Anyone who is real christian?

Real Christian?

Am I real Christian or not? Last time I checked they told me I am not a real Christian. Only Jesus know me.
jazzy said:
Real Christian?

Am I real Christian or not? Last time I checked they told me I am not a real Christian. Only Jesus know me.

That's very good & true I like that ! :)
Right.. Don't let others judge you.. Only God judge you.
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Y said:
Just to clarify this: Do you mean that
"this is NOT a denomination" the same thing as
"this is NOT a religion" Right ?
Pretty much the same. Religion is the general term, and denominations are specific names. Relgion is a system of beliefs and practices. Denominations are systems of very specific beliefs and practices within that religion.

"Christianity" is called a religion.
Methodist is a denomination.
Episcopal is a denomination.
Lutheran is a denomination.
Presbyterian is a denomination.

"Jewish" is called a religion.
Orthodox is a denomination.
Reform is a denomination.
Conservative is a denomination.

"Catholic" is called a religion.
Roman Catholic is a denomination.
Eastern Orthodox is a denomination.
Greek Orthodox is a denomination.
Russian Orthodox is a denomination.

"Islam/Muslim/Moslem" is called a religion.
Shiite is a denomination.
Sunni is a denomination.
Black Muslims (Nation of Islam) is an American denomination

Each religion might not actually call their subdivisions "denominations" but that is the basic way they are organized. For example, Islamic divisions are called "branches" but it is the same basic idea.
Reba, Thank u for these great examples
which are very helpful ! :)

The way you explained about
the religion/denomination more clearly.
I would guess that mine is more like
a non-denomination.
Y said:
That's very good & true I like that ! :)
Right.. Don't let others judge you.. Only God judge you.
Thanks Y for understanding me, Jesus has been good to me and my truly a Teacher. Of course He is my judge. :) I am so glad He made a decision to come into my life one night and saved me.
Jazzy, you're welcome I'm always
learning something new especially
from this Subject...
Reba, Thank u so much I'm gonna browse them :)
jazzy said:
Real Christian?

Am I real Christian or not? Last time I checked they told me I am not a real Christian. Only Jesus know me.

I do not say you are not a real christian. what i meant is that God is interested in who you are.God looks in your heart and he knows what is in ur mind.I dont judge u.God bless u.
not_hear07 said:
I am the 1 yrs and half christian i got to Rainbow Baptist Church in Texas i already asked Jesus to be in my heart last year :angel:

wow!! you are very welcome to be part of God's family.God bless u.
jazzy said:
Real Christian?

Am I real Christian or not? Last time I checked they told me I am not a real Christian. Only Jesus know me.
Who are "they"?
:dance: I used to believe the same thing, that if you didn't harm people and was a good person inside, God knew about it and somehow, He would look the other way at all the disgusting things I did CONTINUALLY and let me into heaven. But the truth is that I was born into sin and chose to continually live my life with people with "the same equipment as me" because I thought as long as a genuinely love someone, that is all God cares about. Until I found out that what I was fighting with was not something that could be dealt with alone, I needed to make a conscious effort on my part to change my life, because I felt like I was not pleasing God in my actions. I asked Him to remove all those actions and feelings of homosexuality from me, and I am very happy to say, it did happen. NOT WITHOUT MUCH CONTINUAL EFFORT ON MY PART!, But without God I could not have done it. Of course my friends could not understand why the sudden change, why I chose not to hang out with them anymore, go to parties, drink, smoke or other things, but I had to explain that I was living my life now for Jesus because that is who is responsible for my right to life. If you have never had a near death experience, then you may have been deprived of revelation to this point, but sometimes that is what it takes to change peoples minds. The Bible is true, and if you take time to read it you will find out all you need to live life in a different way, one that is pleasing in God's sight. It won't be easy, because wether you believe it or not, the devil is very real, and knows what you like and will set it before you everytime you attempt to make a conscious effort to change your ways. Temptations will come, but God's even got you covered on that, in His word, it says there is no temtation given to man that He is not able to make a way for your escape. NONE (I'm not quoting exactly), but Im sure Reba can tell you exactly where to find it in the BIBLE. Whatever you do, don't give up trying to change if change is what you want. God is a forgiving God, and unlike people, He doesn't remember our sins once we are forgiven of them. But you must make an effort to do better day by day. And yes "The Purpose Driven Life" is an excellent, but nothing supercedes the BIBLE.
Congratulations, Sister , welcome,how long have you been in the family?
vern said:
... Temptations will come, but God's even got you covered on that, in His word, it says there is no temtation given to man that He is not able to make a way for your escape. NONE (I'm not quoting exactly), but Im sure Reba can tell you exactly where to find it in the BIBLE.

I Corinthians 10:13
"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will, with the temptation, also make the way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

It was a blessing to read your testimony. :)
I just want to share this site with you guys. Some of you might have seen this website before.

Requires Flash player to view. Whenever I feel like left out or feeling down, I would go to this website and read "Father's Love Letter." It helps remind me that he's always there for us.
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Thank You!!
I Needed That
Vern :)
God has done too much for me to keep it to myself, hopefuly I can inspire and help others :applause:
I, too, am a Christian. I have been one for 15 years now. My wife, also, is a Christian. She is one of the interpreters in our church. My family (parents, brothers, sisters-in-law) and my wife's family (parents, sisters, brother-in-law) are also Christians.

My brothers, sisters-in law, and my wife all went to Pensacola Christian College in Florida for our college degrees.

Reba, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your well-writted posts and replies.

God bless you all!
