anyone has ear plm being so wet in ears.


New Member
Mar 3, 2004
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hi i experienced wet ears on /off and seem like every spring since 2000... i will go to ear specialist since my audiologist told me to go there because my hearing aids are just fine... that means my ear is so wet on my mold that cause me can't hear much noises. it might be from sinus or cold but i will go to ear specialist to check out why i get wet ears... since i took vertigo new pills last summer once and my ears finally dried but then i have it little bit back again getting wet on my hearing aids molds this week. anyone know this experience and i am happy to hear this experience. t'care everyone
i have that trouble ANY time of the year -- i dont use my hearing aid much these days *shrugs*
I experince the same thing BUT, on my right mostly, its cuz of the air thats enclosing the mold in ur ear causing wetness and moisture, thats why. thats why i wear ha during day and night time off before bed, or hrs before, and the wax build up is also cause by wetness in the ears
sweet4u618 said:
hi i experienced wet ears on /off and seem like every spring since 2000... i will go to ear specialist since my audiologist told me to go there because my hearing aids are just fine... that means my ear is so wet on my mold that cause me can't hear much noises. it might be from sinus or cold but i will go to ear specialist to check out why i get wet ears... since i took vertigo new pills last summer once and my ears finally dried but then i have it little bit back again getting wet on my hearing aids molds this week. anyone know this experience and i am happy to hear this experience. t'care everyone

Yes i have same plm -- it make our ears sealed inside from wearing hearing aids -- ofc it can be SINUS/ ALLERGY, too. I have lot of plm about that and having some wax inside, too.
When I shower, I clean my ears. I also use Q-tips to keep them clean and dry. The last time I had ear wax was when I was 6 years old.
Vampy -- yea i do that EVERY damn day cleaning my ears out after my showers

uhhh Deaf258 -- ear candles qq :confused: are u jibing with us qq cuz it sure doesnt sound like its for real!!! haha
Fly Free said:
uhhh Deaf258 -- ear candles qq :confused: are u jibing with us qq cuz it sure doesnt sound like its for real!!! haha

I may be totally off the mark here but I think that was a reference to the movie Shrek.
ahhh Saline Eyes -- mucho gracias!! i had figured hes prolly jibing with us
hi thank you for the information that i appreciate it. NEW INFORMATION... i did use q tips as i can but it don't seem work that way i think i wear hearing aids too many hours just like wearing contact lenses... otherwise have u heard about vertigo that have to do with balance while u walk (look like drunk a bit but VERTIGO that can't control your body by walking that depend on your ears with air or with muscles , tired, health etc) i guess i am okay unless pain is there to my ears then i go to ear specialist. also i will see how my sinus cold with coughing so much trying to clear up my lungs with dry throat and ear go.
From my experience, if I wear hearing aids too long and listen a lot... my ear molds will get moist. When that happens, the sounds seem to get cloggy. I give my ear molds a nice blow and they clear up. Also, if I don't clean my ears with a Q-tip after I shower or bathe... they get moist or cloggy easily when I put my hearing aids on.
Use WAX drops into your ears -- I used it when I was swimmer myself -- It helps :D
Fly Free said:
Vampy -- yea i do that EVERY damn day cleaning my ears out after my showers

uhhh Deaf258 -- ear candles qq :confused: are u jibing with us qq cuz it sure doesnt sound like its for real!!! haha
Saline Eyes said:
I may be totally off the mark here but I think that was a reference to the movie Shrek.
Fly Free said:
ahhh Saline Eyes -- mucho gracias!! i had figured hes prolly jibing with us

Nope, I am not jibin' or shittin' ya! Check it out HERE!
Interesting about the candle thing but the point looks scare. I have that problem with the moist even water or fluid came out my ear. Its gross because it looks like my ear is drooling at something?? Well I went to ear doctor about that and they think that I am allergy with mold and decide to stop wear ever since 2 years ago. Its peel and bleeding due peel off from ear. My result that I went to get cochlear implant so I can hear it. Umm I know this is not cochlear implant thread. So hope the result will come up to know what cause that way.
Saline Eyes said:
Heh, what will they think up next?

Ear candles have been around for years. The main problem is that their benefits are debatable, as they do draw out wax from the middle ear area to the surface, but leave behind a residue that may cause more problems. Regular ear cleaning by a specialist and/or home remedies such as earwax removal drops should help more than ear candles.

Q-tips have been scientifically shown to cause MORE wax than remove it -- the earwax that would normally be pushed out to the outer ear is pushed back in. That scientific evidence doesn't prevent people from feeling better "in the ear" and seeing that there is some gunk removed upon usage. I also doubt they took into account that earing aid users have molds that block the usual natural removal of wax.
Remember Shrek? He created a candle out of his ear wax, hehehe!
I don't use hearing aids anymore..cos it make most annoyed to me...geex! But i use Cochlear Implants..which one is not plm for me! Very clear for me..before when i use hearing felt uncomforable and make my ear to wet...rubbed all times!
same happened to me.. and make me itch in my right ear!! grrr! but thats LIVE!!!! :roll: