Anyone who is real christian?


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
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Hello, I am a follower of jesus.I have been a christian for 8yrs.whoever calls on the name of the jesus christ you shall be saved and believe in Him.God loves you all.
I am the 1 yrs and half christian i got to Rainbow Baptist Church in Texas i already asked Jesus to be in my heart last year :angel:
Ummm....sure whatever. I believe in what people would call God and I think Jesus was an good Teacher, but I also don't think Jesus is the only way.
I think that as long as you love people and try to be the best you can, that you'll go to Heaven no matter if you believe , that Jesus, little blue men, Budda, or Whoever is the way. I try my best to be a good person and to spread love, happiness and all that good stuff around....and yet some people say that b/c I don't believe in their particular worldview or credo, I'm automaticly going to hell or I'm a bad person. I won't even get into the crap I've recieved from Christianity over how I'm automaticly a sinner b/c I happen to love someone with the same "equipment" as me.
deafdyke said:
Ummm....sure whatever. I believe in what people would call God and I think Jesus was an good Teacher, but I also don't think Jesus is the only way.
I think that as long as you love people and try to be the best you can, that you'll go to Heaven no matter if you believe , that Jesus, little blue men, Budda, or Whoever is the way. I try my best to be a good person and to spread love, happiness and all that good stuff around....and yet some people say that b/c I don't believe in their particular worldview or credo, I'm automaticly going to hell or I'm a bad person. I won't even get into the crap I've recieved from Christianity over how I'm automaticly a sinner b/c I happen to love someone with the same "equipment" as me.

hey you know you think is wrong but i know that good people can go to heaven but it not true,, tell you what all people who was forgiven will go to heaven if unforgiven people go to hell but dose matter cuz
deafdyke said:
Ummm....sure whatever. I believe in what people would call God and I think Jesus was an good Teacher, but I also don't think Jesus is the only way.
First, I want to say this is not criticism about you. I just want to make clear a few points.

I have been a born again Christian for more that 24 years. I am not a perfect expert, but thru many years of study and life experience I do have some points to offer.

Yes, Jesus was a good Teacher, but He was (and is) more than that. He is the Son of God. He is the Creator of the universe. He is Savior to all people who accept Him. He is co-equal God with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Himself said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) That means, Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

I think that as long as you love people and try to be the best you can, that you'll go to Heaven no matter if you believe, that Jesus, little blue men, Budda, or Whoever is the way. I try my best to be a good person and to spread love, happiness and all that good stuff around....
I believe you when you say you are a good person. I don't doubt you. The problem is, no one is good enough to go to Heaven thru their own way. Even the best person in the world can't touch Heaven without Jesus. Jesus is the bridge that lets people enter Heaven. Without that bridge, no one can touch Heaven.

and yet some people say that b/c I don't believe in their particular worldview or credo, I'm automaticly going to hell or I'm a bad person. I won't even get into the crap I've recieved from Christianity over how I'm automaticly a sinner b/c I happen to love someone with the same "equipment" as me.
Every one born is equally a sinner. It doesn't matter what your worldview is, or who you love. We are all born equally sinners. You and I are equally sinners. The only difference between you and me is that I am a forgiven sinner, but you have not yet asked Jesus to forgive you. That does not mean that I am better or that you are worse. I did not deserve Jesus' salvation. I was an awful sinner. I probably was not living as good as you live now. But it doesn't matter. Jesus forgives everyone who accepts Him. Yes, you are "automatically" a sinner. Not because you are gay, but because you were born a sinner. Same as me.

The good news is, you can also be forgiven from your sins, same as me and many, many other people. :)
"I was an awful sinner."

Details, Reba, we want details!
Beowulf said:
"I was an awful sinner."

Details, Reba, we want details!
I know you are kidding but details are not necessary nor appropriate. Let us just say that I was 28 years old when I became saved, so I had plenty of time to commit many sins.

I believe that listing sins of the past is just as prideful as listing holiness acts of the present. Also, in this day and time, something I call a sin in my life, might not seem a sin to someone, and vice versa. I think each one of us knows in our hearts what we are doing wrong and just need to admit it to ourselves and God. The rest of the world doesn't need to know our private business. The only time it is necessary to confess sins to another person is if that sin hurt the other person.
Well, I agree with Reba with most of things... except for the fact that we were all born sinners? I don't believe in that... where does that say so? We were a baby. We don't know right from wrong... we are God's children... so if you died as a baby... you go to hell? I think not. It as well start with you doing some sin and you KNOW it. Ya get it? Plus to follow this thread which was asking if you were a real christian... I would say that I am a real christian, but I don't want to go around boasting which is the real christian, which isn't. I know my ways and I don't want to get in any heated discussion as of yet. :) God bless
Oh please, this thread...
MOST "Christians" I know are hypocrites, though they do not realize it. They profess to be full of "love" and yet are the biggest supporters of Bush's war, and war in general.
Gimme a break.
sleepytaz said:
Well, I agree with Reba with most of things... except for the fact that we were all born sinners? I don't believe in that... where does that say so?

We are all born with a sin nature that was passed down to us since Adam. The sin nature was in Adam's "seed". "Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so deth passed upon all men (people), for that all have sinned." (Romans 5:12) So we have the sin nature in us, but we don't begin to commit sins until we are old enough to be aware of right and wrong.

We were a baby. We don't know right from wrong...
That's right. Babies are born with a sin nature but God does not hold them accountable (guilty) until they are old enough to understand right and wrong. That age varies for each individual. Some people are never mentally able to understand (mentally handicapped). God knows that and only judges sins against people who can know and control their behavior. Jesus' blood shed on the Cross covers their sins.

Babies (and children) who die before they are old enough to understand sin do not go to hell. Even people of the Old Testament knew that. David's son with Bathsheba became very sick. David was very upset. He prayed, he slept on the dirt, he refused to eat. After seven days, the baby died. David got up from the dirt, washed himself, changed his clothes, worshipped the Lord, then ate his food. David's reaction shocked his servants. They said, "...thou didst fast and weep for the child, while it was alive; but when the child was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread." David said, "While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." (II Samuel 13:15-23)
This means that David knew that when he (David) dies, he will go to Heaven and see his son again.

...we are God's children...
We are not God's children until we accept Jesus as Savior. "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." (John 8:44)
A person becomes a member of God's family thru the new birth. Jesus said, "Ye must be born again." (John 3:7) Then you are born into God's family and become His child.

I know my ways and I don't want to get in any heated discussion as of yet. :) God bless
No heated discussion. Just explanation. :)
*scoffs at Reba*
Your "explanation" is just personal opinion, nothing more.
Want to know what our Founding Fathers said about Christianity?

THOMAS JEFFERSON--"I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites: to support roguery and error all over the earth."
by John E. Remsberg, letter to William Short

I have more, from the other bunch who wrote the Constitution. Do you claim to know more then they??? Want to hear them?
*scoffs again*
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What Reba said was beautiful and full of truth. Jesus is the only way.

I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. :ily:
**surrenders to Reba** I guess I wasn't told enough. You got good explaination that I would reconsider. :) :hug:
I agree, Reba has LOVE in her heart.
Just because we do not see eye to eye does not mean that there is no LOVE.
Thought I'd throw a book recommendation in this thread.

"The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.

This is extremely well written book about our purpose on this earth and who exactly is God and Jesus Christ. This book has opened new chapter in my life. Highly recommended and this book can be found anywhere including Walmart. :)
Yeah, this book is one of the best books
I've ever read to understand more
about having a purpose here. Even we had
a wonderful group discussion with
all deafies gathering about that book
for about 7 weeks... Very interesting.

Everyone is a sinner I'm forgiven
does not mean that I think I'm PERFECT or better
than you or others only because I've become
a born-again Christian accepting Jesus
in my heart years ago. Seeking forgiveness
has been a wonderful Gift. I am not too worried
about what people judge/think of "Hypocrites"
only because I ought to be worry about
what did the Lord think of me, more than
what did a man think of me.
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only because I ought to be worry about
what did the Lord think of me, more than
what did a man think of me.[/QUOTE]

True. Jefferson also believed in carrying out actions as if you were watched.

i'm a christian
also being dedicated bible reader.
i'm on way to become Pastor soon

Just praise to god!
col 3.23
Beowulf said:
*scoffs at Reba*
Your "explanation" is just personal opinion, nothing more.
Want to know what our Founding Fathers said about Christianity?
I trust my eternal soul to God and His Word, the Holy Bible. I don't put my faith in man's words. If you notice, when I reply to spiritual topics, I quote the Bible, not man.

Millions of innocent men, women and children since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned.
Actually, it was the Roman Empire and other non-Christians who persecuted Christian martyrs. Today, many Christians are still cruelly persecuted all over the world, especially in Muslim and atheistic countries.

What has been the effect of this coercion?
Real born-again Christians know that no one can be "forced" to accept Jesus as Savior. Accepting Jesus is a voluntary act of the will made by an individual. Jesus knocks at the door of the heart to be let in. He doesn't use a battering ram to force His way in. He doesn't use other people to blast a way in. The door of the heart must be opened from the inside.

Yes, even Thomas Jefferson can be wrong about some things.

I have more, from the other bunch who wrote the Constitution. Do you claim to know more then they???
I don't claim to know more than the Founding Fathers but I trust the Bible because God knows more than any man.
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