Anyone tried sign lagcc or sign language center in NYC?


New Member
Jun 20, 2011
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What was your personal experience there?
Don't you have to be enrolled at LaGuardia to go to the lagcc? Currently, I'm taking classes at SLC; I like them. It's a relaxed, somewhat conversational atmosphere.
Don't you have to be enrolled at LaGuardia to go to the lagcc? Currently, I'm taking classes at SLC; I like them. It's a relaxed, somewhat conversational atmosphere.

No you don't. Anybody can sign up for ASL class at LAGCC
What was your personal experience there?

both are very good. I know teachers in both schools. I'd pick one that is closer to you and/or has schedule that fits your needs.
I understand i experience lots of investiage to area is reason lots of better I knew! lots of area