Anyone tries the VOIP

I still use TTY, it's most powerful to reach anyone than stupid sidekick.

I tried sent text-message, e-mail or AIM on their sidekick. None of them have been reply. Grr... I hook my mobile phone to my portable TTY and make call to their home ground line. They answer!!! Found out that their sidekick series was either stole or die. Sadness?

In fact, it happen to me 7th time. About more than 20 sidekick series users, they don't have TTY, there is no way I could reach them during sidekick series' problem.

Low-tech is always best than high-tech, which have too many problem.
EDGE said:
I still use TTY, it's most powerful to reach anyone than stupid sidekick.

I tried sent text-message, e-mail or AIM on their sidekick. None of them have been reply. Grr... I hook my mobile phone to my portable TTY and make call to their home ground line. They answer!!! Found out that their sidekick series was either stole or die. Sadness?

In fact, it happen to me 7th time. About more than 20 sidekick series users, they don't have TTY, there is no way I could reach them during sidekick series' problem.

Low-tech is always best than high-tech, which have too many problem.

Use AIM relay thru SK2 like my friends did. They hate use build-in relay for sk2 because it have lot problem too. Just AIM relay. U would try it.
Neo said:
Everyone have computer and sk2 that all deaf I know.
You can use computer or sk2 for relay.

No need relay service for 911. Just DIAL 911 and NO NEED to TALK and JUST WAIT for few min on cell phone.

TTY is waste of ur money for phone bill and only one to one. :ugh:

Why pay $300-$600 for crap TTY? Just buy laptop for $400~

U forget about outside like accident, something wrong and where is tty?

You can't carry tty with you in everyday.

Wireless mobile is good enough!

True, unless if you bring extra batterys and a tool to fix if you know well about eletronics for portable tty. But that take little more work. :( That's what I do all the time when I bring my small tools to fix and a bottle of back up gas when I travel in the country road with my dirt bike.

Not alway true to waste the phone bill. I used vonage VOIP with no charge to call anywhere in USA and some other area that have no international rates. It'll eat the minutes from my '500 minutes' plan. But still cheap for 14.95 month plus tax ofc.

I wouldn't buy couple hundred of bucks worth of TTY. No way! Lucky I got couple of 'em for about 30 bucks each. One of them is SuperPrint Pro80 LVD. It have about the similar size of computer's keyboard.
Neo said:
OFC they can track ur cell phone once u dial 911. It's start like 5 years ago. U would know that.

I read news that stupid kid play 911 in school bus and it pulled by police after few min later. GPS know where exactly are you and can follow you whatever you go anywhere around with cell phone.

Noooooooooo I have been called 911 before and they asked me where I was and they dont track where I was. I can be anywhere with my cellphone.

Where does it says that they can track me on my cellphone if I call 911. I know they can track your call if you are criminal or under investagate. But not when I called 911 about a year ago.
Neo said:
Use AIM relay thru SK2 like my friends did. They hate use build-in relay for sk2 because it have lot problem too. Just AIM relay. U would try it.
What the? TTY cannot have incoming call from Relay Service online.
Pomeranian said:
Noooooooooo I have been called 911 before and they asked me where I was and they dont track where I was. I can be anywhere with my cellphone.

Where does it says that they can track me on my cellphone if I call 911. I know they can track your call if you are criminal or under investagate. But not when I called 911 about a year ago.

Hmm What kind cell phone you have? Older cell phone do not support GPS.
EDGE said:
What the? TTY cannot have incoming call from Relay Service online.
I am confuse what you talk about it.

I use AIM for relay to call somewhere for order pizza, hardware, car parts, etc.. and no problem so far.
Neo said:
I am confuse what you talk about it.

I use AIM for relay to call somewhere for order pizza, hardware, car parts, etc.. and no problem so far.

Neo, Edge was implying about contacting tty via SK2 to air/land tty...
Hmmmmm, I been looking for a way to save money on phone bills, etc. I do have an cell phone that is tty compatible, though I hardly use my archaic tty. I gave up using the tty, I've been using for IP Relay for now to make voice calls. I don't have an laptop yet, don't know what kind to get yet. Any tips on laptops? I do like the idea of Internet IP, there's several like Vonage, Skpe, etc. Not sure which one I like to try. Far as the 911 thing, there's talk about it, I guess eventually it will be available in time. On my cell phone I do have text messaging, if I had an GSM type phone, it's ideal to use that overseas as well.

If I get Internet VOIP, I would like to know what kind of headset to use? Like Hatis? I do have an amplifier for my cell phone, just need to know about Hatis, if it'll work for VOIP also.
Also I'm waiting for Massachsetts to have CapTel telephones available, hopefully! :fingersx: Been waiting for this close to 3 years! In the New England area, only Massachusetts and Rhode Island don't have it yet.

Right now I have telephone with amplifier, the amp will need to be increased at times. I use the Instant Messenger, as well text messaging on my Sprint phone. I was going to change my tty to get an VCO phone, this was before VOIP came along.

I am also wondering, is there an close-captioning software for computers, to pick up voice to text for chat using microphones? I'm not familar with videophones yet, still need to learn more sign language as I only know some. I am heard of hearing in left ear and deaf in right ear. Any input or helpful ideas, or technology help, please do let me know! Dovey
OFC they can track ur cell phone once u dial 911. It's start like 5 years ago. U would know that.

I read news that stupid kid play 911 in school bus and it pulled by police after few min later. GPS know where exactly are you and can follow you whatever you go anywhere around with cell phone.

Only if I register gps on my cellphone but I dont have that one just yet.
I gave up on my TTY long ago! I don't have an Sidekick, never had one. I had thought of getting one, I never got around to it. I have seen some ceel phone that have M3, M4, T3 and T4 code for them now. It stands for hearing aid compatible and t-coil compatible far as I know. I had tested some at the mobile stores, not bad at all! I am still undecided about Vonage or Skype VOIP, and Massachusetts is finally in the works getting CapTel passed. I believe it's finally coming here soon, I can't wait to get an CapTel! Someday I will invest in an video phone. :)