Anyone play online games?


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
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Just wondering if anyone here plays any online games like ultima online, Diablo2, everquest? I play UO and Diablo2... so if anyone plays either of these games, maybe we could play together

I used to play UO but i sold UO account three years ago. I rarely played Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.
I played to my computer are two games the Counter-Strike and Starcrafl, but I will buy to get the Counter-Strike: Condition Zero on Nov. 2003 coming soon. :o

So, I don't like the Diablo2 for VERY hard! :madfawk:
Originally posted by DoVip
I played to my computer are two games the Counter-Strike and Starcrafl, but I will buy to get the Counter-Strike: Condition Zero on Nov. 2003 coming soon. :o

So, I don't like the Diablo2 for VERY hard! :madfawk:

If you don't like D2, then you must be suck or lack to having any fun.
Originally posted by LeviathanC
If you don't like D2, then you must be suck or lack to having any fun.

Yeah, I suck. :roll:
no NO no NO no NO no !!!!! cards game or other games are preferred! :-P
Used play Diablo, Diablo 2, and Asheron's Call. Not play anymore.

Diablo 2 is not that hard than I thought.
Originally posted by Megladon
Just wondering if anyone here plays any online games like ultima online, Diablo2, everquest? I play UO and Diablo2... so if anyone plays either of these games, maybe we could play together


I reckon this is for blokes only, hey? I do play online games, but not the sorts you have mentioned. I play games at or MSN's game site and yahoo as well. (Literai, pool) Boring I guess, for you guys, ehhehe! :o

I used to play yahoo online games before my work blocked it grrr..... I liked the mines diamond/gem game I forgot what it was called *shrugs*
I play on cuz they have the best graphics for Monopoly and Clue! is pretty good, and i like
does anybody play the diablo2 expansion pack, Lord of Destruction? my account's complex_goddess... i haven't played in a while though.... lol.
me like playing literati and pool in the games and offline i like playing pinball and card games :)