Are you happy with your hearing aids?

Are you happy with your hearing aids?

  • Yes, I am getting maximum gains

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Yes, but I don't need maximum gains, my hearing loss is mild-moderate

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Yes, but I won't want maximum gains, I choose to hear less

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Yes, but I can't get maximum gains, too much recruitment

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • No, I am missing about 10db gain and some features

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • No, I am missing about 20db gain and some features

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • No, my hearing loss is very profound, I don't get much benefit

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • No, I never wear them for one reason or another

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
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So in other words, this is not the fault of VR. Can't lay the blame at their feet for a decision that was never made.

I never stated I wanted DVRs assistance. That was actually the recommendation of someone else. Furthermore, I never said dvr its self was to blame -- I was actually very specific in regards to why I could not receive their services.
You are correct but most offices do in office repairs if they can and I'm guessing that so maybe that's what stipulation jasin's audi office put in their contract. Even so I am sure for them to actually put in a contract that the warranty is null and void if the hearing aids are not paid then i believe that could be disputed and that statement by null and void as the one year warranty is provided my the manufacturer and any extended warranty is provided by the audi office. I think Jasin is being duped and that should have been questioned before signed but what can ya do...

Duped? How so????????? You do have to pay for hearing aids if your insurance does not cover them whether you have a contract or not.
You are correct but most offices do in office repairs if they can and I'm guessing that so maybe that's what stipulation jasin's audi office put in their contract. Even so I am sure for them to actually put in a contract that the warranty is null and void if the hearing aids are not paid then i believe that could be disputed and that statement by null and void as the one year warranty is provided my the manufacturer and any extended warranty is provided by the audi office. I think Jasin is being duped and that should have been questioned before signed but what can ya do...

Thanks for confirming. Your explanation is my take on the situation, as well.
I think he is duped also. I am sure they hold the client over a barrel and won't honor the warranty if not paid.

I wonder if there is a way he could deal with the manufacturer directly?

Sure. I used to send my son's HAs directly to the manufacturer for repair all the time. You don't have to go through the dispenser.
You don't know what you are talking about. Please stop giving me advice that is not helpful or relevant.

That wasn't advise for you. It was a question for AliciaM and Byrdie regarding warranties. And obviously I did know what I was talking about...AliciaM confirmed it.

But how would you know if any advise is helpful or relevent? You refuse to take any of it from anyone. You just complain about how the whole world is out to get you.
I never stated I wanted DVRs assistance. That was actually the recommendation of someone else. Furthermore, I never said dvr its self was to blame -- I was actually very specific in regards to why I could not receive their services.

Yeah, you have to follow their guidelines. Go figure!

But since you refuse to even look at any solutions to the problem, you are simply left with two options. Pay to have your hearing aid fixed, or walk around with a broken aid. Several people have given you suggestions that would give you other opportunities, but obviously, you are not very interested in finding a solution. Therefore, you have 2 alternatives. Neither one of those seem to be working for you very well.
My situation may be different and maybe I have paid more of my hearing aids off that you. But that's ALL I've paid and yet I can still get any repairs needed that I want or even my ha replaced if (god forbid and knock on wood) that is smashed into pieces tomorrow. It just doesn't really make sense what your audi office is doing and you don't HAVE to only go to a court of law to dispute a contract. Furthermore, like I said their could be a slip up in the words and you can benefit but obviously you do not care. We won't pity you or care any longer if you can't get your HA fixed and you don't want help. We offered and you say we are "belittling you". So much for helping someone.

AND I never said you didn't have to pay for your hearing aids whether insurance covered them or not! But you shouldn't have to pay the whole amount off just to have your effing hearing aids serviced or fixed especially when the economy blows and ppl just don't have that kind of money. If that what your audi office expects, for your hearing aids to be paid in full before anything is fixed than your warranty shouldn't start until that's paid, which isn't the case is it? If this is so, than your audi office and whomever makes decisions is a moron.
Just remember that there are individuals that like to play the "victim game" to elicit sympathies. :roll:

Alicia answered the question well. Warranties are usually set forth by the manufacturer, not by the dispenser.
Just remember that there are individuals that like to play the "victim game" to elicit sympathies. :roll:

Alicia answered the question well. Warranties are usually set forth by the manufacturer, not by the dispenser.

Thanks for the second confirmation. It is as I thought.:ty:
But since you refuse to even look at any solutions to the problem, you are simply left with two options. Pay to have your hearing aid fixed, or walk around with a broken aid. Several people have given you suggestions that would give you other opportunities, but obviously, you are not very interested in finding a solution. Therefore, you have 2 alternatives. Neither one of those seem to be working for you very well.

Because the advise given so far does not really address legality of contracts in this specific situation. Furthermore, no one who has given me any advise is a lawyer. Its not wise to take advise from a layperson when there is legal issue, such as something dealing with a contract, at hand.
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My situation may be different and maybe I have paid more of my hearing aids off that you. But that's ALL I've paid and yet I can still get any repairs needed that I want or even my ha replaced if (god forbid and knock on wood) that is smashed into pieces tomorrow. It just doesn't really make sense what your audi office is doing and you don't HAVE to only go to a court of law to dispute a contract. Furthermore, like I said their could be a slip up in the words and you can benefit but obviously you do not care. We won't pity you or care any longer if you can't get your HA fixed and you don't want help. We offered and you say we are "belittling you". So much for helping someone.

AND I never said you didn't have to pay for your hearing aids whether insurance covered them or not! But you shouldn't have to pay the whole amount off just to have your effing hearing aids serviced or fixed especially when the economy blows and ppl just don't have that kind of money. If that what your audi office expects, for your hearing aids to be paid in full before anything is fixed than your warranty shouldn't start until that's paid, which isn't the case is it? If this is so, than your audi office and whomever makes decisions is a moron.

I'm going to get a quote from some other place on fixing them. I really need to get this fixed. Sound is not equal with having only one working. Its like everything is mono and not stereo to use an analogy.
Because the advise given so far does not really address legality of contracts in this specific situation. Furthermore, no one who has given me any advise is a lawyer. Its not wise to take advise from a layperson when there is legal issue, such as something dealing with a contract, at hand.

Ummm...not quite correct. At least one member who has given you suggestions is a lawyer.

But, since you don't seem to be willing to take the suggestions of those that have dealt with situations like your own, your best course of action would be to retain a lawyer instead seeking advise or comment from members of this forum.
Good, because I don't want or need your advise. You are always conflicting with me and that's not helpful to me or anyone else on here.

Rather presumptuous of you to speak for everyone else on AD. There are many that will tell you my feedback is extremely helpful.

No, of course you don't need advise from anyone. Everything is working out just the way you want it to on your own without advise or assistance from anyone, isn't it?:hmm:
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