Are you OUT ?


New Member
Apr 16, 2003
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I know it sound simply to another thread...

Are you full OUT ??

Are you halfway OUT ??

Are you hiding from everybody ??

I been with DreamDeaf then I am full OUT because the way we are. :D
What about you ??

I have the forum for GLBTdeaf... be yourself :)
I am still kinda in the closet.....I'm out to some college friends, but not out to anyone else....I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I happen to be sexually attracted to women.....and it's hard.....very hard.
The interesting question is that how do you produce your babies?

No cheating on any new/current medical technologies
No sperm bank
No cheating with another individual since you are committed to your partner(nice try, no threesome, too)

I heard a joke from my friend.

Old brother who is married with kids: When are you going to marry a lady?
Young sissy brother: (no response)
Old Brother: Well, mom and dad want to see your new babies...
Young Brother: you know me perfectly well...
Old Brother: All right, I don't want you to donate your sperm to any lesbo.
Young Brother: Why not?
Old Brother: Since she is a fucking selfish bitch, she would not let you to visit your baby to our family reunion....
Yeppers I am out!

:eek2: Sure i am out I am actually seeking hearing interpreter woman for partner, or hard of hearing woman.. so any out there holla at me here in TX.

I'll read your cards for you!
What would this world be like if there is no sex?

Then we wouldn't have to worry so much about sex preference.

If only God would figure out another way for us to multiply.

And we won't have beauty pagent, porn, soap opera, worry about who is attractive

And then we won't have to worry about dating, marriage, divorce, abortion, stds, rape and so on.....
I'm hiding from everyone :giggle: I don't know how to say this but i'm not fully out or half way out.. and never done it..:dunno: :wiggle:
yes, I'm out 100%. But I don't announce it.. If they ask me if I'm a lesbian, I will say 'yes'.
i m very much out for the past 14 yrs and am currently with hiblue01 the love of my life! for the past yr its been a full circle for me !
Not yet...I haven't been with woman yet. Once I do, I'll know what I wanted and decided to be out of closet or not.
I am mostly out. The tricky part is, I'm also student-teaching and I'm more of a coward than I thought I'd be. Until student-teaching started, I would have said I was 100% out. Now I've kind of adopted the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" mentality, which I'm ashamed of. But I figure, if I'm not comfortable in that setting, then it's probably safest to keep that part of me secret until AFTER graduation -- getting that diploma in my hands is almost the most important thing right now!
I am totally out and loving it. I am person where people asks me if i am a lez, i just say yes but I don't announce to the whole world that i am lez.
I am OUT with my closest friends and my husband, but my mom has not figured out I am bi and it has never been important to tell her. I mean - I used to go to support group meetings at the Gay and Lesbian Center and she drove me there (knowing what it was) but she still doesn't get it? No one else asks, and it just doesn't seem important to make an issue of it. I am still somewhat acive in GLBT issues, and I have never denied what I am. Just no need for me to be OUT.