anyone remembered Kristen Henson??

What I don't give a s*** about is your attitude. Who are you the deaf police? Are you the morality cop? Nobody has a right to say "Hey, put that book down. You're not Greek! Who the f** do you think you are!!" Gee....a customer? A student? A writer? People write books for any number of reasons whether it's to get rich, to educate or to entertain. Jersey Shore tries to "talk Italian" by through around a lot of racist terms and people watching the show actually think that's how Italians talk - and behave. And if that's what they think, then they're as dumb as the people on the reality show so "screw 'em."

Like or not, languages are bastardized all the time - every single language goes through this...which is why the French are actually trying to prevent new, made up, words from entering their language..and as last I read, England was trying to do the same. Take English, we have a standard language - some rap singer says something stupid and suddenly it's a word...and then it's in a dictionary a year later. Is it really English now?

It's not your job to "school your hearing peers" - be honest, you hate us, so you think you're doing someone a favor? You're narrow minded, you label people and you insult anyone that doesn't agree with you. Some favor....

If this person wants to write a book about ASL and it got published, good for her. I'm sure there's an address in that book somewhere so you can write to her and tell her what you think. And I hope she answers you in the same lovely tone you used with me and all your "hearing peers....."

So this, my part of the quote, is now equal "deaf police" and "my job"? I see... I'm not surprise that I called you out and you got so damn defensive enough.

You should realize there are some languages were historically extinct because of white people taught non-color people English as their primary language only... They would have two languages if they are allowed to learn their original language first. But, nope. For one example, some natives did want to protect their original languages, which is nothing's wrong with that. Will they be upset if their languages are going to be bastardized? Of course!

I know you don't even care if ASL is extinct; you don't give a shit if it gets corrupted or bastardized. Whatever. I get that. I called you out because you're so damn ignorant. You also said: If this person wants to write a book about ASL and it got published, good for her. I'm sure there's an address in that book somewhere so you can write to her and tell her what you think. And I hope she answers you in the same lovely tone you used with me and all your "hearing peers....."

In fact, a couple of Deaf persons did give her a feedback for correct signs on that shitty YouTube, but she deleted their civil critiques! A bit later, she ignored any Deaf person's pointed out in their comments, hence she had her massive controversial comeback from most Deaf persons. Why should we help her when she didn't want any help after the feedback they gave her?

I had watched some of her videos, and it's only about half of hers have correct signs. That really bothers me. Even another Deaf persons. I find it's interesting that I said, "You don't care [insert something]", suddenly, it's automatic way of saying "I MUST hate hearing people." Wow. Really interesting, huh. :roll:
What I don't give a s*** about is your attitude. Who are you the deaf police? Are you the morality cop? Nobody has a right to say "Hey, put that book down. You're not Greek! Who the f** do you think you are!!" Gee....a customer? A student? A writer? People write books for any number of reasons whether it's to get rich, to educate or to entertain. Jersey Shore tries to "talk Italian" by through around a lot of racist terms and people watching the show actually think that's how Italians talk - and behave. And if that's what they think, then they're as dumb as the people on the reality show so "screw 'em."

Like or not, languages are bastardized all the time - every single language goes through this...which is why the French are actually trying to prevent new, made up, words from entering their language..and as last I read, England was trying to do the same. Take English, we have a standard language - some rap singer says something stupid and suddenly it's a word...and then it's in a dictionary a year later. Is it really English now?

It's not your job to "school your hearing peers" - be honest, you hate us, so you think you're doing someone a favor? You're narrow minded, you label people and you insult anyone that doesn't agree with you. Some favor....

If this person wants to write a book about ASL and it got published, good for her. I'm sure there's an address in that book somewhere so you can write to her and tell her what you think. And I hope she answers you in the same lovely tone you used with me and all your "hearing peers....."

Many Deaf people have given her feedback on how wrong her signs were from her YouTube video by leaving comments. Guess what? She deleted ALL of them including mine. She is a money scheming whore who is whoring off of our language.
no, it is already out there, last years complaints already in blogs and shit...i dont know whereand i arent gonna bother digging...i got more important things to do...this link was floating around in i chucked it in here...

its figure of speech, well, on the other hand you can put this way its about the right estimation given that it is highly likely HALF of it isn't done right!...I'm not kidding there are heaps of hearies who thinks they know signs and they don't, I've met those kinds before, well if not regularly but time to time, and it's quite common

but don't hold it against me (about the book), but as far as I am concerned I'm speaking from experience, ASK ANY DEAFIES who's seen the book's contents I'm pretty sure they'd say otherwise

Problem is I don't think hardly any deafie read the book's contents much less bought it.
How about Keith Wann, Coda Brothers or some culturally deaf guy write a "correct" smutty SL book?
bear in mind it only just been released, give it 6 months, surely there will be more feedbacks/complaints from deafies, then you can ask them...
Many Deaf people have given her feedback on how wrong her signs were from her YouTube video by leaving comments. Guess what? She deleted ALL of them including mine. She is a money scheming whore who is whoring off of our language.

Many? I must have missed something. Well, it's really shame...
here is that you-tube about Kristen Henson

[ame=]Listen Up, Kristin (of Dirty Signs With Kristin, @thfemale) - YouTube[/ame]

and here is a transcription ...

Listen Up, Kristin (of Dirty Signs With Kristin, @thfemale)

Hi, my name is victoria, i am a culturally deaf person and use ASL as my primary language of communication. about your dirty signs videos... to begin with, i feel pretty sad about it all.

don't get me wrong, i have the best sense of humour ever. my deaf friends and i love getting creative with our signs; but trust me, the shit we come up with trumps yours infinity times. kristin, what you're doing is IGNORANT. it doesn't help deaf people at all. we get enough shit already when it comes to paternalism, audism, cultural oppression, phonocentrism, and general ignorance.

you responded to one person's comment on your "bitch, please" video: "Hi there! I noticed you've been commenting on quite a few of my videos that my ASL is wrong. As per the video description, I don't claim to be a licensed interpreter and I'm definitely still learning, but I'm always welcome to corrections. It seems like you're more interested in making general comments that I'm wrong and I shouldn't be making these videos, instead of actually helping me fix my signs, so I'm going to block you now. Sorry for the offense, and I wish you all the best!"

how patronizing, you need to check your hearing privilege. acknowledging your incredible shortcomings does not make what you're doing at all right. you don't seem to be listening to deaf people at all, so why would anyone of us want to correct your signs? you use our language--the language of an oppressed minority--as a way of perpetuating racism, sexism and audism. i am a deaf woman, do you really think i will want to carry on a conversation with a hearing person who thinks it's funny to learn signs like: "****ing you is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway" or--even more galling--"less talk, more anal."? disgusting

what the hell? even today, we are STILL fighting for the right to use our language. ANY public use of sign language is fraught with deeply political messages. when i use american sign language in public, amongst hearing people, it is an act of disobedience and resistance against "The Man". you're not doing shit to help deaf people in this regard. you're only making a joke of ASL, and reducing it to signs that befit the paternalistic view of deaf people as objects to be manipulated.

as my friend Elena commented on the dailydot article about your videos, "but language is never removed from cultural politics, especially if you go on to commodify it. quite frankly, you're doing it wrong. wrong wrong wrong. youre teetering the line of contributing to the cultural-linguistic appropriation of ASL and consequently u.s. deaf culture as a whole."

there is a difference between "cultural appropriation" and "cultural exchange." what you are doing is not cultural exchange. if it were, you'd have--amongst other things--captioned your videos to make them accessible to deaf people. also, your disclaimer says, "i am not trying to disrespect anyone in the process of making these videos, I'm simply trying to have fun with my friends and learn ASL." if it was just with your friends, why put it all on the internet if not as an attention-seeking manoevre? you are simply exploiting deaf people & deaf culture for internet popularity. and now that St. Martin's is intending to publish your smutty signs book, you are also exploiting us for financial gain. that's awful!

the best way to learn ASL, kristin, is to participate in the deaf community and make deaf friends. stop posting unfunny and offensive shit on the internet and have real conversations with deaf people. ASL is so much more than a badly executed "twat waffle" and the internet needs to know that, too.

just stop. don't be just another hearing person denying Deaf people their voice.

Disclaimer - i dont not cuss or swear, it wasnt me, so mods please do not hold me responsible for this.
I think Grummer is being generous, I'd say more than half her signs were terribly incorrect. Growing up Deaf, and signing from a young age.....and knowing BSL signers and all the likes...... I'd have to use C.C. on her crap..... and that's just pathetic. ( Being I can understand even the most intoxicated deaf signers! :laugh2: and that's a challenge! ) If a hearie wants to do anything involved with ASL pertaining to the deaf community, at least make sure it's right..... just throwing it out there. Butchering a language to that extent is just disrespectful.
yeah .. well .. anyways :roll:

So, a person decides to publish a book about swearing in French. Or, they publish a book about swearing in Swahili. The author not only publishes the swear words, but they also give phonetic cues, and entire idioms and phrases that are entirely meant to offend the person on the receiving end of the discourse.

So, you decide to purchase the book titled "How to curse in Swahili". So, the next time you are strolling through Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, or Mozambique, you can offend as many people as you want by exclaiming, in Swahili, of course, "Bovine Excrement!!!" at everything that is uttered in your general direction.

Since you have made the decision to purchase this book, after deep thought and consternation (it was on sale for $19.95 - right next to "Phrases you can use to offend the French on international forums"), you then decide to purchase a two way ticket to Rwanda. You have consciously decided that you want to walk up to the meanest, baddest, biggest Rwandan dude you encounter once there, and scream "Fornicate Your Own Posterior" (in Swahili, of course).

Your friends, your relatives, your acquaintances, your co-workers and etc. never hear from you again. It remains a mystery to this very day.

But, the real reason why you purchased this book, was because you have an irritating co-worker that you absolutely want to cuss out, in front of everybody. They are always hovering near your desk, asking nosy, pesky questions about your personal life - you may have even at one point thought they worked for the NSA. Of course, you can't tell them to go and fornicate with themselves, because they are the boss man's pet. So, you decide to purchase this book, so you can quietly mutter under your breath ... a language undetectable by the person whom you wish to offend (all the while giggling with glee at their perplexed expression).
yeah .. well .. anyways :roll:

So, a person decides to publish a book about swearing in French. Or, they publish a book about swearing in Swahili. The author not only publishes the swear words, but they also give phonetic cues, and entire idioms and phrases that are entirely meant to offend the person on the receiving end of the discourse.

So, you decide to purchase the book titled "How to curse in Swahili". So, the next time you are strolling through Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, or Mozambique, you can offend as many people as you want by exclaiming, in Swahili, of course, "Bovine Excrement!!!" at everything that is uttered in your general direction.

Since you have made the decision to purchase this book, after deep thought and consternation (it was on sale for $19.95 - right next to "Phrases you can use to offend the French on international forums"), you then decide to purchase a two way ticket to Rwanda. You have consciously decided that you want to walk up to the meanest, baddest, biggest Rwandan dude you encounter once there, and scream "Fornicate Your Own Posterior" (in Swahili, of course).

Your friends, your relatives, your acquaintances, your co-workers and etc. never hear from you again. It remains a mystery to this very day.

But, the real reason why you purchased this book, was because you have an irritating co-worker that you absolutely want to cuss out, in front of everybody. They are always hovering near your desk, asking nosy, pesky questions about your personal life - you may have even at one point thought they worked for the NSA. Of course, you can't tell them to go and fornicate with themselves, because they are the boss man's pet. So, you decide to purchase this book, so you can quietly mutter under your breath ... a language undetectable by the person whom you wish to offend.

:laugh2: I usually just tell them I don't like them and to go to hell..... Solves any unwanted deaths in Kenya. :D

I prefer the honest approach to things in life. Bosses pet or not, I'm an excellent worker and bust my arse..... Firing me would be retarded of them quite honestly, and plus..... we're in dire need of all the medical help we can get these days. :P
Super Smutty Sign Language:Amazon:Books

she's finally did the nasty I wonder if theres other blogs or articles about was news last year anyone remember this?

its dissappointing that a hearie decides to make fun of our sign and make money of crude!
I can't open that page. I get this:

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From one commenter who rated it as a 1 star:

This book is disrespectful when anyone who want to learn our natural sign language for the first time. Learning this way from this textbook how to sign and starting communicate with Deaf people is disrespectful. Best to learn ASL by interacting with Deaf people with appropriate language.



my hunch is it's probably just as bad,even if the book was written better, its purpose is not much different to Henson's book. Consider that it had 2 authors and an artist (illustrator is just a more fancy word for it to 'give it authenticity' its likely better compiled, better organised. When i read the comments carefully, it seems 'loaded' by the digital peer-review, that is what ever was set in the first 2 comments usually sets the tone for the rest of potential contributors of comments/ what I am saying is, due to the digital social media phenomena, this impacts on accuracy, also its 'novelty' sometime (and it did) fool those are supposed to be well-informed in the area of ASL/BSL issues in the academia, ... but...I just don'ten buy it..they should have been more honest, put other way...the posters (with BA in Deaf studies) may have passed the course either by fluke or wasn't taught about abuse of signs which then could highlight a problem of shitty teachers/tutors/lecturers in the first place, they need to get kicked out of university if they aren't maintaining proper standard.

Basically, I still it's just as bad as Henson's solo attempt at this, also another last point I'd better remind, it is likely that these 3 co-authors of this books, was 'lucky' not to get digitally smeared in the social media in the first social media can be useful (or indeed, a nuisance IF they were writing up an accurate book of this similar 'smut genre'.

Lastly, if you wanna get 'dirty sign books' in a hurry like it probably didn't exist, then this one is likely mildly better than Henson's crap haste job. However, when I think about it, as a Deaf person I'd prefer a book on similar but have it in the international context, like comparing slangs between different signers from different nations, and say, have Asian signs, European signs, British signs, middle eastern,eastern, Russians, and what's considered cuss signs there and not 'here' would be far more educational. More-so it would also be highly likely be a work of true academics with a truly enculturated Deaf people, this sincerer elements of researchers I have described as there, but they are too involved with a far more serious matter at I don't know when this would ever happen. It's like do we ever see a true lingustic books of hearie's slangs of high calibre? doubt it, even if there was, it wouldn't be explored to such great extent, perhaps just a chapter. I can't verify this, but as a student which I have seen so many books, - its unbelievable - there is VERY little chance of a proper discourse written on this topic,

*my meh 4 cents in consideration of inflation*
The two authors of that book. One is hearing who learned signing through dating. And the other one is oral-aural deaf and learned sign language at a later age. So, what's the difference between the two books? The "smutty signs" and the "dirty signs" books? Not much to the average reader who don't know much of anything about sign language. To them they'd find it funny and novel.
of course, this would be true, but accuracy is still a big problem, inaccuracy isn't going to help sign language awareness, more to point, it would downgrade the authenticity of sign to mere pantomime, which is undesirable, and this is a real threat of the Deaf community's efforts in sign language promotion, because it encourages the abuse of sign language to the general unknowing public.