like you said because they already have their needs. And plus animals don't live any longer than us, humans, that's why their heart beating faster, breathing faster, sleep alot compare to us humans. We are like a very powerful organism of all in the world. We are one of the nature in the earth.

Ohhh I didn´t see your post as I quoted Maria´s post...

EXACTLY, that´s what I am trying to explain her about.
I understand your view. That's the animal's dens. Humans and animals are not the same in my view, but it may be the same in your view.

In my opinion, I believe that the reasons why we have those insects/bugs/animals are because, we are learnin' from them what they build, and many things to help a human bein' to think of somethin' idea to create for people... so, people can live better and easier. For instance : The birds fly and a man may wonder HOW the birds FLY.. tryin' to figure out how to build an airplane to fly just like birds. The planes have their wings and tail by copyin' birds. It works successfully. We are learnin' many things from animals/insects/bugs and crawling things.

I guess, someone needs to create a thread about this issue. I don't want to go off topic from what this thread is all about.

Okay, I am going to create a thread right now.
I am tired of both Pro-life and Pro-choice groups at a big rally. I believe that we should not be involved either side. It is the best for us to leave all women alone to make their own choice. It is a big waste of time to fight each other telling them who is the right or wrong. Come on, just leave them alone and don't fight each other. They forgot to repect each other and have the right to express their own choice.

*nodding agreement sadly*
Prior to attempting genocide, the dominant group always dehumanizes the object of attack. It's so much more acceptable to kill "Jew pigs" or "colored apes" than it is to slaughter men, women and children.

Aspirating fetal "tissue" is much more tidy than vacuuming out little baby parts.